
Road to a boundless god

My name is Akihito Kisaragi. I was always what people called the nonchalant type or introverted. My life was fine as a collage student,but I suddenly died in the dumbest way possible while I was walking to a corner store. I then meant a goddess and got sent to another world. Read the whole synopsis I might do a romance, but I don’t know. I’m mainly doing this to satisfy my imagination, so any useless annoying bullshiters can just not read. I also don’t want to know if you leave so don’t even comment “I’m dropping” or anything just go. This is also my first FF so I’m just finding my style, before anything serious. I absolutely hate harem with a passion so don’t expect it. I’m just coming up with stuff as I write and watch the anime. All you LN readers might find a lot of stuff that’s messed up, but...so what. This will have concepts from different anime, movies, and other verses. My schedule is going to be messed up a bit, but I’ll post most days of the week, but the weekend is my off days I don’t own anything and I just saw the cover image on Pinterest. If you like the story then...thank you I guess. I don’t really know how to respond to those “thanks for the chapter” responses so yeah. Anyway enjoy the story or don’t.

God_Of_Hate · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Mia’s Powers Pt.2

A/N: I just wanted to clarify that this won't have polygamy, harem, or any bullshit drama. Akihito is a straight forward guy so you'll know if he likes you and if he doesn't.

Mia's friend Area was introduced, because Mia will have support other than just Akihito and she'll play some type of role later on.

But enjoy this chapter🥱


"Okay, since you can't produce evil energy naturally, we'll have to get you to sort of absorb a lot of it." I paused to think about what to do.

Doesn't the dark dimension produce its own evil energy. I think the name was Dark Force.

Dark Force: The Darkforce, formerly known as Zero Matter or Dark Matter[1], is an unstable powerful element made of pure negative energy from another dimension. This energy is linked with the equally unstable Lightforce.

"Mia, you know about comic worlds, anime, and manga worlds right?" I asked.

"Yeah, how else would I have know what world you meant when I reincarnated you?" She answered looking at me strangely.

"So you know about things like Marvel, DC, and all that right?"


"So I actually have a theory. What if the evil/negative energy you absorbed in the dark dimension was actually just Dark Force. The natural malicious of that dimension?" I suggested.

"It could be, but the energy should be cold and icy whit with some foggy black if I remember correctly."

"Well at first you was just manipulating negative energy in general. Dark force would be a specific negative energy."

"I could try it, but what'll we do if it's not dark force?"

"Negative energy is producing by negative emotions, so if I went somewhere and messed with the laws of that world so that the living organisms would produce a large mass of negative energy you could just absorb it and I don't know cultivate it or some shit."

"So you wouldn't mind doing atrocities on whole planets just to advance in power?" She asked.

"I mean, imma do what I gotta do to see my goal. Plus I find this interesting, I wonder what would happen if I took the dark dimension into my domain."

'Basically I would have hell itself under my rule.' I thought with a little laugh.

"I see. The how about I do it? After all I need to do things that go against my moral compass, so I'll do it." She said with a sigh.

I looked at her for a moment then spoke.

"You sure you gonna be okay with doing that?" I asked.

"Like you said I gotta do what I gotta do, so I might as well. Plus if we're going to be at the top we'll have to do some atrocious things later down the line."

"I don't know if it's good to "follow in my footsteps" but I like the determination. The question is where to start?" I said.

"Can't we just go to some random universe or something?" Mia suggested.

"…sure, I'm down." I opened a random portal to some random universe that I felt had some life in it and we went through.

Coming out of the other side of the portal we saw a planet similar to earth, but it looked way more healthy. It was basically a green marble rather than earths blue.


I could already sense the life there and on multiple other planets and galaxies other than the one we're in right now. I waved my hand to make it so that the laws of physics don't exist around us.

After all we can't talk in space.

"We'll start with that planet. Try to just envelope that planet in your evil energy." I told her.

Instead of making her do something directly to that planet, I just made her give the living organisms bad vibes which would get them and their mood down producing negative/evil energy. That she would then absorb or cultivate.

The purple energy started flowing from her body and to her hands then it spread out across the planet. The once green planet started turning dark green almost like a swamp.

I looked over to Mia and was actually shocked. Her skin was starting to slightly change from white to a low purple. Her eyes were also slowly changing to a light purple.


I could also feel the air around her started becoming hostile, like she was just this incarnation of negativity. I also saw her energy starting to spread out not only to nearby planets, but past this galaxy.

At this point I knew I had to stop her, because even though she's a prodigy, she might start getting influenced.

"Aye you can stop now." I said moving over to her. She turned her head to me with a smile and spoke in a seductive like tone.

"Don't stop now, we're just getting started~" She said doing fake puppy eyes.

I made a National Geographic magazine appear in my hands and rolled it up. Then I added a bit of my energy around it and hit her on top of the head with it.

"No, you're going to drive them to suicide if you don't stop." I said pointing the roll at her face. She glanced over at the planet that slowly became darker.

It wasn't just humans, but plants and animals as well that were being effected by the negative energy.

"You were the one who said I have to do what I have to do to reach my goal." She said continuing to spread her energy.

I popped her on the head again.

"Listen dummy, I said that for me. Are YOU going to be perfectly fine knowing you were the cause of billions of suicides?" I asked.

I'm always sure about the things I do and don't have any regrets. What happens happens is what I live by, the only thing I have to do is adapt.

That was when I was on the receiving end, but now that I am the cause of things I have to be sure about my choices. That's why I never have any type of guilty conscience or hesitate to do things.

I'm always sure about my decision.

But Mia isn't like that.

"Well?" I said.

I saw the color in her skin start to fade along with the light and she looked like she had went back to normal.

"That wasn't me!!" She said immediately moving back.

"No, you can't run from this type of situation. You gotta look at the planet and actually look at what YOU caused. When you do, you need to accept that that's what you did." I said holding her in place to see the planet and how she effected it.

"You gotta see the effects of not having control, but I'm not blaming you, after all this is only your second time doing this and it was on a pretty big scale." I reassured her that it wasn't completely her fault.

"Have you ever second guessed a decision in your life." She asked.

"Nope. Never in my life have I ever thought that I was doing something wrong." I said plainly.

"…" She silently sighed.

"Alright let's go." I said and opened a portal into her domain.

"Where are we going?" She asked as I usher her through the portal.

"Back to your domain." I said as we plopped on the couch.

"So do you want to end it here and continue tomorrow or keep going?" I asked.

"…Let's keep going. I want to get as strong as I can for now without getting in the way of whatever it is your doing. So what's next?" She asked.

"Well you have control over negative energy and from what I saw a lot of it, but we don't know if you have dark force energy. If you do it just adds to your arsenal." I said.

"How do we test that though?

"Hmmm." I jumped thinking about it till I remembered something important to use dark force energy.

"So we might actually have to take over the dark dimension to have access to that energy. The dark force energy is basically energy that originated from the dark dimension. To use energy from the dark dimension we need a connection to the dark dimension to supply you with that energy." I explained.

"So we have to beat him then take his dimension? But wait, isn't he himself the dimension?" She asked.

"Yup, so we can't "beat" him in the real sense, but we can make him our prisoner. Originally I planned on taking Dormammu and the dark dimension for myself to add to my domain, but he'll have more use by you." I said.

"I think I might actually have a way in beating him." Mia said. I looked up at her and nodded for her to continue.

"If Dormammu is basically a cluster of negative energy we just need to counter him with positive energy right?"


"If I'm not wrong if we do the steps I already did, but I'm reverse I should be able to manipulate good energy right?" She asked.

"Of course it's possible." I said.

Benefic Energy Manipulation: The user have control over force of good energy to their desire. The user may manipulate the force of good energy from a dimension, object or another being.

"So do I need to do something really good like with evil energy or what?" She asked.

"I mean, we were only able to get that energy because we went to the dark dimension for you to have some of the malevolent energy from there. We might have to go to some sort of light dimension if that exists." I said hunching my shoulders.

Light, light domain, light dimension. Light.

"Hmmm. I got it. How could I be so dumb to not even think of this. God I really hate myself right now." I said slapping my forehead.

"Are you okay?" Mia asked looking at me weirdly.

"Yeah, I just hate my slow moments. Anyways, I just remembered something I could do. So you know how you were able to use the malicious energy that filled the dark dimension for you malevolent energy. I make a dimension, fill it with a shit ton of my own my own malice and then I could reverse the laws and reality in that dimension.

Inverted Dimension: Allows the user to make the laws and reality of said dimension completely inverted or the complete opposite. This goes from physical laws to supernatural energies.

"So you want me to believe someone like you actually holds that type of "malice" to do that?" She asked me unbelievably.

"Of course, just because I can adapt to things and I don't care about much, that doesn't mean I don't get mad. I just get silently mad. Unless it's something that's irritating." I said.

"I'll get to it then." I said and got up. Mia got up as well and I looked back at her with a tilted head.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"I thought…"

"Nah, imma make it and when I'm done then you can come in. You can't just walk into my dimensions like that." I said and jumped into a portal. Leaving her to blankly look at where I left from.


No cap I'm tired as fuck. Basically these next few chapters will be focused on them just helping with powers and rising in ranks and moving along in TTIGRAAS outline. I'm also planning big changes. Anyways Mia finna get extremely OP and for the ones that might complain about her taking the dark dimension rather than Akihito he literally would have no use for it.

Dormammu would just be there and Akihito don't even need it. Sure it'd look cool and that was why he was going to get it, but he'll do what he has to fo to reach his goal.

You also saw a bit more of his personal side and how he acts on occasion than his usual "Meh" attitude. Anyways tell me how much you enjoyed this chapter or not. I been feeling like I'm rushing them lately.

Anyways GN🙏🏿🥱🥱