
Rivals Of Rings

Felsen, a 21 Year-old boy belonged to a middle-class family. A college boy wakes up in the morning, attends classes, and then came back. A normal middle-class boy living a normal life but... something that was not normal with him was his dreaming of a dream again and again that muddle him... He sees that he has superpowers and is a combatant in a big fight against people who are more potent than him. Being grown up in a middle-class family and living simply, it was something weird for him to dream those kinds of dreams again n again. *Who were those people with whom he was fighting? *Why did he dream of the same dream often? *Who was Felsen?!! * Was he only a normal boy or....?!!!

Sumbal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
51 Chs


"First, I roused up in the room, where it was dark, and as stood up on my feet it started brightening. Started brightening from where I stood, to all over the room. It was magical. And then, I saw a big royal bed and a davenport in a great bright space. That was supreme.

But when I trudged out of the room, those tremendous walls and those curtains obscuring those portraits, it was like I am in an exposition or something, and on the way that mirror wall and cascade, it was unbelievable like a fantasy. I am not sure which one is the best," trekking behind him, ensuing his steps, disregarding where he was taking him, Felsen was schmoozing by showing some hand gestures and unforeseen emotions, with his face downward. His voice was sounding delighted now.

"Aoo!" a voice streamed out of Felsen's mouth, as bumped into him. "Why do you stop here?" Felsen grumbled standing behind that man and looking at his back.

"Because... we have docked," that man spoke and got aside from in front of Felsen.

He took him to the top of the castle where  Felsen could see a very wonderful sight of the starry sky which contained many shades but the most prominent was the four which were purple, and after, was pink, and then, yellow, and then fresh red.

"I am not believing in my eyes," Felsen was so astounded when saw a hundred stars, shooting at the same time. It was like the rain of stars.

"I am not sure if I am alive or not," that purple sky with shooting stars were looking amazed and it was no less than bliss. The light of shooting stars and colorful sky, when appeared in Felsen's eyes, they gleam brightly like those are one of them.

"Do you like it?" it was obvious by Felsen's facial utterance, but still that man believed it right to ask.

Felsen fetched his hand in the air and took it to that man and hold his hand slightly without rolling his sight, from the sky.

"This is so much calming and amazing. It is pleasant for the eyes to see this kind of view. This is not just a view, this is a feeling. It's a blessing," lost in glimpsing at the sky, Felsen mumbled flabbergasted.

"You have some queries and you wanted to ask. Now ask, what are these?" That man crouched on the ground and said.

Felsen was nonetheless forfeited in darting at the view infront. "Come on now," said the man and grabbed Felsen's hand, and made him sit beside him.

"Let's begin by introducing ourselves to each other," said Felsen.

"Ok," the man nodded.

"Ok, so let's start with me. My name is Felsen and I..."

"And you are a college student, and there, you like a girl named Lenna, but his brother doesn't like you because...!" he interrupted.

"Enough, enough, enough..." Felsen babble.

"I know who you are, what do you do, and even I know all those things about you which you even are unaware of."

"Huh! how do you?"

"Well, not only me but everyone here knows about you."

"What! Everyone knows that I like a girl but his brother..." Felsen was astonished and was feeling kinda chagrin.

"Ahh! so nefarious!" Felsen buried his face in his hands.

"Don't worry. Only me and master know that. Everyone knows something various."

"Aaa! it means they don't know about her," Felsen revealed his face and babbled with wide eyes.

"Yes!" that man nodded.

"That is fine then," thinking about something, Felsen nodded.

"Promise me that you will not tell anyone," Felsen behaved like a kid.

Felsen's behavior made that man laugh at him, "Just look at you. You are behaving like a kid and you complained to your mother that you are now 18 plus so stop treating you like a newborn."

"You even know this," Felsen gave him a horrified funny reaction. "Are you God or something? Ok now tell me about yourself. Ok first tell me your name because it has been a long, since we met but I don't know your name."

"Really! How long? Can you tell me?"

"Yes, you first appeared that night, and then again you came when that happened with my parents," Felsen suddenly got upset.

Seeing him upset that man positioned his hand on Felsen's hand and enacted him a smile.

"My name is Brick."

"So eventually I know your name!" Felsen smacks on Brick's thigh.

"Brick!! nice name. Brick means a good guy, strong solid. Is not it?"

"Yes, it is."

"Ok now tell me more about yourself."

Felsen when oppugn more, Brick was mum.

"I am so sorry for asking," Felsen voiced in saddened when he saw him rubbing his eyes.

He gets miserable because he was feeling bad for him. "Don't cry," Felsen caressed his shoulder.

"What! I am not crying!! Something got into my eyes I was just rinsing that," said Brick.

"Oh! I thought...!" Felsen reared his brows.

"And you thought what?"

"I thought you became bleak...because you are gonna enunciate that you have no family," Felsen let out his words gradually and hesitantly.

"Well, this is true," Brick smiled at Felsen.

"Oh! it means...!!" said Felsen in a low voice like he was implying sympathy. "How could you smile like this?"

"What? Why? Is not my smile fine? Is it fine like this or like this?" Brick asked after smiling differently in so many ways.

"Aaa! no, no. I didn't mean that. I mean... your smile... is so beautiful and attractive. How are you glowing in so much pain?"

"Pain! who is in the pain? I am not. See my smile, it is so beautiful. See when I smile while showing my teeth I look more attractive," Brick smiled showing his teeth.

"Yeah!" Felsen gave weird manifestations and strived to stop his chuckle because Brick was really not looking amazing and attractive.

"Brick," Felsen squat.

"Yea!" while arranging his sleeve he replied.

"Where are we?"

"We are on the top of the castle."

"Of course I know we are on the top of the castle. But I am interrogating about the place. What is this place? What part of the earth is it."

"Let me inform you that this is not the earth," talking generally, while arranging his sleeve, Brick answered.

"Your answer gave me goosebumps. If we are not on the earth then where are we and how are we breathing here?" with wide frightened eyes, Felsen mumbled.