
Rivals of Rebirth

There is always such a person in the world, his family background is better than yours, his status is higher than yours, while you work hard and think all the way up, but with just a wave of his hand, you are wiped out. What is even more sad is that he doesn’t even know who you are. Zheng Jue met Han Jin like this but he didn’t realize this truth until he died. In the end, he had found the wrong opponent and ultimately lost his life.

supadmo_soro · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 27 Bottomline

Although Zheng Jue has been stared at by Han Jin until his scalp is tingling, he has not forgotten Lin Su who is sitting in the corner. From the corner of his eye, he has been watching Lin Su's every move. Even if Lin Su is now like an abandoned child to Wen Huaan, Zheng Jue did not dare to look down on Lin Su.

The fact that she was able to earn such benefits for herself under the hands of Wen Huaan and Han Jin in his last life shows that this woman is not simple, so Zheng Jue would never dare to underestimate such a woman.

Zheng Jue had a panoramic view of the changes in Lin Su's expression. Lin Su was a smart person, so he's afraid that she probably had noticed something. Zheng Jue pursed her lips slightly and glanced at Han Jin who still had a smug face. He suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart. With Han Jin's undisguised character, sooner or later, the matter between the two of them will be discovered, so Zheng Jue's heart has become heavier for a while.

However, Han Jin didn't see anything strange about Lin Su at all. For someone of his status, what is a person like Lin Su worth? At this moment, the only person he could see in his eyes was Zheng Jue.


The first contact with Wen Yize, except for the accident with Lin Su, everything went very smoothly. Even though there was a scene such as Han Jin being jealous and Zheng Jue finding it difficult to sit still, fortunately, Zhou Chengan was exquisite in all aspects, and he managed to capture Wen Yize.

Besides, Wen Yize is also in urgent need of an ally at this time. The status of him and his brother, Wen Yihan, in the Wen family has dropped drastically. If it weren't for the fact that they still retained a total of 25% of the shares, he's afraid that Wen Huaan would probably kick them out soon out of the Wen family.

The Wen brothers have the name of the largest shareholder of the Wen family though they were not really the largest shareholder. In fact, it was Wen Huaan himself who holds 20% of the shares, and the other shareholders in the shareholders' meeting are all Wen Huaan's confidants. Hence, the situation of the brothers in the Wen family was naturally difficult.

Now that he has a chance to climb the two mountain backers from the Zhou and Han families, Wen Yize will naturally not let it go. That's why even if Han Jin never gave him a good face from beginning to end, he still rushed to flatter them.

Zheng Jue went out with a few people. Seeing Wen Yize like this, he just found it interesting. However, he couldn't help thinking to himself, wondering whether this young master Wen knew the sinister intentions of the person in front of him. Although, even if he did, he would still be so enthusiastic.

Han Jin ignored Wen Yize's successive flattery as his whole mind was on Zheng Jue. Now that Zheng Jue looked at Wen Yize with a smile in his eyes, his face was a little ugly.

"Young Master Wen, it's getting late. Why don't you go back first? Lenny and Aaron still have something to do with me."

Han Jin's tone was very cold and hard. Even if Wen Yize's shrewdness was very deep, he couldn't help but change his face. He never experienced being scolded when growing up. Although Wen Yize wanted to win over Han Jin, he didn't really need to be Han Jin's horse boy. Seeing that Han Jin really meant it, he stopped talking and put up a smile again, "Alright. Since Young Master Han has a few things he needs to do, then I won't bother you anymore. We will meet again when there is time in the future."

Han Jin nodded casually, but his eyes were still glued to Zheng Jue.

Zheng Jue only felt a little awkward, so he wouldn't turn his face to Han Jin at this time. He just gave Wen Yize a few words with a polite attitude.

On the other hand, Zhou Chengan looked warm and hospitable, so he said a few words at first. But because Wen Yize was too shrewd, Zhou Chengan didn't maintain this for long and just warmly invited Wen Yize to his birthday party.

Hearing this, Wen Yize felt a little bit happy in his heart. Although Han Jin didn't want to see him, Zhou Chengan became very close to him, which is not bad. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Zhou Chengan's power is still great among the Zhou family in the present.

Wen Yize soon left. This time, he didn't drive in order to get close to Han Jin. For this reason, if he wanted to go back, he had to contact his assistant first.

Watching Wen Yize walking away, Han Jin turned to look at Zheng Jue. When he saw that his face was indifferent, he breathed a sigh of relief and said in a low voice, "This Wen Yize is not reliable. I'm afraid he won't be a good partner."

Zheng Jue slightly curled up the corners of his mouth, "He just wanted to test me, so Young Master Han doesn't have to be serious with him."

In fact, Han Jin didn't necessarily dislike Wen Yize in his heart but was more afraid that Zheng Jue would be annoyed, so he quickly stated his position. Now that he heard Zheng Jue's words, there was a bit of a smile on his face, "Although that's the case, what he did is indeed still a bit excessive. Let him hang for a few days so that he can wake up his mind."

Although Han Jin didn't hate Wen Yize, he hated Lin Su very much. This person once had Zheng Jue's love, but in the end, she betrayed him. What he could not get by his own thoughts and efforts, she lost it so easily. Such a woman, there's no way that Han Jin wouldn't hate her.

Wen Yize took Lin Su to display in front of Zheng Jue's eyes. Although he knew in his heart that Zheng Jue would never forgive her, he could not help but feel anxious about the gains and losses. According to Han Jin's mentality, if he felt uncomfortable, others should naturally also not feel better.

Zhou Chengan knew Han Jin very well, so he wasn't surprised to hear him say this and just smiled. Zheng Jue frowned slightly and had no objection. This Young Master Wen Yize really owed some lessons.


Zheng Jue took Han Jin and Zhou Chengan back to his small villa by the sea. It was so late that Han Jin directly let Wen Yize get out, however, he couldn't do this to Han Jin and Zhou Chengan.

Han Jin's eyes widened with a hint of a smile, while Zhou Chengan raised his eyebrows and stood aside just watching the jokes. Zheng Jue resisted the bizarre gazes of the two and arranged their accommodation without changing his expression. Han Jin and Zhou Chengan would both live upstairs, while Zheng Jue would be downstairs.

After listening to Zheng Jue's arrangement, Han Jin touched his chin in disappointment and gave Zheng Jue a meaningful look, which made Zheng Jue's hair stand up.

When Zhou Chengan saw this at a glance, he took a step and left, leaving Zheng Jue to face Han Jin alone.

Even if Zheng Jue scolded Zhou Chengan in his heart, his current predicament has not improved in the slightest.

Zheng Jue endured Han Jin's aggressive gaze and said with a dry laugh, "Young Master Han, it's getting late. You should hurry up and rest."

Zheng Jue's small villa is a single-family villa with a garden. The structure is very beautiful, and the interior design is also very gentle and appropriate. It does not appear to be empty like a normal villa but has a bit of warmth. Therefore, when the two of them stood in the living room like this, it also brought out a somewhat strange emotion.

Han Jin's originally slightly sharp brows had softened at this time. He raised his head a bit to look at Zheng Jue and said softly, "Aaron, won't you send me up?"

Zheng Jue was a little restless for some reason in his heart, so the corners of his mouth twitched, "I thought Young Master Han knew the way."

Han Jin looked straight at Zheng Jue without turning his eyes or speaking.

Zheng Jue felt a little uneasy for a while and didn't dare to look at Han Jin's stubborn and firm eyes, so he could only cough a few times to hide his expression, "If there is nothing wrong with Young Master Han, I will go to rest first."

After speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave, but he didn't expect to be pulled by Han Jin's on his sleeve, "Aaron, last time you said you wanted to give me a chance, does it still count?"

Zheng Jue muttered in his heart, when did he say that he wanted to give him a chance? He's afraid that this is probably something Han Jin made up in his mind again.

However, for some reason, looking at Han Jin's pair of black and white eyes, Zheng Jue couldn't say a word, as if the mute button in him had been pressed, making the whole person stunned.

Seeing that Zheng Jue didn't refute him, Han Jin's eyes instantly flashed with ecstasy. He pulled Zheng Jue's sleeve with some excitement and embraced him in his arms. This made Zheng Jue taken aback and was about to break free, but he didn't expect that Han Jin, who looked thin, was actually very strong. Because of this, Zheng Jue couldn't break free for a while and slammed into Han Jin's chest with a bang.

Zheng Jue is not a paper-mache person either. With such a collision, Han Jin couldn't help but also take a step back. Zheng Jue raised his head and wanted to scold him, but he didn't expect to hit his chin again. However, even though Han Jin took a deep breath and hissed in pain, his hands didn't relax at all.

Zheng Jue was a little annoyed. Taking advantage of Han Jin's attention on pulling him, he pushed Han Jin's arm against the wall next to him and locked Han Jin's shoulder with his arm.

Han Jin was startled at first but then calmed down. Without struggling, he leaned against the wall with a relaxed expression with the corners of his mouth slightly curled up. He looked at Zheng Jue with a smile that was not a smile, and his eyes narrowed slightly like a lazy big cat with a trace of charm between his eyebrows.

When Zheng Jue saw him like this, his originally angry head calmed down instantly. What the hell was he doing? He knew what kind of temperament Han Jin was, but he didn't expect that he would be forced by Han Jin to break his power so easily.

Zheng Jue slowly released the arm that locked Han Jin's shoulder, took a deep breath, and suppressed all the complexities in his heart before he whispered, "What do you want to do?" His voice was slightly hoarse.

Zheng Jue let go of his arm, but Han Jin was still firmly holding onto Zheng Jue's wrist. He looked at Zheng Jue's side face with some fascination. However, even if he wanted to touch it, Zheng Jue turned to his side and avoided him.

Han Jin stared blankly at his empty hand in a daze and suddenly chuckled, "Mr. Zheng, this is the third time you've asked me this sentence, but in fact, every time you ask, you already know my answer in your heart. Mr. Zheng is a smart person. If you already know it, why ask more?"

Zheng Jue could not help frowning when he heard his somewhat unfamiliar address, "Young Master Han, I only regard you as a friend. As for other things, I really can't make promises."

Han Jin lowered his head slightly, looking at the hands that he was holding in his hands. His muscles were clearly slender and fair, and there was a thin layer of calluses on his fingertips, which are all different from the hands that he used to hold. This person is not the type of person he usually likes, but for some reason, he seems to be possessed by a demon and has never recovered from it since then.



1. Horse boy refers to being a dog's leg or follower of a gangster.