
Rivals of Rebirth

There is always such a person in the world, his family background is better than yours, his status is higher than yours, while you work hard and think all the way up, but with just a wave of his hand, you are wiped out. What is even more sad is that he doesn’t even know who you are. Zheng Jue met Han Jin like this but he didn’t realize this truth until he died. In the end, he had found the wrong opponent and ultimately lost his life.

supadmo_soro · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 26 Temptation

Lin Su noticed Zheng Jue's malicious eyes and quickly lowered her head, not daring to say more. On the contrary, Wen Yize smiled softly, "I forgot. Mr. Zheng and Ms. Lin still had some ties before. It's my fault today."

Zheng Jue glanced at Wen Yize without a smile. He believed that with Wen Yize's shrewdness, it's impossible that he would not know about Lin Su's entanglement with him. Today, Wen Yize brought Lin Su over. She was probably here to seduce him.

While Zheng Jue didn't say a word, Han Jin had already lost a good face towards Wen Yize and snorted coldly, "Since Young Master Wen knows it's wrong, you are quite big-hearted to bring Ms. Lin here."

When Wen Yize heard this, the original smile on his face couldn't be maintained anymore. He had the ability to Zheng Jue perfunctorily, but he didn't dare fight against Han Jin and could only force a smile on his face. When Zheng Jue saw that, he didn't try to help him smooth things over. Since Wen Yize wanted to test him, he couldn't possibly let himself be slapped in the face like a Virgin Mary.

Several people also saw this embarrassing scene. Zhou Chengan, who originally ran to park the car, finally came back. As soon as he arrived, he found that the atmosphere in the room was not right.

However, in the end, he was a deeply thoughtful person, so he didn't ask much. He just smiled and said, "What are you doing standing here? Are you waiting for me?"

Wen Yize was sweating in a hurry. He knew that the relationship of Zheng Jue and Han Jin was already good before, but he never expected that the relationship between them would be so good. Thinking about it this way, this could explain Han Jin's black face when he saw him earlier.

Wen Yize's bowels were all turning green in regret, so Zhou Chengan's words were like a life-saving straw for him. As soon as he heard them, he immediately hit the snake with a stick, "Young Master Zhou is finally here."

Zhou Chengan glanced at Zheng Jue lightly. Seeing that his expression was cold, and he didn't speak, he knew that Wen Yize might probably already offended Zheng Jue. In this current situation, it should be fine to say that he had already also offended Han Jin. Since Han Jin is rather sharp-hearted, he won't probably be so easy to fool.

"Okay, let's go in. Vi, haven't you always wanted to meet the new bartender here? Let's go."

Wen Yize brought Lin Su over today, and Zhou Chengan knew it was a bad chess move. Despite that, some things, from Zhou Chengan's standpoint, once couldn't be too picky. He just hoped that Zheng Jue could see the big picture and held back his breath for the time being.

After Zhou Chengan said these words, Han Jin raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at Zheng Jue. Meanwhile, Zheng Jue didn't say much as he turned around and went into the bar. Han Jin also followed him in. Wen Yize breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, his judgment of Zheng Jue in his heart finally reached an extremely dangerous level. classifying him into a category of people who couldn't be provoked with.

A few people entered the bar together. Although Zheng Jue knew that this time he wanted to have a good relationship with Wen Yize, Wen Yize's actions really couldn't make him feel good about him, so Zheng Jue didn't embarrass himself and entered. As soon as he entered the room, he sat alone on the other side and didn't talk to Wen Yize.

Wen Yize was a little dissatisfied when he saw Zheng Jue's appearance. After all, he was used to being admired by others. Because Zheng Jue was a newcomer with no foundation, he really didn't take it seriously and just observed Han Jin's covetous appearance. No matter how angry he was in his heart, he could only suppress it. After all, within the boundary of Hong Kong, Han Jin absolutely should never be offended.

The three of them frowned with tangled eyebrows, while Zhou Chengan was calm as if nothing had happened. He still greeted Wen Yize with a very polite smile. However, his attitude towards Zheng Jue remained very natural.

Wen Yize is not a fool either. Looking at it like this, he naturally realized that Zheng Jue is also probably Zhou Chengan's own person. This trick was really badly used today. Unexpectedly, Zheng Jue, who is a newcomer in the Hong Kong market, would have such a good relationship with these two young masters.

In the end, Zhou Chengan is a businessman. Since he has made his attitude clear to Wen Yize, it is not good for him to really break up ties with him. Seeing that none of them pays him any attention, he hurriedly spoke to him.

"Young Master Wen, I heard that you are very familiar with this area. Since we are fortunate to meet today, do you want to give us some pointers?" Zhou Chengan smiled gently, but the meaning in his eyes was meaningful.

Who is Wen Yize? He was also a character who is used to mixing in sensual places, so he immediately understood what Zhou Chengan hinted at. When he realized that Zhou Chengan was helping him, he smiled very gratefully and said, "Since Young Master Zhou said so, then I will also humbly give an offer. If there is anything that offends you, I can only ask for forgiveness."

Although he said this to Zhou Chengan, his eyes were on Zheng Jue, and his intention to apologize was self-evident.

Zheng Jue's eyes moved slightly, but his mind

changed rapidly. This Young Master Wen had a sharp wit. Zhou Chengan just said a word, and he knew where he would climb up the pole.

In spite of the fact that this matter today hurt his face a bit, it is really not a big deal. Since Wen Yize has already shown his favor, he is not a small-bellied person. His previous attitude was just a matter of fighting for his position. Otherwise, Young Master Wen really pinched him like a soft persimmon.

Thinking of this, Zheng Jue also had a slight smile on his face, "Young Master Wen is polite. Although I am new to Hong Kong, I have heard of Young Master Wen's name. You just need to decide."

This is probably the case in the business world. When someone puts up a ladder, you just go down the ladder. Once can't stop getting along in this circle just because of his anger.

Wen Yize was relieved when he heard Zheng Jue's words. Fortunately, this Mr. Zheng was a person with a belly, or else, this matter would not end well.

Wen Yize smiled and chatted with Zheng Jue again, but the corner of his eyes kept observing Han Jin's face. Seeing that Han Jin's face looked better than before, he cautiously approached Han Jin, "Young Master Han, what are your taboos?"

Han Jin frowned slightly and glanced at Zheng Jue who had a calm expression, then answered coldly, "You can figure it out."

Han Jin said this very rudely, but Wen Yize heard it like an imperial edict. His originally nervous face was instantly filled with a smile, and he hurriedly responded.

Zheng Jue sat on the side and watched them with a smile on the corner of his lips. However, his mind was very complicated, and there was a slight bitterness in his mouth. Every time he felt good about himself, the world would always give him a head-on blow, letting him clearly understand what his status was.

The distance between him and Han Jin is still far away.


Wen Yize did everything thoroughly. He asked the manager of the bar to come over and give him a series of orders, then asked Zhou Chengan's opinion. In just ten minutes, the matter was settled.

Zheng Jue sat next to him while listening and found it interesting. Although this place is just a bar, it is different from ordinary bars. Moreover, its privacy is very strong as it has always been a membership system. The people who came here are either a son of an aristocratic family like Han Jin or an upstart businessman like Zheng Jue. Anyway, if one didn't have power, they wouldn't even know where the door opens.

It was Zheng Jue himself, who was also introduced by Zhou Chengan at the beginning of the year, so he was qualified to enter here. It's just that Zheng Jue himself was busy so he hadn't been here for a few times. Looking at Wen Yize's posture now, he must be a veteran of all kinds. He probably often goes to this place on weekdays.

After Wen Yize made some arrangements, he smiled and talked to Han Jin and Zhou Chengan. Zheng Jue sat on the side and chatted with him from time to time. If he ignored Lin Su, who was in an awkward situation, then it would be very harmonious for a while.

It's just that this harmonious scene was broken when a group of men and women along with the wine came in. On such occasions, it was normal to have one or two people accompany them for a drink. Zhou Chengan and Han Jin were both accustomed to the scene and just let them. Likewise, Zheng Jue has experienced a lot before, so naturally, he didn't care.

It's just that while these few people thought it was very normal, there was a strange thing they actually encountered.

Han Jin kept staring at the little girl leaning against Zheng Jue's arms with murderous eyes. The little girl was trembling with fright, while Zheng Jue felt also very strange in his heart. He didn't dare to look at Han Jin's gaze at all as if he dare not to take a step beyond the thunder pond. Because each time he made a little movement, the fire in Han Jin's eyes almost burst out. Zheng Jue was really afraid that Han Jin would come directly to kill the little girl in his arms.

Wen Yize also noticed that there was something with Han Jin's emotions. However, since he was a smart man, although he didn't understand the relationship between the two, he didn't ask much. He just smiled and talked to Zhou Chengan. He didn't dare look at Han Jin's bad luck.

Zhou Chengan knew Han Jin's thoughts better than anyone else, and naturally, he wouldn't make himself uncomfortable. This made Zheng Jue bitter. He had to maintain the scene with a smile while facing Han Jin's unusually scorching gaze. After a few minutes, he finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Zheng Jue pushed the little girl in his arms and whispered, "Go out and ask for a glass of wine for me."

There is no wine in the room. Zheng Jue's excuse is really bad, but at least, the little girl was pardoned. She lowered her head and ran out in a muffled voice, not even daring to turn her head back. This made Zheng Jue look a little stunned, while Han Jin's face softened.

With a slight smile on Han Jin's face, he tapped the fidgeting woman who was sitting beside him, and said coldly, "Get out."

After speaking, he glanced at Zheng Jue with a congratulatory expression on his face. Zheng Jue frowned without a trace. His heart felt really mixed with emotions.

On the other hand, the woman who was called by Han Jin showed a trace of embarrassment on her face. However, she did not dare to go against Han Jin's words and turned around to leave the room.

The first thing that people who hang out in this kind of place learn is what kind of a person they could absolutely not offend, in which Han Jin is the most pointed among the group of people who cannot be offended.

The undercurrents between these two people were obvious as if engraved on their faces, but Wen Yize and Zhou Chengan who were present seemed to have not seen them, just smiling and talking, as if this scene seemed to have never existed just now.

On the other hand, Lin Su, who was sitting silently by the side, had a dark glint flashing in her eyes.



1. A small-bellied person is a metaphor for being small, thinking only about small things, and not taking care of the overall situation.

2. Pinched him like a soft persimmon is a metaphor for bullying a weak person in a group.

3. Dare not to take a step beyond the thunder pond is an idiom that means to not dare do things beyond a certain range .

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