
Risk of Being a Widow

Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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63 Chs


Intan shook her head.

"No, Mandar, don't worry. Where are we going now?" asked Intan very enthusiastic to start her work immediately.

"The spirit of her work," said Romeo encouragingly.

"Come on follow me!" asked Mandar, "Delive Intan first, Rom," continued Mandar to his friend.

"Please, watch out for turning into your canteen!"

"No, it's my responsibility. Come on, Intan! Karin!" Mandar grabbed Karin's hand.

Intan is invited by Mandar out of the gate to the building in front of him which will be where Intan will work later.

The mess room is also at the back of the building.

They crossed a less crowded street.

"Eh yes Intan, here let me bring your things. It's heavy," Mandar offered and immediately took Intan's big bag.

"Eh, you don't have to, Mandar," Intan refused uncomfortably, but Mandar kept insisting that even Intan couldn't refuse.

"Morning, Sir," said Mandar to a man who Intan thought he was the boss there.

His body is white like a Chinese mulatto with his neat clothes.

"Who is he, Mandar?" asked Intan curiously.

"He is Mr. Andre, part of this building. His job is to take care of the applicants, Intan. His two other colleagues, Miss. Asma and Mr. Kevin, but don't know where they are now, they haven't been seen. Usually the three of them like to be seen walking in threes."

"Ooo." Intan's lips rounded. "It's good to see the bosses, cleaning up." Intan thought back to Irwan, the man who always looked perfect in the office and even Intan never thought he could love her even though fate could not unite the two of them in the end.

"Am I not clean Intan?" asked Mandar seductively.

Intan felt she had said something wrong and immediately apologized. "Eh I didn't mean that Mandar, sorry."

"Hahaha, no, kidding."

Throughout their walk, Karin was just busy looking around her.

Strange place, according to Karin. Like a very foreign factory in the eyes of Karin who had just entered it.

They arrived at the mess room where Intan would be staying.

"Well, this is Intan." Mandar opened the mess room after selecting dozens of keys hanging from his pants. "Come in!"

The door was then opened, and it turned out that unlike Intan's previous assumption, the mess must be shabby.

It turned out to be very clean, it's just that nothing was visible.

Very empty, but good thing there is one television hanging on the wall. Thankfully, I can watch Karin if you are left alone.

Mandar put Intan's big bag on the floor.

"Why is this room empty, Mandar?" asked Intan curiously.

Mandar turned his head with a pretty nervous face, as if he was hiding something.

"It's narrow here, Intan, and the other security guards prefer to sleep in the post room so that it's close to brewing coffee and the monitoring doesn't need to be tired going back and forth, it's far away, he said. I don't know, I'm not shifting," explained Mandar.

"That's right, it's too late. But it's very comfortable."

"Yes, thank you if you like Intan, I hope you like it."

Intan smiled. "God willing, it will be taken care of. But, do I start work today Mandar?"

"I think so, Intan, how about Karin? Dare to be here alone?" Mandar looked worried.

"Karin is a brave child, isn't she, daughter?" Intan stroked the top of Karin's head gently, the only child nodded sweetly.

"Thanks, if that's the case. Let's go to Mr. Yaya to make sure you work today or tomorrow."

Intan then squatted down, positioning herself as tall as her daughter—Karin.

"Mama works first, right, Karin is here while watching television. Eh, the television is on, right?" Intan turned to Mandar who looked ready to leave, he was already standing near the door.

"Why, Intan," he replied.

"Well, you can watch television. Don't go outside! Karin wants to obey Mama, right?" Intan persuaded Karin to let her son be willing to be left alone in the mess room.

Karin nodded, she kissed Karin's forehead by Intan and she stood up again to go with Mandar.

"If Karin wants to pee, go to the toilet, the one we just passed." Mandar gives directions.

"Yes, Uncle." Karin nodded again.

"Yes, Mama, close it. If you want to sleep, then sleep."

"Yes, Mom."


Footsteps from loafers sounded as usual. Echoed on the third floor of the tall building.

The man immediately went to the elevator intending to go to the fifth floor where his room is located, Arsya deliberately chose the top floor of the building to be quiet, after a group of workers from the elevator all left, she entered.

When Arsya wanted to press the button, from a distance a woman ran to prevent Arsya from closing the elevator door before she entered.

The beautiful woman came in and almost hit Arsya, she was so stunned.

Arsya continued to press the button to the fifth floor while laughing at the sight of Salma who looked funny to her.

In the morning she was already sweating, but that didn't detract from her beauty.

"Thank you, sir, for waiting for me," said Salma while adjusting her side hair behind her ear.

Arsya didn't answer, she just smiled and then was busy with her cellphone.

Salma was awkward being in the same elevator with her own boss, but moments together like this were very rare and it was a stroke of luck for her.

"Where are you going?" asked Arsya suddenly without looking at Salma.

Salma is so excited to be asked by her young boss, Arsya rarely spoke to her.

With great courage, Salma replied, "I want to go to Mr. Yosep, Mr. Arsya ... he said we had a meeting on the fifth floor," replied Salma, looking shy as a cat.

Arsya was surprised, she laughed because of it while holding her head.

"Oh sorry Salma, I'm talking using a wireless headset … chatting with my youngest brother. Sorry!" Arsya smiled and returned his focus to the telephone connection that was connected to his sister—Mina.

Salma was embarrassed by it, and just smirked at Arsya while scratching her head that didn't itch.

'Shit, I thought he was asking me. Uhhh, annoying! Even though I'm happy to be asked by this handsome boss,' Salma snorted in her heart.

"Oh I thought you were the one who went there, when did they come home?" asked Arsya, engrossed in her conversation with Mina who was still on her way to school.

"Oh okay. Are you excited about school? Don't talk about ghosts first in the school toilet when Sadako comes out!" Arsya teased her sister who was heard laughing on the other end.

Then, the call was closed and Arsya put her cellphone in her trouser pocket.

Salma swallowed her nervousness, trying to look elegant.

As a young Personnel, he also had to appear dignified in front of his superiors whom he had a crush on since he first came to work here.

Salma and Arsya entered at the same time, both still young.

Salma is very beautiful, she was accepted because there will be a vacancy and replace the retired personnel – Pak Yosep as HRD here also really respects her beauty as well as her good performance.

But Arsya? He didn't care about anything, all he knew were reports from Bram.

Another problem, Arsya does not feel it is important. Especially about the beautiful physique of his subordinates.