
Risk of Being a Widow

Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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63 Chs

Can Already Occupy The Mess Room

Nia knows very well the scent of Arsya's body. Even though it feels weird, Nia doesn't mind it.

Arsya was confused, but he just nodded with a smile. After all, Arsya also knows that Nia will not forbid Arsya from going to the Club.

"Oh okay, go to sleep then!" she said, "Mommy also wants to sleep again."

"Yes mom, thank you." Arya smiled again.

Nia, who had wanted to turn around, didn't turn around, and turned back to Arsya.

"Thanks for?" she asked with a surprised smile.

"Thank you for being so nice to Arsya and never yelling at Arsya let alone blaming Arsya." Arsya hugged Nia. A very sincere hug.

"Haha, it's you. Mama has to be kind to you, even though you're Mama's stepson. Mama loves you very much." Nia smiled, a smile full of victory.

In the doorway of Arsya's room, Radit was frozen. Radit had to admit that at first he saw his mother seemed to love his stepbrother more, Radit was very jealous.

However, after knowing that Nia had been acting all this time … Radit felt sorry for Arsya.

Radit also chose to go to his room, choosing not to watch the soap opera that his own mother was doing.

"Yes, Ma, then Arsya enters the room, okay?"

"Yes honey, Mama also wants to sleep again ... I'm afraid your Father will look for you." Nia chuckled.

Arsya nodded with a wink, looking so sad.

The two of them went their separate ways to their respective rooms.

Nia watched Arsya's steps towards the room after she was halfway up the stairs.

"You are so stupid Arsya, stupid!" he muttered while smiling happily.

Arsya opened the door to his room, the room light was still bright.

But the figure of the man he had ordered to guard his room was nowhere to be seen.

Radit could already guess that his half-brother—Radit, had gone to his own room.

Arsya took off his jacket and hung it on the wall hanger behind the door.

Scratching his itchy head. And suddenly… a flash of Sarah's smile flashed through his mind.

"Ah, crazy, I really like going to Aunts. Because of Irwan, everything in my brain is negative," Arsya mumbled and ruffled her own hair while slamming his body on the bed.

Arsya just felt strange why he thought about Sarah.

"I'm curious, what's Intan like? Irwan hasn't shown the girl's photo to me yet. Did that girl intentionally make a Limited Edition version, huh? The proof is that Irwan is drenched with him. But, how come her husband prefers another woman over her? It's weird." Arsya thought. Then when her mind remembered Irwan who was too silly according to her, Arsya teased, "Eat love! Irwan … Irwan, how can you fall in love with a widow like that."

Arsya laughed to himself, it was strange he thought. However, Irwan is already used to being complicated with his love polemics.

Arsya is also used to being involved with his best friend's love conflicts.

So it's exciting and just as tense, although sometimes it feels like a hassle.

"I'd better go to sleep, get ready to face a lot of business at the office. Hopefully, Bram can handle everything."

Arsya fell asleep ….


Not wanting to bother Mandar, who offered Intan a ride to the factory, he took turns with Asri – Intan preferred to take an ojeg which only took a few meters to walk to the front, to the base.

Today, Intan and Karin are able to occupy an empty mess room at the factory.

Intan has also been accepted as a cleaning service there thanks to an insider, namely Mandar.

After arriving, Intan gave the fare to her motorcycle taxi brother and together with Asri entered the factory.

"Intan, I'm in. You just wait for my husband, he's parking his motorbike. Later he will direct you where to go," Asri said, patting Intan's shoulder.

"Yes, Asri's work spirit. Thank you, for taking me and my child—Karin last night." Intan smiled.

Asri waved his hand. "Oh, it's not much. Sorry I can't be of more help." Asri smiled. "Karin, auntie go to work first. You are excited about school, next week right? Here, make you a snack later."

Asri gave one hundred thousand to Karin. Karin poked Intan, as if asking for permission to accept the money or not.

However, Asri insists that Karin takes it.

"Asri, you don't have to worry about that." Intan is not good.

"Oh, it's okay. Then I'll go then."

"Yes, thanks again."

Asri smiled and then headed to the pedestrian walkway for the workers.

Intan and Karin waited at the security post while sitting on the bench outside.

Suddenly, yesterday's security guard came and greeted Intan.

"Eh, you girl from yesterday. So it works, huh?" asked the man who was the same height as Mandar.

Yesterday's security guard walked in holding a cup.

Intan nodded as she smiled at him.

"Yes sir, thank God," replied Intan.

"Oh no, sir, I'm still young, just call me 'Aa'!" He smiled teasingly Intan.

Aa is a Sundanese call for an adult male or a respected male cousin, even though he is the same age but the pronunciation can also be used with Aa to sound polite.

It could also be to a man whose name we do not know.

"Okay, Aa. What's his name if I may know, A?" asked Intan.

He then sat beside Intan. This time there was nothing in his hand, vacant.

"My name is Romeo, just call me Aa Rom. But it's up to Eteh to call my full name 'ROMEO' or just simply 'ROM', that's free."

Eteh is a pun on 'TETEH' which means a nickname for a woman, as opposed to Aa.

Intan smiled. "Oh, Aa, Rom yeah."

In her heart, Intan mumbled, 'His wife's name is Juliet, right? Haha.'

Intan is actually curious. Intan wanted to ask about the truth of the man's name, not sure if his name was Romeo.

"Can. What about Eteh's own name? I forgot yesterday. Who's Eteh is?"

"I'm Intan, A."

"What about her daughter?" Romeo looked at Karin.

"My daughter's name is Karin." Intan smiled again to look polite.

Naturally, new people like Intan must show good hospitality. His name is also an immigrant, right?

"Oh, beautiful like her Mama." Romeo smiled, like a seductive smile. "But, by the way, where is her husband, Teh? Work or what?" Rome actually already guessed that Intan was a widow, between divorce or death.

But he wanted to be sure and asked Intan directly.

"I have separated from my husband and have custody of my children, A."

Romeo nodded as if he understood.

"Single Mother means, huh?"

"Yes, A."

"Then it's very suitable, Teh," he said as if he was happy.

"It means?" Intan did not know what Romeo had just said.

"With my friend, Teh, his name is Bahrul. He divorced his wife because the wife returned to her ex and moved to Malaysia. I'll introduce you later if there is one." Romeo smiled.

Intan just smirked, she didn't know how to reply to Romeo.

Just had she heart broken, there are already those who want to marry each other. It seems that Intan's heart still can't open her heart again to other people.

Then, Mandar came.

"Sorry Intan, it's been a long time huh?"