
Risk of Being a Widow

Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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63 Chs

Otrageous Dedi

Dedi was surprised by Intan's words just now. But his evil smile still reigns as if without the slightest guilt for touching Intan's hand without permission.

"Sorry Intan, I forgot. Feels like inviting my late wife first." He reasoned.

Intan knows that.

"Here Uncle, just let Intan cook."

"Oh yeah, here it is." Dedi gave the basket containing the raw ingredients to be cooked to Intan, he deliberately gave it while touching Intan's arm gently and he deliberately slowed it down.

But Intan immediately pulled her and went straight to the kitchen.

Intan also did not forget to close the bedroom door. "The good thing is the cooking, dear," Dedi encouraged.

'Dear?' Intan mumbled in her heart, Dedi was getting mad, Intan thought.

Intan must be vigilant, no one knows what the man will do next.

"Oh Allah, just don't cook like this," Intan muttered as she took out the ingredients Dedi had given her, "do people who just got out of prison have money, right?" Intan asked herself.

Intan doesn't know where Dedi has the money, maybe he still has the money he paid from his messenger, Intan thought.

Luckily Dedi didn't follow her into the kitchen either, he sat in the living room playing the television on a high pitch.

While Intan was chopping the tempeh, she mumbled again, "Did Uncle Dedi turn up the television on purpose?"

How strange, thought Intan.

But Intan also tries to have a positive attitude that Dedi might be a little lazy, because he is old so he needs a louder volume.

Although it doesn't make sense as loud as it is, the high volume is like a song at a celebration.

Just turn on the music using the speakers, it's clear the intent and purpose. It's even watching soap operas 'I cry'

Dedi is not much different from housewives who like sad movies who cry a lot.

Intan tries to cook quickly and precisely.

She also kept glancing at the connecting gate between the kitchen and the living room which was only separated by curtains.

Afraid that Dedi would come and talk to Intan again.

He had gone too far by daring to touch Intan's hand and call her 'Honey'. Already showing the temperament of a masher man.

Suddenly, someone opened the curtains. Intan was very surprised, she even daydreamed while cooking.

So, the arrival of that person suddenly surprised her.

"Karin," cried Intan when it turned out to be her own child.

Karin held Intan's cellphone and held it out as she spoke.

"Mom, Granny Sarah is on the phone."

Intan immediately took her cellphone from Karin's hand and turned the stove down because she was cooking tofu which was almost cooked soon.

"Assalamu'alaikum, Ma'am?" Intan waiting for a reply from the caller.

Only a few seconds Sarah answered so enthusiastically as well as asked how Intan was only half a day away from her house.

"Wa'alaikumsalam, Intan. Where are you now? Have you rented a new one? Please send the address to Ma'am."

Hearing Sarah who was so enthusiastic, Intan laughed.

"Haha, thank God Ma'am, Intan got an offer for a mess room at the factory. But that's also not certain, now Intan is at Intan's friend's house."

"Alhamdulillah Intan, Ma'am is also happy to hear that. Which factory may I know?"

Intan then flipped the tofu while her left hand was still holding the cellphone that she held to her ear.

Karin was still standing beside her, poking at the ripe tempeh.

"You want to? Just take it," said Intan to Karin.

Karin smiled cheerfully and took one piece of tempeh. Blow slowly because it's still warm.

Intan smiled seeing her, she knew that Karin must be hungry.

"Sorry Ma'am, Intan is also cooking. Yes Ma'am, thank God, please pray for me." Intan continued to reply to Sarah who was waiting for a reply from her. "That's Ms., PT. Adiguna Garment Industries."

Sarah sounded surprised. "PT. Adiguna Garment Industries?" repeat again.

"Yes Miss. So what?" Intan replied to Sarah in a high tone because the television volume was quite shrill.

"Oh no, Intan. What will you be there then?" Sarah dodged it, she was very shocked when Intan said she would work there.

How not, it is a company owned by her husband.

The sole heir who later will also be her son's inheritance.

"Why is it so noisy in there?" asked Sarah everyone.

"So, Ms.'s cleaning service, it's okay to get a mess room too. Oh, there's someone watching television, Ma'am," replied Intan uncomfortably, afraid that Dedi would hear it.

At that moment, Dedi opened the curtains, he smiled when he saw the dishes were almost cooked, only the sambal had to be fried after the salted fish he had bought earlier.

"Ma'am, it's been a while. I hung up the phone." Intan was nervous, Sarah who was on the other end also knew that Intan was cooking.

So there is no misunderstanding that Intan immediately hung up her cellphone even though Sarah also had a slightly strange feeling because Intan's voice sounded like she was in a hurry.

Intan was very scared because Dedi looked at her constantly near the curtains.

"Honey, save your cellphone again, Mama, to the room." Intan told Karin who had already eaten one piece of tempeh and was now licking her fingers.

Karin nodded, she took the cellphone from Intan's hand and she passed Dedi with a feeling of fear that she couldn't hide.

"Uncle's mission," Karin said, still trying to be polite as her mother always taught her.

Dedi just smiled, while rubbing the top of Karin's head.

After Karin left, he approached Intan who was pretending to be busy without wanting to see the scary man's face.

Intan lifted the tofu and drained it with a drain and stored it on a plastic container so that the oil receded to the bottom.

"Hmmm." Dedi cleared his throat.

Intan is indifferent without paying attention to it.

"You are very good at cooking, Intan, it can be seen from the movement of your hands. Very suitable to be a wife."

Intan gasped, she already knew what Dedi was talking about. The more uncomfortable Intan is made.

Intan just smiled, she didn't want to respond much. Intan's presence just wanted to finish cooking so she wouldn't be teased by her.

Dedi then took a piece of tempeh, and chewed it with an amazed expression because the tempeh that Intan was cooking was delicious on his tongue, just right. While chewing and also continued to praise Intan.

But Intan remains indifferent, Dedi then launches a question that is able to disturb Intan's subconscious again, which is stored in dusty memories full of darkness that Intan also tries to bury deep but there is always someone who reminds her again.

"You divorced your husband or because he died?" asked Dedi curiously.

Intan then looked at her seductive face. He looks so handsome, thought Intan even though he was almost old.

"That's my personal problem, Uncle. I don't want to tell him," replied Intan, trying to remain polite to him.

"Oh okay. Later you can tell me when we are married, Intan, "said Dedi again making Intan surprised.

But again Intan did not want to ignore it until Dedi continued his speech again.

"Oh yes, even though I was released from prison, I have a lot of money, Intan. Enough to support you and Karin."

Intan still doesn't want to answer him. After the salted fish was removed, Intan immediately put in the chili sauce for frying.

Dedi is still waiting for a reply, he then gets closer to Intan.

"How about you, Intan?" he asked teasingly.

"Sorry, Uncle," replied Intan so briefly.

She also still didn't dare to look at the man, how would Intan accept him who was so much different in age and Dedi was also a former prisoner.

Moreover, the case that has dragged him down is so heavy, judging by his attitude, Dedi is not a person who regrets his actions.

It is better for Intan not to marry than to marry him.

Intan was so surprised, when the man's dirty hand poked her chin.

"Oh, don't go too far. I can report Uncle to Mandar." Intan threatens.

She's been too emotional.

Feeling considered low because of her status as a widow who lives in his son's house.

However, Dedi should not act like that.