
Risk of Being a Widow

Patriarchal system, making a woman the object of male greed. This story tells the fate of a woman named Intan. She was divorced by her husband because she chose to remarry another woman. Intan raises her own child with the help of a prostitute, Sarah. Sarah is like a night butterfly with a past that is almost similar to Intan. In fact, she left her 11-year-old son and preferred to be a comfort woman, a job that made her feel free to become a woman who had been hurt by a man's sweet promise. Sarah is like a mother to Intan. Intan works in a company as an Office Girl, and is in love with her own CEO—Irwan. However, their relationship is opposed by Irwan's mother and the label as a Temptress is increasingly attached to Intan. Intan decides to go and look for a new job until she meets Arsya, the new CEO. Until one day, Intan had to choose between the two.

Ernest_Nana_03 · Urban
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63 Chs

Mandar Feels Guilty

Dedi without guilt even laughed and ignored Intan's threat.

"Mandar hasn't come home yet, Intan, so we can-"

"Enough, Uncle!" Intan snapped loudly because Dedi was getting worse.

What surprised her again he almost wanted to caress Intan's face.

Intan turned off the stove and left the sauce in the pan.

Intan doesn't care anymore even if Dedi thinks she doesn't know herself, Intan immediately goes to the room with accelerated steps.

But it wasn't that easy, Dedi grabbed her wrist and forcibly hugged Intan.

"Let go of me, Uncle." Intan rebelled.

But Dedi tightened his embrace as he laughed and tried to touch Intan's lips.

Intan was still struggling and kept her face away from the crocodile man's lips. Intan kept screaming.

"Karin! Karin!" she called Karin who was in the room.

But his daughter never came.

It is also possible that Dedi deliberately increased the sound of the television so that Intan's screams were not heard by anyone.

Dedi has arranged it.

Intan was unable to hold back her tears, she struggled with all her might… Dedi finally managed to kiss Intan's cheek.

Until a hard slap landed on the man's cheek. Not from Intan, but from his own son—Mandar came with his wife.

Could not feel it, it turned out that the time was already fifteen minutes past five. It was time for Mandar and his wife to go home.

Dedi did not predict that. He quickly let go of his embrace on Intan, and held his own cheek.

Feeling a throbbing pulse and also humiliation because of being slapped by his own biological child.

Intan was immediately pulled by Asri, falling into the arms of his friend's wife.

Mandar's face was so emotional for his father. Sharp eyes and the rhythm of the breath that rises and falls, describes it all.

All the annoyance and shame of having a father who doesn't repent and only gets worse.

"Mandar doesn't care about you anymore, you'd better get out of here. Mandar does not want to have a father who never wants to change for the better. An ex-convict still can never return to the straight path. Get out of the Mandar house, sir! Go!" Mandar snapped.

His emotions overflowed uncontrollably.

Dedi glanced at Intan who was crying in Asri's arms, Mandar's wife was also scared and also felt sorry for Intan.

Afraid that her father-in-law would act inappropriately and would not accept the expulsion of his son.

But, Dedi didn't answer anything… he then went and took his jacket which he put on the sofa.

Karin who heard the commotion immediately came out.

"Mommy!" She runs and hugs Intan.


There was the sound of a door slamming. Dedi slammed the door of Mandar's house hard enough to show his annoyance and he left.

Mandar looked at Intan who was still crying in his wife's arms.

"Intan, forgive my father's impudence. Once again sorry Intan. I didn't know he got out of jail today and came home." Mandar approached Intan.

His wife—Asri also looked at her husband attentively, and nodded her head to signal that Intan was still traumatized by what had happened.

"Intan, I-"

Mandar is very disappointed in his own father, and still does not feel good for Intan.

However, Intan knows that everything is not Mandar's fault. He didn't play any part.

"You don't need to apologize Mandar, it's not your fault. Now I want to go to the room first," replied Intan still with tears in her eyes and sobs.

Asri also took Intan to the room, Karin also cried and followed Intan.

After they got to the room, there was a loud bang against the wall.

Mandar must have hit the wall of his own house because he was ashamed of his father's actions and also guilt because of his friend—Intan became a victim of her own father's abuse.

In the room, Asri sat Intan. The two of them sat opposite each other on the edge of the bed.

Karin approached her mother, hugged Intan and cried.

"Mom, Mom, what are you doing with Grandpa, Mom?" Karin asked with her sobs.

"No honey, Mom is okay," replied Intan.

Asri who was watching was really happy to see her.

Intan is still trying to be strong in front of her child, from the way she talks and attitude, Asri can already guess that she is a good person.

No wonder her husband, Mandar, also really cares about his village friend.

"Intan," Asri called while stroking Intan's shoulder, "I'm sorry, I also represent my husband and in-laws. I'm also a woman, I can feel what you feel."

"No need Asri, I'm fine. Good thing you came quickly, otherwise I don't know what happened. I am very scared. But will Uncle Dedi come back here again?" Intan's eyes are full of worry, Intan is afraid that Dedi will terrorize her because she doesn't accept the expulsion that has been done by Mandar, his own son.

"Calm down Intan, he won't. Trust me, and the good news is that you can live in the mess tomorrow and have been accepted for work, Mandar said earlier."

Intan cried even more, this time her tears of pain fell with tears of emotion.

She believed that the incident earlier was also his destiny, at least he was still saved. Intan must be careful again.

Intan then hugged Asri, even though it was the first time they had met, there was already a closeness between the two.

Intan believes that people as good as Mandar will also be met with people as good as Asri.

They are a perfect match, who has also helped Intan today.

"Thank you Asri, thank you."


"Again I have to get involved with Irwan's love life. But it's also my fault, I told Irwan that Salsa was already married. But if he doesn't, it's too bad for him. Even though I'm single, I can tell how Irwan is feeling frantic. Yes ... that's how it is, love is the mastermind of feelings. It can resurrect because it is a medicine, it can also be deadly, because it is such a deadly poison," Arsya chirped while driving his car and his destination now after chatting with Irwan just wanted to go home to rest.

He just wanted to temporarily relieve his unstable emotions with office matters.

Arsya felt that going home early and suspending his affairs with Bram would be much better.

Even in situations like this, Arsya always does not activate his cellphone so that none of his employees continue to complain so that Arsya returns to the office.

Arsya's car went into the courtyard of the house.

He got out of his car and quickly closed the shiny black car door.

Immediately the house security approached and collected the car keys and then parked it in the garage.

He was too lazy to return the car to his house, he needed something more immediate and so that the security guard also moved from his place, not sitting in the post.

"As usual, Mr. Edi," he said as he handed the car keys to the older but still muscular man.

That's why he was chosen as a security guard because his body and facial gestures are enough to guarantee security, making the thief think twice about testing the guarding of Arsya's luxurious house.

A house that lets everyone know how rich the owner is.

"Ready, Lord Arsya. Do it!" replied Mr. Edi very enthusiastically.

When Mr. Edi wanted to get into the car to start and put the car into the garage, Arsya turned around again even though he had already stepped into the house.