
Rising to rule a ruined world

The world met it's end not once but twice, and seemed hell bent on its true final destruction without even realizing it. Well kingdoms, robots, superhumans and demi humans fought one another a looming doom was slowly creeping it's way to the world. Jace our protagonist was one of those sent back in a final attempt to stop it, to unite everyone to stand up to the coming threat and beat it once it comes by fostering a unity between everyone, bringing a peace and helping everyone. "yeah right, screw that! You want the world kept safe and to face that threat? Fine I'll do it but it will be with the world in my hands and under my rule. And why the hell not, I'll see about trying to snag a harem well I'm at it along with as much wealth and person power as I can handle! " "I can not agree with this course of action. Please ensure the survival of all bei-" "shut it you obsolete peice of scrap. Stand not in his way that will ensure I can taste blood once more!!!" If you like it share a stone, I'll even give a shout out every Monday as thanks in the author note to everyone who does :-)

Coronis_Nocturn · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

"Wow, you managed to kill 3 beasts, oh so impressive cerebral neanderthal, but what are you going to do about the rest? I mean you let the almost dead one you sliced get away and its already made it to the burrow no doubt causing the rest and leader to be on alert or come as a swarm to attack your biological error of a form, and didn't I tell you not to drain them you toothpick with delusions of grandeur!" Vail says clearly still coming into herself and getting creative but also bringing Jace down from his fighting high.

"I can't help If I get thirsty you worthless wrist wrapper! Besides there should be plenty more for our host to kill, sucking up one shouldn't be that big of a issue." Crimson replied getting a annoyed grunt form Vail, but before She could reply or fire back Jace spoke first.

"Lets focus rather on the task at hand of facing the rest of these beasts, any ideas? Should I storm in and try my luck or wait at the entrance and pick them off one by one?" He asks getting silence in response for a few moments.

"I say you just charge in and go wild, swing me and slice them apart, the digitally disabled disgrace stuck to your arm is already showing you their weak points so it should be easier to fight them, and it gives them less chance to plan or outsmart you."

"Of course, that's what you would say he should do, clearly your insights are as sharp as a blunt needle, you have no idea how many there are, if there's tunnels or even the space available in the hole! he should pick them off as they come."

"And how long would that take you outdated reject of technology? Listen host, just go in there and start killing these things, if it does get out of hand you can retreat but standing around waiting isn't going to help anything."

"Vail, I'm going to listen to Crimson and go in, if things get to hectic or out of hand ill retreat and try using gorilla tactics, but would you be able to map the tunnels somehow? Scan them like you did the house we found crimson in?" Jace asks getting a huff form her and a condescending sound of self-satisfaction from Crimson.

"Fine, listen to the piece of useless iron that even a dwarf would reject melting, but yes, I can map out and try to keep track of them, ill limit the data feedback to not fry that pretty little imbecile brain of yours. Tap me on the wall as you go so I can get some feedback data." She eventually says as he enters the burrow, tapping Vails gloved hand on the wall as he goes a strong s stinging sensation in the back of his mind came after the first few taps before a small map out the corner of his eye formed with many worm like paths of different sizes and many red dots in a large round spot much further ahead .

"I don't suppose you could give some light? The mini map helps but would be useless." Jace couldn't help but quip, Vail flashing a blue light before shining ahead of him like a torch well glowing just enough to allow him to see around him without blinding him.

"Wow, you have a firefly feature! How cute, this though is how your supposed glow though you piece of obsolete hardware." Crimson pipes up and begins to glow as well in a deep crimson illuminating everything around and ahead of him in a dark glow, various runes and marks covering there form even through there sheath causing Vail to growl angrily.

Happy new year everyone!!

No this story isn't dead, sorry for the long delay, alot happened in real and I had to focus on my other novel for a bit, but I should slowly be more consistent with this one again, hope you enjoy :-)

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