
Rising of the Knight King

KujoJin · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The battle raged on, with Karthas's retribution aura blazing around him, casting a crimson light over the battlefield. Gunther, shocked by the sight, could only mutter, "This is... retribution aura! To think you have reached that stage when I wasn't looking!"

"Foolish creature, do not compare my power with your demonic filth," Karthas mocked, his voice filled with righteous fury.

Gartak, undeterred, sneered, "Looks evil enough to me!" He laughed, a cruel sound that echoed across the battlefield.

Ignoring Gartak's taunts, Karthas charged at the demonic orcs. His hammer swung with deadly precision, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies. The first orc to challenge him found its arms shattered by the force of Karthas's blow. With a swift motion, Karthas channeled holy power into his hand and grabbed the orc's throat. The orc's neck sizzled and burned, ending its life in a swift and merciful manner.

The battle had taken a decisive turn, with Karthas's display of power striking fear into the hearts of the remaining orcs. Grabbing a fallen orc's axe, he infused it with retribution aura, turning it into a weapon of righteous vengeance. With a mighty throw, the axe soared through the air, cutting through the throats of three more orcs in a single motion, creating a gruesome fountain of blood.

"Hahaha, mongrels!" Karthas taunted, a hint of darkness in his eyes, betraying the power of the retribution aura that now surrounded him.

Gartak, realizing that only two of his orcs remained and that the tide of battle had turned against him, roared in defiance, "Do not think of running away!" He rallied his remaining forces, determined to fight to the bitter end.

"Knights! Take care of the remainders! I will take on the big guy!" Karthas commanded, his voice ringing with authority. Despite his recent promotion to knight, his valorous display of power had earned him the respect of his comrades, and they did not dare to disobey his order.

The other knights quickly moved to engage the remaining orcs, their hammers striking with precision and force. Karthas, meanwhile, turned his attention to Gartak, the towering orc leader who stood defiantly before him.

The battlefield was a scene of chaos and carnage, the air thick with the stench of blood and the sounds of battle. Karthas, his hammer ablaze with holy fire, faced off against Gartak, the massive orc leader who stood before him, axe raised high.

With a roar, Gartak charged, swinging his axe in a wide arc. Karthas met the blow head-on, his hammer blocking the attack with a resounding clang. The force of the impact sent shockwaves through Karthas's arms, but he held his ground, his eyes blazing with determination.

"You think you can defeat me, human?" Gartak sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "I am Gartak! You are nothing but a mere mortal."

Karthas gritted his teeth, his grip tightening on his hammer. "So what if I am a mortal! That won't stop me from crushing your skull!"

With a swift motion, Karthas unleashed a retribution strike, channeling holy energy into his hammer. The blow landed squarely on Gartak's chest, sending him staggering backwards. The orc leader roared in pain, but he quickly regained his footing, his eyes filled with fury.

"You dare use your tricks against me, human?" Gartak growled, raising his axe for another attack. "I will crush you like the insect you are!"

The two warriors clashed again and again, their weapons striking with deadly precision. Karthas fought with a cunning and ferocity that belied his noble demeanor, using every trick in the book to gain the upper hand. He feigned attacks, only to strike from unexpected angles. He used his holy fire to burn Gartak's flesh, leaving him vulnerable to further attacks.

Gartak, for his part, fought with a brutal strength that seemed almost inhuman. He swung his axe with relentless fury, each blow aimed at crushing his opponent. But Karthas was no ordinary foe. He dodged and parried with the skill of a master, his movements fluid and precise.

As the battle raged on, the insults and taunts flew between the combatants. "Is that the best you can do, orc?" Karthas taunted, his voice filled with mocking laughter. "I expected more from the mighty Gartak!"

Gartak, infuriated by Karthas's words, redoubled his efforts, striking with even greater ferocity. But it was to no avail. Karthas was a whirlwind of destruction, his hammer striking with unerring accuracy.

Finally, with a mighty blow, Karthas landed a critical strike on Gartak, sending the orc leader crashing to the ground. He lay there, critically wounded, his strength ebbing away. Karthas stood over him, his hammer raised high.

"It's over, Gartak," Karthas said, his voice filled with solemnity.

"Is it really through? I wish I could see your face when you return home, hahaha...cough," Gartak spat blood, his voice filled with defiance even in defeat.

Karthas, with a wicked smile, stretched out his arm and opened his palm, pointing it at Gartak. He channeled holy power, his voice resonating with power. "Cannon of vengeance!" A beam of pure energy erupted from his hand, pulverizing Gartak's head into nothingness.

Standing over Gartak's lifeless body, Karthas looked down with a mixture of triumph and disdain. "As if I care," he muttered under his breath, his words barely audible over the sounds of the battlefield.

Turning away from Gartak's corpse, Karthas made his way over to Gunther, who lay wounded nearby. "Master! How are your wounds?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Gunther looked up at Karthas, a faint smile on his face. "I'll live, thanks to you," he replied, his voice weak but filled with gratitude. "You fought well, Karthas. You have proven yourself a true knight of the Order."

Karthas nodded, a sense of pride swelling within him. The battle had been long and hard-fought, but they had emerged victorious. The village was safe, and the orc threat had been vanquished.