
Rising of the Knight King

KujoJin · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Karthas, witnessing the massacre of the villagers at the hands of Gartak, could no longer contain his fury. Gripping his hammer with both hands, he channeled an enormous amount of holy energy into it, the weapon glowing with a brilliant light.

"Divine fury!" he shouted, swinging his hammer in a whirlwind-like movement. A wave of holy energy erupted from the hammer, searing all the orcs in its path, including the demonic orc that had just joined the fray. Wherever his hammer struck, gaping burned wounds appeared, and the orcs fell one after another, leaving a pile of lifeless corpses around him.

The remaining orcs, seeing their comrades fall to Karthas's divine power, hesitated for a moment, fear flickering in their eyes. This was the opening Gunther and his knights needed. With a renewed vigor, they pressed their attack, striking down the remaining orcs with righteous fury.

Gartak's eyes blazed with fury as he looked upon his defeated warriors. With a sneer of contempt, he spat on the ground. "Trash! You cannot even handle a few knights and paladins?!" His voice boomed across the battlefield, filled with anger and disappointment.

Turning his gaze to the remaining demonic orcs, his expression twisted into a wicked grin. "Meat is on the menu today, boys!" he roared, his voice carrying the promise of more bloodshed and violence. The remaining orcs, fueled by their leader's words, let out a savage cry and charged towards Gunther, Karthas, and the remaining knights.

As the demonic orcs charged, Karthas stood firm, his hammer held aloft, radiating with holy energy. "You are next, demonic filth!" he shouted, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

The demonic orcs, undeterred by Karthas's words, continued their relentless advance, their eyes filled with malice and bloodlust. Gartak, towering over the others, led the charge, his massive axe raised high.

With a thunderous clash, the two forces collided. Hammers and axes met in a symphony of steel, the sound of metal against metal ringing through the air. Karthas, his movements fluid and precise, parried the attacks of the demonic orcs, his hammer striking with righteous fury.

Gunther fought alongside Karthas, his hammer striking with deadly accuracy. "Keep fighting, men! Do not let them overwhelm us!" he shouted, his voice a rallying cry for the knights.

The demonic orcs, fueled by Gartak's leadership, fought with a savage ferocity, their attacks relentless and brutal. Gartak, in particular, was a force to be reckoned with, his massive axe cleaving through armor and flesh with ease.

As the battle raged on, the combatants traded blows, each side refusing to yield. Curses and insults were exchanged between the combatants, adding to the chaos of the battlefield.

"Withstand their onslaught, brothers! Victory is within our grasp!" Karthas called out, his voice strong despite the din of battle.

With a final, desperate effort, Gunther and his knights launched a coordinated attack, targeting Gartak with all their might.

"You will pay for your atrocities, monster!" Gunther shouted, his voice filled with righteous anger, as he swung his hammer at Gartak.

With a mighty roar, Gartak swung his axe, striking Gunther with a brutal blow. Gunther staggered, blood oozing from the wound, but he refused to fall. 

Karthas, seeing Gunther wounded, shouted, "Master!" He then turned to Gartak and yelled, "You will pay for this!" His aura changed slightly, the blinding holy power now tinged with a bloody red aura, enveloping Karthas. His eyes turned from deep blue to red, reflecting his anger and determination.

Gartak mocked, seeing Karthas's transformation. "Are you sure you are on the right side?" he taunted, a cruel grin spreading across his monstrous face.