
Rising Flames Within

A young man finds himself within a new world after dying in a horrible fire at work. After A mishap with character creation he finds himself in this new world a woman. And beyond that not even human. This is my first time writing a story! Please be good to me!

Leegionlee_X · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Horrifying day in the dungeon

Delving into the dungeon for the first time was scary. Jamie herself could only get herself to go down to the first floor. She had stared at the entrance for a long while really debating if she should or shouldn't go down there and risk her life. But She had steeled herself telling herself the first floor wouldn't be too bad. So dawning her new armor and walking into the dungeon with her sword drawn she descended the many stairs to the first floor. She was going to get lost. That was the first thing she thought when she saw just how labyrinthine this place really was. She thought for sure that memory ability would have come in handy here. 

"This place is so creepy. Why did no one warn me about that." She complained softly before she continued down a path to her right. She figured if she only took right turns it would be easy to get back. It was the sounds of battle that quickly brought her back to reality. Just at the end of the hallway, she found a room. And inside much to her horror, A group of three Kobold battled a single adventurer who was obviously being overwhelmed. There was such desperation in their eyes. And then Hope when they saw Jamie turn the corner. But that hope was quickly crushed as a club came down on their head ending them right then and there in front of her.

It was her first encounter with death other than her own. And she was shocked to her very core. She knew this place was dangerous. But the show had glossed over a lot of it with Bell soaring to new heights every episode. Here she was seeing the brutal reality of such a place. Quickly she was going to be forced to fight or run. Because the moment they finished brutalizing the adventurer in front of them they turned to look at her with wide eyes and evil grins. It was her instincts that saved her from the primitive spear that was thrust at her and instinct alone that carried her away from the fight. Sending her sprinting like a mad woman through the dungeon. She had thought the first floor was going to be easy. But as she quickly came charging down a dead-end corridor it couldn't be further from the truth. She skidded to a halt at the end of the passageway as the kobolds turned to corner to advance upon her. She went to raise her sword at them. To defend herself with her only weapon. Only to realize that she had dropped it on her mad dash away from the monsters.

'I'm going to die.' That was her thought then in there. 'I don't want to die again' The world around her began to turn red. It was all she could see. She stopped thinking a moment later. Her new instincts overrode any other thought in her mind as her body began to change. She seemed to gain a bit of muscle and bulk her arms and legs quickly becoming heavily furred her fingers turning into digits with sharp claws attached to the end. 'kill' was the only thought on her mind now. She leaped forward at the advancing kobolds. Her furred arms and legs suddenly combusted as they were wreathed in an intense fire. She must have looked like some sort of humanoid hellhound at that moment.

The struggle was intense. She took a slap to the gut with one of their clubs as her now sharped teeth came down on a kobold's throat. Her mouth burst into flames as she ripped the kobold's throat out in her instinct and transformation-induced rage. The second and third kobolds stabbed at her with their spears. Earning her a hole in her thigh and the second most intense pain she's ever known in her two lives. Yet she could hardly care about it at that moment. The Second kobold died as she slammed her clawed hand into its chest and ripped out its magic stone. A moment later she was knocked backwards as the last living kobold slapped her with another club. She saw stars for a moment before she rolled to the side to avoid another incoming blow. The last monster set upon her with reckless abandon. And as she jumped back at it she took blow after blow from that club as she finally pinned the thing down and tore at its throat. Ending it like she had ended the first one. It was then she collapsed down to the ground. The moment had happened so quickly. And as her heart rate came down her transformation disappeared. Returning her back to her normal new self. She sat there for a while. Curled in a ball more in shock at what had just happened than anything else. The death of that other adventurer had been brutal. Her own way of killing these monsters had been equally as brutal. Was this what life was to be like from now on? Would she struggle for everything? This had just been three kobolds, but she had nearly died. 

Finally, after a minute or two she had to take stock of herself. The armor she had been given was badly burned. As was the clothing she was now wearing. So much for her only possessions in this world lasting a while. Quickly the throbbing pain in her leg made itself known. She looked down to see the spear still clearly embedded in it. With a quick motion and a cry of pain, she snapped the tip off and left it still impaled in her. She had heard it was better to leave such things as they were until she could get them healed. Using the spear shaft as a makeshift crutch she collected the remaining two crystals and limped her way back to where the adventure had died. She looked over him for a moment before spotting one thing that would save her today. A potion in a holster on the adventurer's belt. Filled with a red-looking liquid. She looked at the corpse wondering if today really was the day she was going to steal from a dead man. But quickly decided she needed to if she was going to survive a few days. The very first thing she did was use the potion to heal her injured body. The red magical fluid was soothing as she drank it. She was surprised at its effects. She pulled the spear head out of her leg and watched as the wound closed before her very eyes. 

"I'm never going into the dungeon without a potion again." She said as she began to strip what she could from the dead adventure. All in all, she got herself two more health potions and a potion flask belt to hold them. A small bag filled with 12 other stones, and a new knife. The other weapons were much too dull to actually be of any use so she left them behind. The armor the adventure had been wearing turned out to be much too small for her. After a bit of backtracking, she found the sword she had been given. Snapped in half as it had hit a stone as it dropped. Showing just how poor quality it had actually been. 

"No wonder a lot of new adventurers die." She said aloud. She was done for the day. Her path home was surprisingly easy for her. She found her ability to navigate to be so much better than her previous self could. The only problem she encountered on her way back was a single goblin. Which she dispatched by throwing a knife at its head and tackling it while it was startled. That same knife that had been used as a projectile was used to violently stab the goblin till it stopped moving and disappeared into a cloud of dust. She had felt so angry when she was doing it. She was angry at herself for being so weak. That her new life was starting out so horribly. That she nearly died again. And this poor goblin faced her furry until it disappeared and the knife in her hand broke against the stone. She was only drawn out of it by the sound of footprints and a whistle. 

"Hot Damn you look like you've had a rough time. I know we all don't like goblins but that one dead I think Miss."

Embarrassment flooded her as she looked up. She had lost control of her emotions. She hadn't done something like that in years. "Oh um... I was just making sure you know. Always better to double .. tap.. or uh.. triple." There was a chuckle from the man. 

"That was a lot more than triple. " A hand was offered to help her up which she gladly took.

"Thanks." She offered. Not really sure what to do with herself at that moment.

"Way outs ahead. I'm heading deeper in. Gotta get some stuff. Names Welf. Come by my shop sometime. I can get you stuff way better than what you have currently." There was silence for a long moment as Jamie took a good long look at the man in front of her. She had been too lost in thought to realize it at first but this was Welf Crozzo. 

"I uh.. sure…" was all she could stammer out at that moment before she rushed away. Leaving a speechless blacksmith standing there scratching his head. 

"What a weird woman." Came his reply as he shrugged and made his way inside.

I've never written combat before. I know that was short. I'll work on making longer more intense and enganging scenes.

Leegionlee_Xcreators' thoughts