
Rising Flames Within

A young man finds himself within a new world after dying in a horrible fire at work. After A mishap with character creation he finds himself in this new world a woman. And beyond that not even human. This is my first time writing a story! Please be good to me!

Leegionlee_X · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

A First Few Steps Into The New World

Suddenly without warning our protagonist lands in this new land. James glances around for a few moments only to see some blood-covered young man come racing by at some crazy speed. Yet they could hardly focus on this oddity as the reality of their new situation came bearing down on them. He was now a she. The newly minted woman glanced down at herself. Coming to find that she was at least wearing some casual clothing. All of it seemed to be rather worn though. Its quality wasn't so good. A crop top and some shorts were her only possessions in this new life. And she didn't know how to feel about this. Seriously she had died. Died rather painfully at that. She wanted to freak out. To cry out to the world about how unfair this was. She wanted to go back to her nice comfortable bed. Yet She couldn't. So really what point would it serve? Finally, she took in where she was right now. Some alleyways lead to a main road. She glanced at the ground and saw the trail of blood that people were now avoiding that had been left by the one that had come sprinting through the place. Then something sparked in her mind. Some connection was made.

"Oh fuck I'm right at the start of canon." She blurted out. Only to get some stairs from passersby. She distinctly heard a mother and daughter pair quickly hurrying away with the daughter asking.

"Mom why is that woman talking to herself?" And the mother's response.

"She's probably a crazy woman. We should hurry away." Then it hit her. Her new ears could pick up so much more than she could before. Those two had been talking in a hushed tone across the street from her. That could be useful. Very very useful. Her gaze wandered back to the trail of blood as she started off to follow it. It should at least lead her to the guild if she remembered correctly. As she walked she found many people avoiding her entirely. Maybe it was something to do with her more wild-looking appearance. They probably thought she was a thug or something.She was far too lost in thought that she barely registered the people she walked into. With a thud, she fell back. It was like walking into a goddamn brick wall. 

"Owwww." She let out. Only to hear a grunt of annoyance from above her. She glanced up to see some annoyed-looking adventurer staring down at her. 

"You good down there?" He asked down to her. Yet he didn't offer a helping hand.

"Mhm yeah sorry." Was her response to him. She brushed herself off and stood up. Moving out of the way to let this dude pass by. As she glanced back at him she couldn't help but wonder who that brick wall of a man was. However, she quickly moved passed her wander as she slipped into the guild. It was a lively place right now. That Blood-covered kid… bell was getting scolded off in a corner and yelled at for making a mess. She hardly bothered with it. She didn't want to get super involved in the events of canon at the moment.

Glancing around she quickly found her place in line. Waiting for her turn. When she finally got to the front of the line nearly a full hour had passed and she now found herself standing in front of another werewolf. She could tell just from a single glance. Was it perhaps instincts? That she could so easily tell another of her race apart. 

"Hello there I was hoping to become an adventurer." She said as she looked for any way to identify the woman in front of her. Then it came to her as a memory of her sitting at work watching an anime on her lunch break. Rose Fannett. That's who this was. 

"You should try some other job." Came the other werewolves' curt and short reply.

"I want to become an Adventurer," James repeated once more to the redhead. Only to get a roll of the eyes from her.

"Fine but if you die then it's not my fault. Can't say I didn't warn you." Came Rose's response pulling out a bit of paperwork. "Fill this out and you should be good."

"Can I also get some starter equipment?" Came James next question. The look that Rose gave James made it seem like she had just asked her to personally go and make all the equipment herself.

"Fine yes. What do you want." Came Rose's response. She brought out a second sheet of paper. It was a short list of items I could get for free once from them. 

"I'll take a bit of gambeson coat I guess. And a short sword? Can I also get a breastplate?" James had asked as she began to write down her information on the form she had been given. Only pausing at the name section for a moment. Jamie is what she had written down. Not wanting to draw attention to herself for having a blatant guy's name when she obviously wasn't one. 

"No." Came Rose's response as she turned to head to the back only to return with a gambeson coat and an iron short sword and dumped both onto the counter next to Jamie. When she picked up the paper she glanced at it and then back to Jamie. "No Familia yet? You really must have a death wish woman." She commented as she handed Jamie a few documents. "I'd suggest you get into a Familia before you delve into the dungeon else you will die." She said like it was a fact of life. "This here is a list of what Familia is actively recruiting. And with that Rose sent Jamie off.

Jamie didn't leave the guild just yet. Finding a spot in a corner where no one would bother her she looked over the list of gods that were recruiting for their Familia and came across a probably right away. Unless she wanted to jump into Hestia Familia she would have to wait at least a few days before she could try out for any of them. Thus she would either have to starve, steal, or find some way to make money for a few days. And as she said before she had no desire to get involved in Canon right away.

With that in mind, she decided to wait for the Loki Familia recruitment that was happening a few days later. Officially giving her two days when she needed to feed herself and find some sort of shelter. 

"Uhhhg.. this sucks. Why couldn't I have been at least given a starter kit or something when I was tossed into this new world… shitty transmigration system." She cursed the same system she had praised not so long ago.

And with that, she set out for the dungeon. She would have to risk her life eventually. And it was only two days. She could just kill a few things and make enough money to live day to day. At least this was her initial thought.

Unbeknownst to her a pair of eyes were gazing down at her soul from high above the city. A goddess sitting in that lofty tower gazed at what could only be described as a burning inferno of a soul. It was so fascinating to look at. "Follow her for me." The goddess's voice rang out. Her loyal servant quickly nodded. Disappearing from the scene.