
Rise the Star Child Academy

In a world 140 years after the cataclysmic era known as the Super Age of Star Children, humanity had managed to rebuild and survive against all odds. The scars of that bygone era still marred the world, a constant reminder of the devastating threats that had once plagued the planet. Countries across the globe had come to rely on a new generation of individuals known as "Star Children" to fend off the relentless attacks of demons that had become an unrelenting menace. The Seven Generations of Star Children had fought valiantly, but the demon threat persisted, looming over humanity like a malevolent shadow. Enter the protagonist, John Emwitts

Greater_Oat · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Alpha Reigns! 20

The door to her office swung open and there the figure still sat with its head down, and the blood now died up with cuts, scars and bruises. Nora walked to her desk her right arm broken and punctured.

She slammed a button on her desk and sirens started to blare as the blast shield doors started to shut. Nearing the exit. John when in the door frame.

The blast shield door was coming down hard and despite being short, he held up the door. The SFC ran past with a few of them sliding under and with John now unable to leave, the blast shields shut him in.

And on the outside, the SST and SFC stood as they had reached a reception area. The front of HS9.

John picked up his sword and holstered the sword. Despite the SFC and the SST getting through, only Slyas seemed to care about speaking out. "We need to help John!" He punched the blast shield door but it didn't budge.

He punched it again the door didn't even vibrate, "Grand Master, perhaps, we should go before we get caught." Reluctantly Slyas agreed to Ruven's cunning.