
Rise Once Again (Hiatus)

He is the Heavenly Demonic Emperor in his past life but due to his disciple's betrayal, he died. Who would believe that right after he died he will be reincarnated? Even he is surprised and delighted by this. And not just that. The treasure that can severe years of kinship. The treasure that every cultivators dreamed of having. The treasure that cost him his life is still with him!

hallonis · Eastern
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: I'm your what!?

"Uh...where I am?"

Zhao Wei yawned as he stood up from the bed. He observed his surroundings as he stretch his body.

The room he's currently in was not big but it wasn't that small either. It was decently furnished and neat.

There is a door not far from him on the right side of the room while at the opposite side is a rectangular window.

He then heard footsteps approaching his room. The door opened and a youth in white robes came in.

He has a longsword strapped on his back and a jade pendant hanging on his waist. Overall he gave an aura of a noble person.

His hair was tied up in a ponytail with long strands of hair hanging on both sides of his face. A long white fabric that tied up his hair was gently waving from side to side as he walk.

At the same time, he has a handsome yet gentle look on his face adding further charm to his lean figure.

If Zhao Wei is devilishly handsome then the guy in front of him is a handsome saint.

"Oh you're awake? That's good!"

He was delighted to see his junior brother finally woke up from his slumber.


Zhao Wei want to ask him many things but he didn't get to finish because the guy in front of him spoke again.

"I'm Lu Fang a direct disciple of Heavenly Dragon Sect. My master is Grand Elder Ru and you're currently staying in our Swaying Woods Peak. We saved you back there in the Dark Forest."

He couldn't help but have a good impression of this Lu Fang. Despite being older and more powerful than him he's approachable and talkative in a good way.

"I'm Zhao Wei..."

"I can't remember anything other than my name I'm sorry. Thank you Benefactor Lu for saving me."

He then cupped his fist to show his appreciation for the kindness he showed to him but he didn't bow. Lu Fang didn't mind and he just gently smiled at him.

"You don't have to thank me it's Master that saved you."

Upon further observation, Zhao Wei realised that the person in front of him is just 13 years old and yet he was also at the Peak of Qi Condensation---the same as him!

"How did you end up in the Dark Forest?" Lu Fang asked as he carefully observe Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei clutched his head as if trying to remember something but in reality he was thinking of a way to get around this. He didn't want to lie to this good guy but he can't tell him that he just reincarnated to this world, can't he?

He has no choice but to act, besides the words of an 11-year-old boy would still hold some weight when it comes to honesty isn't it?

"I-I really can't r-remember I'm sorry Benefactor Lu!" said Zhao Wei.

"Just call me Senior Brother Lu" said Lu Fang.

He saw confusion and troubled expression on Zhao Wei's face. He knew that Zhao Wei wasn't lying since nothing can't get past the special power of his eyes.

Plus both of them were just a child and yet to grow up. It would be terrifying if such a young child knew how to scheme and plot already.

Shaking his head inwardly at the ridiculous thought Lu Fang snapped back to reality when he heard Zhao Wei speak.

"How come Senior Brother Lu is a direct disciple already?"

He's just a child.

With that thought in his mind Lu Fang didn't hesitate and answer.

"My situation is a bit special."

Someone with a story Zhao Wei thought.

"How long I've been unconscious?"

"Its been a month already."

Zhao Wei frowned when he heard this. Lu Fang thought that he was worried about the internal injuries and said.

"Don't worry your body's already healed. Your body seems to heal itself."


"Ahem! So may I ask senior brother Lu if I can do something for you?" ask Zhao Wei.

"Nothing, you don't have to do anything except become my junior brother."

"Ah... Junior brother? Then it's no problem..." said Zhao Wei taking it for granted.


Junior what?

Junior Brother? You must be nuts!

I'm a billion-year-old immortal and here's a green leaf claiming to be my senior. Are you for real?

Zhao Wei's thoughts ran wild as he realised the implications but Lu Fang just stared at him with amusement in his eyes.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Lu Fang broke it with a joke.

"Looks like Junior Brother Wei is a bit shy huh?"

"I'm not."

"Then would you like to become my junior brother?"

Zhao Wei opened his mouth to speak but then decided to close it because he felt that something is wrong.

Wait a minute.

I'm supposed to acknowledge first a master before a senior brother right?

How come this 'senior brother' was already hopping through the proper process?

It's no problem for him to acknowledge a master considering his situation but it's awkward to acknowledge a disciple first before a master.

Lu Fang realised his blunder and coughed lightly to cover his embarrassment. Before he can even speak a white figure appeared before between them.

It's Grand Elder Ru Wong who just came back from the meeting.

"Disciple Lu greets Master!"


Lu Fang immediately cupped his fist and bowed after seeing his master materialised out of thin air.

Meanwhile, Zhao Wei was currently examining the elder in front of him. He instinctively knew that the man in white in front of him was strong. Very strong.

Despite concealing his qi Zhao Wei can still sense the amount of monstrous qi laying dormant inside the body of this elder.

Just like how Zhao Wei was examining Grand Elder Ru, he's also doing the same to him.

Zhao Wei suddenly felt as if he was naked in front of this man. He knew that he was probing and checking out his body.

It's uncomfortable but he can do nothing about it.

"May I know the name of the senior so I can thank him properly?"

Zhao Wei cupped his fist but didn't bow. For a moment Ru Wong's eyes flashed with astonishment and surprise.

"Just call me Elder Ru," said Grand Elder Ru.

"I thank Elder Ru for saving this humble one's life."

Again, Zhao Wei cupped his fist but still didn't bow. Grand Elder Ru didn't mind it as a terrifying speculation formed in his mind.

"I won't beat around the bushes..."

"Do you acknowledge me as your master?"

"May I ask why?

The aura belonging to an immortal instantly erupted from Zhao Wei as he look directly at Elder Ru's eyes.

Lu Fang was shocked because no one in the world would question an opportunity like this.

Most of them would be kowtowing at this moment.

Meanwhile, Elder Ru was instantly shocked and delighted as he finally confirmed the seemingly ridiculous thought in his head.

It's impossible but it's the only explanation. He wouldn't be the Grand Elder if he can't connect bits of information to form a conclusion.

That would be shameful to his part.

His eyes showed astonishment and reverence for a moment but he quickly covered it up with a solemn expression.

"Xiao Fang leave us for a moment."


Lu Fang respectfully bowed and shot a last look filled with worry at Zhao Wei before finally turning around to leave.

Once Grand Elder Ru was sure that Lu Fang was gone for good he immediately dropped to one knee with his left hand cupping his right one.

"This humble one greets immortal!"

Zhao Wei's lips formed a smile at this moment.