
Rise of Yahunyens: Origin

"I Am... The Revolution!", Born God Griswa Skaar, the last of the Skaar Gods, lost his memories as he struck the planet of Aeartha. Later he met allies and observed the cruel events of this world. As the 'God of Revolution/Helezar Mackenadock', he won't just free the world from the Yahunyens after 185,000 years of their rule, but the entire Omniverse from Greater God 'Brighter Dark'. This is not a struggle for supremacy. Supremacy itself is a struggle here. While every other story is dealing with weak to strong, this story explores the struggles of being too powerful, yet trying to adjust and control it. But even with too much power you need to cultivate, cultivate differently, using your powers with limits and cultivation of not trying to be stronger but to control your power, because even if you have everything, there is a chance you'll have left nothing (Only MC), if any apocalypse dawns on the worlds because of those powers. Being too overpowered, boon or a curse? Rages are on... Ascertain the tragedies, histories and mysteries Beyond The World.

Qussai_H_Shah · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Episode 32: Then Came The Blood...

20 minutes ago:

Yesdar and Malaes found a suitable spot, as they landed on a plateau, where they didn't see or locate any beasts of any kind. Malaes thought it was a good place for total concentration and things might not go messy. Yesdar was there for shielding her anyways. 

"Land there, Ferion." Malaes commanded. Ferion roared and landed reducing his flaps of wings accordingly. Malaes sat down somewhere on the plateau to concentrate and locate Orngea, Yesdar had his sword out and he stood still in the opposite position, beside him Ferion was standing on guard too.

"Okay Mal, just get this Ornge.. Org.. Orn... whatever his name is.. as fast as possible, so that we can get out of here." Yesdar said demanding urgency.

"I know! Let me concentrate first." Malaes politely asked Yesdar to shut up.

She tried as hard as possible for locating Orngea, some minutes passed and there was no result. 

"How long is it gonna take?" Yesdar asked. Malaes didn't respond. Of course it was frustrating, the terrain was vast, the location was uncertain, there were millions of energies here and there and just to locate one person among all this mess was damn hard. It'd probably take hours, but it was possibly, and in knowledge, the only way.

Suddenly Malaes felt goosebumps and shivers pressured down her spine, Yesdar sensed the same energy that Malaes did, but as she was totally concentrating, she felt it more and her heart had almost stopped. A deafening roar filled the heavens and hells with pressured decibels. A roar no one would want to hear in his or her whole life. Malaes still kept her eyes closed, trying to locate Orngea irrespective of the upcoming threat. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??!!!! IT'S COMING OUR WAY!! THAT IS SOME WEIRD ASS MONSTER!!" Yesdar exclaimed. He held Malaes' hand and pulled her, "Let's get out of here!!" 

"Wait! Let me find Orngea first!" 


"Just wait! Don't mess up my concentration, just wait for once!"

Yesdar tried to persuade her, yet Malaes remained stubborn. Ferion just awaited orders. The beasts in the mountains hearing the roars, ran away in the direction of the plateau and Yesdar noticed that.


Yesdar considered it as a disadvantage to his side and felt frustrated, but Malaes didn't. Why? 

Because all those beasts were coming in one direction resulting in a whole wave of energy moving in one direction. So, it was easier for Malaes to separate that lot and focus on the energies throughout other directions and locations. And the titan monster was a separate wave of energy too. As soon as she would find Orngea, she would telepathically communicate the location to Griswa.

Griswa on the battlefield, looked up at the sky, his godly eyes focusing on the seven warships hovering above. Each ship was massive, that could contain millions of troops of enemies, but none were large enough to accommodate that monster. "How did it get here?" he wondered again, his mind reeling. The answer seemed impossible.

"Orngea must have some tricks up his sleeve," Fheniz telepathically messaged him, his voice grim. "We need to find him and end this."

Griswa nodded, his eyes narrowing. "I'll deal with the monster. You handle the battlefield. I'll get there as fast as possible."

Fheniz gave a sharp nod. "Be careful. That thing is more than just a monster. It's a weapon."

Griswa stood amidst the chaos, his keen eyes surveying the battlefield. He could sense the enormity of the task ahead. The enemy forces were endless, a sea of malice and destruction. Fheniz would be left to fend off the hordes alone if Griswa went to confront the monstrous behemoth in the mountains. He clenched his fists and then gradually opened them.

"This is it, what I was waiting for." He thought, his lips curling into a confident grin. "Time to unveil my new move. Fheniz won't have to fight alone for long."

With a sudden burst of speed, Griswa ran towards the advancing armies. His figure was a blur, barely discernible to the naked eye. He stopped abruptly, a mere hundred yards from the enemy lines. His presence alone caused a ripple of unease to spread through the ranks of his foes. He stood still, closing both eyes, his breathing steady and deep.

Griswa's mind was a storm of thoughts and calculations. He needed to balance his power, ensuring he didn't push himself into a berserk state. He exhaled slowly, his body relaxed yet tightened with energy. Suddenly, his left eye snapped open, a blinding lens flare of 200 vibrant colors radiating from it. The brilliance was almost painful to look at, a kaleidoscope of unimaginable intensity.

"Eye Slayer: One For All!" he declared, his voice a resonant boom that echoed across the battlefield.

A colossal, invisible shockwave erupted from Griswa, sweeping across the terrain with unstoppable force. It was as if time itself hesitated. For a fleeting moment, everything stood still. The 100 million enemies directly in front of Griswa were frozen in place, their bodies paralyzed by the sheer power of his attack.

Then, in a breathtaking instant!! The heads of a bloody hundred million foes were chopped cleanly from their bodies!! The decapitated heads rose slowly at first, as if lifted by an unseen hand, before accelerating upwards with astonishing speed. The air was filled with the surreal sight of these heads trailing long, glistening streams of blood, painting the sky in lustrous maroon.

The heads reached a zenith, hanging suspended for a moment that felt like an eternity. Then, gravity reclaimed its hold. The heads began to fall, accompanied by an unending rain of blood. It was a macabre spectacle, a crimson deluge that bathed the battlefield.

Fheniz, in the midst of his own clash, felt a sudden sting on the right side of his neck. He instinctively touched the spot, feeling a shallow cut. Confused, he glanced around and saw the rain of heads and blood. His eyes widened in amazement and horror.

"Griswa... what did you do?" he muttered, awe-struck.

Griswa stood tall, his left eye still ablaze with the multi-colored flare. He could feel the immense power coursing through him, but he was in control. He hadn't gone berserk. It was a calculated risk, and it had paid off. He knew this move had the potential to push him over the edge, but his careful control had prevented disaster.

Fheniz telepathically reached out, his thoughts sharp and urgent. "Griswa, what was that? Haven't you gone yet to deal with the monster?"

Griswa's reply was calm, almost casual. "Just leaving. Thought to take some more down for you, so that it becomes easier for you to handle the battlefield."

Fheniz's mental voice was laced with concern and a hint of irritation. "You didn't need to. I have fought them alone before, I told you that, didn't I? Now go!"

Griswa chuckled, his mental tone light. "Last time they were fewer. But anyway, I have done my job. The rest is up to you."

With that, Griswa launched himself into the sky, his speed accelerating to an astonishing 20,000 km/hour. The air around him crackled with energy as he streaked towards the monstrous threat looming over the mountains. His departure was marked by a sonic boom that echoed across the battlefield, a display of his godly speed.

As Griswa soared, his mind replayed the moment of his attack. He could still see the aftermath vividly – the severed heads, the rain of blood. It was a spectacle of divine wrath, a display of power that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

His attire, now bathed in the blood of his enemies, fluttered in the wind. The dark, regal fabric clung to his powerful frame, accentuating his godly physique. His long, flowing hair streamed behind him like a banner of war, shimmering with an otherworldly light.

The battlefield below was in chaos, the enemies demoralized by the sudden, overwhelming display of power. Fheniz, standing amidst the endless carnage, couldn't help but marvel at Griswa's feat. His own battles seemed almost trivial in comparison to the massacre Griswa had just orchestrated.

"That guy..." Fheniz muttered, shaking his head with a mixture of admiration and exasperation. "Always full of surprises. But I have something up my sleeve too."

Griswa's thoughts were focused now. The colossal monster awaited, and he knew this battle would be unlike any other. The creature was a goddamn gargantuan threat.

Griswa's eyes locked onto the colossal monster, its massive form moving with a slow, almost deliberate menace. The creature's mouth, an abyssal maw filled with concentric circles of teeth, seemed to stretch into infinity. Griswa knew he had to act swiftly and decisively. His muscles tensed, his grip on Mexileum tightening.

As he approached the monster's mouth, the beast suddenly roared. The sound was a deafening shockwave, a sonic assault that rippled through the air with bone-rattling intensity. Even Griswa, with his godly powers, was pushed back, his form wavering as he fought against the unstoppable force. He raised Mexileum, using the sword to shield himself from the onslaught, but his hands and skin trembled under the pressure.

"I'll do it now," Griswa thought, his mind racing. "In my first approach itself, now itself! No matter what! I will use 1 percent of my power. Come on! Go now! YEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! DEFINITELY! I SHALL CUT IT! CUT IT NOW! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POWER AT ONE PERCENT!!!!!!!!!"

As his resolve solidified, hundreds of octagonal patterns materialized around him, glowing with vibrant, iridescent colors. These patterns were the manifestation of his immense energy, swirling and coalescing around him in a dazzling display. The air crackled with power, the sheer intensity of it distorting the space around him.

The roar shockwave ended, and Griswa surged forward with unparalleled speed, his expressions a mixture of determination, resilience, domination and energy. He moved at 200,000 km per hour, a blur of divine energy slicing through the air. The monster's mouth opened wide, an infinite expanse of darkness and concentric disfigured circles expanding endlessly. The gaping maw in the middle seemed endless, a void leading to a giant, dark esophagus.

With his immense speed, Griswa shot inside the monster's mouth, the world around him a blur of darkness. Before that at the tip of it's mouth, he had swung Mexileum in a straight vertical slash. From a bird's eye-view or a high wide-angle shot, a brilliant vertical line of light traced his sword's path. The vertical light line touched the sky, till the ground, a visualization of the slash, and scrolled from the monsters mouth to tail in just 0.2 seconds. 

Griswa exited the monster's pointed tail in a second or two, his body now drenched in the creature's thick, black blood. Streams of the viscous liquid danced around him in slow motion, the droplets catching the light in an eerie, mesmerizing display. He struggled to control his speed, decelerating from his godly velocity as he soared far from the monstrous carcass.

As he regained control, he turned to witness the aftermath of his strike. The monster, from head to tail, was slashed into eight pieces. The segments began to spread apart, a grotesque spectacle of destruction. With the separation of its body, the creature's internal organs spilled out, tumbling from the sky in a macabre rain.

Then came the blood...

An ocean of thick, black blood erupted from the monster's sundered form, cascading downwards in an unstoppable torrent. The volume was staggering. The dark fluid poured over the peaks of the right half of the mountain range. The sheer force of the bloodstorm was breathtaking, a visceral wave of death that consumed everything in its path.

The waves surged with terrifying speed, a wall of liquid darkness that obliterated all in its way. Mountains that had stood for a millennia were swallowed whole, their massive forms crumbed under the inevitable assault. The black blood waves crashed into the peaks with epic thunderous roars, the impact shattering the land and sending shockwaves rippling through the landscape resulting in an earthquake.

As the blood continued to flow, it created a nightmarish flood, a sea of darkness that covered the land. 

The bloodstorm moved with the ferocity of a natural disaster, its flow reminiscent of an actual tsunami that would be towering at more than 8000 meters. The liquid roared as it cascaded over the terrain. Trees, rocks, and debris were swept away, the force of the blood was crushing all resistance. The mountains groaned under the pressure, their foundations cracking and giving way.

Amidst the chaos, Yesdar and Malaes witnessed everything, even before the bloodstorm had roared, the fight between the monster and Griswa.

"Was that Griswa?" Yesdar asked Malaes as they both stood on the gradually cracking plateau, with that their body and feet trembled. For a while, as it was a breathtaking moment, instead of escaping, they stood silently with widened eyes and expressions of awe and horror as a tsunami of blood approached them feasting on the enemy-beasts that were running towards the plateau before, basically feasting on everything before their eyes. For a moment the thunderous roars of the tsunami were inaudible to them, such was their shock.

Doubt Clearing Information:

What is the explanation about the telepathy communications? They weren't mentioned before in the system.

Actually, telepathically communicating is also a skill under observation. Everything altogether is counted in observational skills in the system, as observation in this section is focused more on the mind sense. 

One For All, is clearly a My Hero Academia reference.

Qussai_H_Shahcreators' thoughts