
Rise of Valade

My reality has fallen, the Planeblade broken, and I carry only a piece of it. In my timeless wandering, I have visited many worlds, seeking a place to restore the souls of my home reality. And finally, I have found it. Valade, a far-distant and uninhabited reality, seems to be that place I had been searching for. The search is over, but the adventure is only beginning. This is the first draft of Rise of Valade.

Akion_Quazson · Fantasy
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50 Chs

35 -Proposal

It took a month before Celine was fluent in sign language. Most everyone picked up enough to understand what she was trying to say as well.

She finally transferred to the women's barrack, and I returned to the first men's barrack.

Jack's side project had been finished at some point, and he made it his home. Besides a bedroom he had installed in the second floor, he told us it was public space. With the season becoming chillier by the day, we gladly took up his offer.

Katie found me on the roof of the Temple, overlooking our base. She sat down next to me, letting her feet dangle over the edge next to mine. She leaned into me, and without a word of communication, I wrapped my arm around her.

"Celine is doing well." she said.

I nodded. "She is."

As I replied, I spotted her golden hair emerging from the forest, a bundle of sticks in her arms. Nate, one of her sign language teachers, walked with her, having his own load.

"She's so pure." Katie murmured.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from the Innocent."

"You sound proud of her."

"How can I not? She acts like she's my daughter."

That statement hung in the air for what felt like minutes.

"What if she was?" Katie finally asked.

"What do you mean?"

"What if we adopted her?"

"There's something that would have to happen before we could," I replied.

I looked at Katie, and found her looking into my eyes. A silent exchange happened. I leaned in, closing my eyes. Then, her lips met mine. Our first kiss. Awkward, short, and gentle.

We separated, still looking at each other. Her face was flushed. Mine felt hot.

"You've probably been waiting for this question," I said, "and I think now is the time to ask it: Katie, will you marry me?"

"Yes," she answered without hesitation.

We descended from the Temple roof, prepared to confront the chaos we were about to brew. We split up. I went to Thomas, and she went to tell Juliana. I spotted Thomas as soon as I hit the ground. I waved as I approached.

"You need somethin'?" he asked.

"I think so? Yes. I think you've mentioned you were married?"

"I was. What about it?"

"How would one go about setting up a wedding?"

He gave a hearty laugh. "Finally went for it, eh?"

I felt my face flush, and I reflexively rubbed my neck. "Yeah. So... Any tips?"

He put a calming hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry a bit. If Katie was like my little girl, she'll have every detail picked out. She might have to pass up the white dress, though."

"Wait... You have a daughter?"

"Yup. She's all grown up now. Was enjoyin' married life before, well..."

I nodded in understanding. Before everyone was brought here, or disappeared.

We talked plans, then looked for the other involved parties.

We set the wedding date for two weeks out, and the fourteen days flew by in a blur. We didn't give ourselves enough time to make big or detailed plans, but we didn't really have the resources for that anyway.

I woke up on my wedding day to the sound of Nate stumbling into the barrack after his watch shift. He seemed more tired than usual. I would probably need to add more people to the watch rotation, to lighten the load on him. I mulled over who had evaded night watch as I left the barrack.

A sharp breeze attacked me as soon as I stepped outside. I pulled my fur cloak tighter around me and moved over to the morning campfire, sitting down.

Silence passed me a clay bowl filled with a berry stew. Weird as the concept was, it made a delicious breakfast that even I could prepare.

Others came and went over the next hour, going about their normal days. We had decided the wedding would happen in the afternoon.

Katie came out of the Women's barrack, and beelined to the campfire. She eagerly took a bowl of the berry stew.

"Rough night?" I asked, noting the bags under her eyes.

"Juliana hosted a surprise bachelorette party last night. We only went to bed when Silence left to take third watch."

I glanced at the stoic Asian woman, once again wondering if she was even human. But I returned my focus to my fiancée and made small talk while we waited for the ceremony.

Sophie whisked my fiancée away an hour before the ceremony, and Greg threw me a bundle of clothing while I waited.

"Go get changed," he instructed me.

Lacking any excuses, I went to my barrack to obey. The bundle contained a dull tunic, a cloak, and black trousers. The cloak glittered in the windowlight. Shaking my head, I changed my tunic and trousers, but kept my old cloak. I attached the Ancient's rough sheath to my waist and attempted to step outside.

Nate intercepted me on my way out and commanded me to switch cloaks. How many people were in on this?

I reluctantly put on the crystalline cloak. With that, Nate let me pass.

It felt like the glitter drew everyone's attention to me. Their workdays were nearly over. Deciding to avoid distracting them all, I had the Ancient possess me. His ragged cloak covered my appearance, so I was able to sit on the Temple steps relatively inconspicuously. They all knew who I was, despite the deep hood, but that was fine. Today, at least.

"Ancient, can you please remind me the wording of the wedding vow?" I asked, whispering the question.

*You have fought monsters and mortals alike, even challenging a Soulblade millennia older than you. You hold one of the most versatile powers in the world, and a single sentence causes you nervousness?* he asked in return.

"I just don't want to mess it up. For her."

*Very well.*