

[WARNING- it contains mature content AND violence] JUNE...A simple,innocent and sheltered girl got ABDUCT just before her wedding day and when she got to know that the man who kidnapped her is none other than the trustworthy man of her soon to be husband she got shocked! She argue with her kidnapper "No!!...why did you kidnapped me??..he is DEVIL!!...mafia ruler ..he will kill you!".. but the answer she got made her shocked!.. "LET'S SEE MY DARLING~" he is just a guard!... BUT he gives different VIBES...A vibes of a king....A DORMANT KING... _________________ THIS IS A STORY OF A MAN...who is capable enough to RULE WHOLE UNDERWORLD MAFIA. A MAN who will burn the WHOLE world for his DARLING. A story of a MAN who will fight to become stronger....to protect his DARLING~ BUT WHAT AFTER GETTING STRONGER???? "WRECK HAVOC ON EARTH JUST FOR HIS DARLING!------ -----JUST TO HAVE HER!!!!"

silkystorm · Urban
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27 Chs

don't tell me!...i got abducted


I move back inside my room and close door behind myself.

'hope!.. he is not angry!',a long sigh left from my mouth and I lay back on bed feeling tired and my eyes fall at the ceiling, under neon light.

my palm move to my heart feeling it's loud drumming.

I again took a long breath and my heart begins to calm down,"Why does it feel like something is wrong?"

''Was my decision wrong??''

This whole thing wouldn't have happened if mom dad were here!..

I closed eyes but my throat went dry.

is this the time to think about this??

''its already too late now! as tommorow---''my eyes shot open not believing that,"Tommorow is my wedding!"

I never wanted to marry like this...

picking up a glass of water and i gulped it down feeling tensed and again lay back on bed, I don't think I can sleep today!

and I don't even want to cause...

"I don't want to see that nightmare!"

Why don't it leave me alone!!...why??..why??..

and suddenly my eyes feels drowsy and feeling pain in my head, '' but why??"

why ...m ...i ...feeling ...like this?





what happen...my head it's aching.

"hmm!",a groan left my mouth.

why is my head paining so much..


i move my fingers and felt bedsheet under myself.

when did I fell asleep??


isn't today my wedding day??so how can I sleep??

my eyes shot open,


why is it so bright?.I close my eyes again.

"hmm",i again groan feeling my hand sour maybe from sleeping on one side for too long.

i blink my eyes to adjust my vision and as soon as my vision got clear i caught wall painted with white colour.

let's first change position i m feeling too much pain.

i was about to turn around when I caught something wierd!


Why is there no fan in my room?..and i blink more the ceiling my room's ceiling is white but... it's not white but cream!

no!...this isn't my room.

I was about to shot up from bed to look around.When i felt an intense stare at myself and bed inclined more to my other side as if,as if their is someone here?? ..here behind me.

i turned my head to look back,"who is ...?"

"GASP!", a loud gasp moved from my mouth.

my reflexes hit and I quickly pulled myself at the one corner of bed while gazing at front.

there is a man laying with me on the bed.

He pulled up lightly and put his head on palm supported by elbow lazily. His black hairs move aside revealing his brown eyes which were never leaving me from his sight.

I gulp down in fear "what m I doing here?"

I asked while looking around and then again look at the man, who is still looking at me with his piercing cold eyes.

he pulled his another palm and put them on his lips,covering his perfect and sharp jawline and chin to hide a SMIRK.

but I still caught it,his actions looked so lazy.

wait?..he looks familiar? i frowned "you??...REY??"


some changes!...i used ( '...' )for thoughts earlier....but now let's use square brackets [..] .



REY smirk lightly and warmly.

JUNE---"what's going on...you are Stephens man...don't you..??"

[What's happening??..where m i??.. isn't he Stephen's trusted man??]

June gaze at him and his eyes darken hearing Stephen's name.

She gulped at his expression.

REY silently moves from bed, his finger moving towards his eyes and pulling out something then he ruffle his hairs and his finger turn black with colour ,he pull out his handerkchief and wipe his hairs and palm revealing light brown hairs.

Her eyes widened as soon as his hair color changed and when he put eye lenses inside small box.

She gulp down while backing off feeling deadly aura around him.

[why is the air around him so cold and suffocating??]

[who is he??]

[isn't he Rey?]

[and where am I?]

[I have my wedding today!]

While June kept pondering,Rey sat on stool and gazes l at her silently.

June snapped her heartbeat rose when a certain thought came in her mind,[St..Stephen??....he is Stephen's man??..did Stephen order him to Keep me hidden?]

[i read in many mafia and CEOs stories that every time a rich man tries to get marry to his lov..someone will try to stop it??]

Her eyes become vary,

[And i know Stephen is mafia man!!...no he is their boss!!..he have so many enemies!!..did he order Rey to keep me safe?]

JUNE gaze at Rey who was staring at her silently.

She move into daze while looking at him her eyes travel to his light brown hairs,which he just swept back by his fingers revealing his face ,his eyes as blue as atlantic ocean and as piercing and sharp bow point.His high sharp nose in between those piercing eyes.

She tilts her head unknowingly while gazing at rey,her gaze travel down to his lips and his perfect jawline and then his well built body under tight shirt and trouser.

she gulped down unknowingly feeling his anger and chilly aura dominating the whole room which just enhanced his looks,making him look DEVELISHLY handsome.

Looking at the surrounding, and then Rey's cold expression she remembered a character ..a male lead of certain novel as she is a NOVEL READER..


her eyes sparkle, but then realization struck her like a lightning bolt!

[wait!!..it's not the time to think about that!!]

Then she again gaze around while peeking at him,

[this man?,he is so much bewitching!]

[but why did he put those lenses??...why was he faking his hair colour??]

[why is he so silent??]Her eyes widen.

[is he a spy or something??]

[But I know!!..Stephen is so wicked!!..if he knew that Rey is a spy then he wouldn't have introduced Rey to me!]

[d..does something happen to Stephen??]

she called out her thought loudly,"does something happen to my Stephen??"

her heart beat rose at the thought,

[then who will help me? finding my mommy daddy??]

But their was no answer in return.

she gaze at rey who was just looking at her.Nope he is not looking but GLARING at her.

His reaction like no reaction made her even more worried and panicked,her eyes caught open door at corner of door.

She runs towards the door,[No!!...what will i do if something happen to him too??....i already lost so many people of my life!]


"ahh",she screams in pain feeling tight grip around her wrist.

REY grab her wrist swiftly and pull her back snaking arm around her waist from back and pull her up as she begins to struggle around his grip,

"leave me..leave..me...what happen to my step..!!"

that's when,

"SHUT THE FCUK UP!!",Rey snarled at her angrily while jerking her back towards himself which made June flinched in fear.

He move to her front then tighten his arms around her waist which she found uncomfortable and she begins to struggle more,

[what's up with him??..why is he rude??..to his boss's woman?]

"what..what...are you--"

while Rey pull her more closer by waist,

"....doing...leave..leave me..I m your boss's woman"while putting hand on his chest and pull back.

REY smirk which June didn't miss and and a thought came into her mind,


.____to be continue___

you will hate him at start but believe me he will become an ideal hubby at the end

silkystormcreators' thoughts