

[WARNING- it contains mature content AND violence] JUNE...A simple,innocent and sheltered girl got ABDUCT just before her wedding day and when she got to know that the man who kidnapped her is none other than the trustworthy man of her soon to be husband she got shocked! She argue with her kidnapper "No!!...why did you kidnapped me??..he is DEVIL!!...mafia ruler ..he will kill you!".. but the answer she got made her shocked!.. "LET'S SEE MY DARLING~" he is just a guard!... BUT he gives different VIBES...A vibes of a king....A DORMANT KING... _________________ THIS IS A STORY OF A MAN...who is capable enough to RULE WHOLE UNDERWORLD MAFIA. A MAN who will burn the WHOLE world for his DARLING. A story of a MAN who will fight to become stronger....to protect his DARLING~ BUT WHAT AFTER GETTING STRONGER???? "WRECK HAVOC ON EARTH JUST FOR HIS DARLING!------ -----JUST TO HAVE HER!!!!"

silkystorm · Urban
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

trustworthy man Rey

after sometime,


Inside A Small House,

inside a certain small room,

there was a girl laying over a small bed ,her long black hairs scattered all over her face with her grey eyes in daze,gazing at the ceiling silently.

everything was silent inside and her lips parted breaking the silence.

"it's so lonely now..."

her tone, as cute as any teenage girl but emitting loneliness.

"it doesn't feel like home without you mom-dad!",she mumbled to herself as the whole house was deadly silent.

She grabbed the frame from the side,it was a middle aged couple's image,

"where are you?"she asked with a crying tone but there was no one except herself in the house.


''vrrr-vrrr''(mobile vibration)

She snapped at the cellphone aside,"huh??"

then gaze catch the caller and her eyes brightened quickly at the name.

picking up hurriedly she answered,

"Hello~"her voice so Lovely and tone so innocent.

A warm voice greet her,"june~babygirl..I m outside.."

Her name is JUNE.

"HONK..HONK"a sound of horn came from outside

June snaps at the window hearing horns then runs to it and looks down.

A man was standing on the road in front of her house, wearing a green tuxedo over white shirt with his blonde hair reaching his ears and his sharp green eyes gazing at her window and as soon as june came into his view a warm smile, crept on his lips.

June wonder what deeds she did in her life that she got STEPHEN, who is her only ray of hope of light in her dark world for now.

STEPHEN--"won't you come down BABYGIRL~"(says on call while gazing at her )

"coming~" ,then she turned around and run downstairs.

after some seconds


JUNE run and hug stephen who hug her back with a chuckle

Stephen pull back slightly,"what were you doing my babygirl??"

giggle left her mouth,"nothing honey, just missing you!"

a smirk form on stephen's lip while june kept talking with him.

JUNE--"did you had your dinner??"


suddenly,her expression became tense,which caught his attention and his eyes narrowed at her.

getting his attention she voiced out before he could raise any question,"stephen i m nervous"

STEPHEN--"why babygirl??"(worriedly while eyes narrowing at her suspiciously)

JUNE--"we are getting marry tomorrow but my mom-dad~....we still haven't found them"(cryingly)

stephen's jaw clenched but still said in a worried tone," don't worry babygirl we will definitely find them out"

JUNE nods stiffly and gaze down,while stephen gaze at her thinking ,'just some hours and you will be mine tomorrow after our wedding~ babygirl'

that's when


her eyes snapped at sound and caught the door of Stephen's car opening and caught a person moving out from driver seat and the he closed door behind himself.

"THUD''(door close)

He moved and stood at stephen 's back near the car like a guard.

she peek at man standing behind stephen at some distance.

he was wearing a simple black suit with brown shoes , his black ear length hairs were dishievled and falling at his front covering his eyes.

she thought that he must be Stephen's gaurd so she ignored him.


Gaurd gazed at stephen and his brown eyes hidden under his black hairs made their way to june, and his jaw clenched tightly.

Shiver run down from june's spine and she snap visibly at him .

stephen notice her reaction,"what happen babygirl??"

"huh?",she gaze at stephen who frown at her "n..nothing" but still denied while feeling intense stares.

whereas, man's gaze darken several shades while looking at them embracing each other,which made june move close to stephen instinctively in fear.

Stephen follow june's gaze and notice his man,"don't be scared babygirl..."

"huh?",while her eyes keep staring at gaurd.

then frown at his hidden eyes, 'why does it feel like something is wrong with this man??...his eyes ??...i can't see them because of his hairs--'

her thoughts cut-off by stephen,"he is my trustworthy man REY!"

she sigh in relief while gazing at rey"ohh!!"and then nodd

REY nodd to her slightly while gazing at her intensely.

She thought that, if he is a trustworthy man then he must be vary of her as this is their first meet,

june and stephen talked for sometime,while June kept feeling intense stares but she avoided it.

JUNE--"good night (peck on his cheek)"

STEPHEN hugged her and his hand slide to her firm and visible two back mountains,but his hands stop in air as June moved back instinctively avoiding his touch,which made Stephen's jaw clenched in anger.

it's always like this whenever stephen tried to touch june more intimately ,she will pull back instinctively.

Even june herself can't understand why she always pull back from him, because when he proposed her she accepted him.But, something in her heart always makes her pull herself back from him,which she can't understand.

She had both positive and negative feeling for him, he proposed her in a haste and because she didn't have time she accepted his marriage proposal.

June gaze at Stephen who was clenching his jaw and just kept stare at him knowing that he 'THE DEVIL' of whole underworld is trying to suppress his anger for her, but till when??...she want to find her parents as soon as possible and only this man can help her .

he was the one who stepped forward giving her hand to help find her parents when even cops can't find their traces.

He was the one who always gives her hopes that they are alive and he will find them.this was the reason she accepted this man.






she shake her thoughts away and grab his hands by squeezing them,"bye honey" and then storm inside without waiting for his response.

Because she knew that he will again try to touch her and she will again pull back or will ask many questions about why she is feeling uncomfortable?

and she knew that she can't deny his touch as they are GETTING MARRIED within some hours but she can't help it.She just hopes to find her parents as soon as possible so that their wedding might get delay and they will get time to know each other.

But she didn't knew that the man name REY was staring at her every action.

_____to be continue