
Rise of the Unfavored Princess

I had thought that my life couldn't get worse when I walked in on my fiancé cheating on me with my best friend. But after a series of unfortunate events, I opened my eyes in a world that I had only read about in a webnovel, the Erudian Empire, ruled under the domineering, bloody reign of Emperor Helio. The worst part? I'm not even the main character! Reborn as Winter Royberg de la Erudian, I am the pitiful side character who is discovered to be a royal bastard princess due to a certain physical trait only the imperial bloodline possesses. But I know the end of Winter's story and the unwanted royal punching bag is framed as a witch and killed at age 16 on the guillotine due to the scheming of the cruel empress. An aloof, murder happy father? Check. Psycho half-sister? Check. Meddlesome author who wants me to follow the script? Double check! I don't want to die an early death again, so I'm determined not to ever be discovered as a royal again. But before I know it, I'm trapped in a palace of blood and opulence playing tricky games of power, games I have no clue how to win. How will I survive to adulthood in the imperial palace and get my happily ever after? And am I really the only person who fell into this world? *UPDATES 1-2 TIMES A WEEK* *1500 TO 3300 WORDS PER CHAPTER*

bunnyreadsabook · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Ch. 214: We The People

Being the kind soul that I am, I feed Julian off my plate and pretend not to notice the long looks he gives me before each and every peck. Emma took care to add something bird friendly, a hefty amount of grains on top of the meat porridge. The sound of my spoon depositing porridge covered grains onto Julian's little dish is harsh to the ears.

"You can lose the attitude. I don't have cooties and it's not like I turned you into a freaking bird," I mutter after he stares accusingly at my spoon.

"Fine, fine," I say around a mouthful of porridge after more uncomfortable silence. "So maybe I'm taking advantage of it. But it's not like I told you to come here. You chose to peck at my window, knowing the risks."

I sound guilty. I sound apologetic. But worst of all, I sound like a flip flopping hypocrite.