
Rise Of The Tainted

Set in an apocalyptic world after World War III, billions are dead while millions are suffering from the indirect effects of nuclear radiation. Before humanity can get its act together, a massive asteroid that can destroy life on earth is spotted. The World Government races to stop it. It tries and fails. A fragment lands in a tiny nation wreaking untold havoc. Exposure to the meteorite debris dust kills off everyone except one person with a rare blood condition. Bosco Masaba is a struggling medical student who gets exposed to the mutated blood transforming his genes as well as granting him powers. Our story starts from there…

Zebolo · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


After some little time, which seemed like an eternity to Kayne, the decryption process finished, and the email contents were revealed to him. The email revealed a series of high-definition pictures that left Kayne seething with anger. They portrayed Agnes Nzanzu, the AZ Mining Group heiress; in a passionate embrace with a mysterious young man on her father's private jet. There was no doubt about their intimacy. Furthermore, there was a video from CCTV footage showing the same young man being welcomed by Agnes's father into their family home. As if that was not enough, there was more evidence of this young man sharing a meal with the Nzanzu family. 

Unbridled rage coursed through Kayne as he viewed these damning images and videos. So, the stubborn heiress was indeed heterosexual, and she had her eyes set on a particular man for marriage. What incensed him even more was the acceptance this stranger had found within Agnes's family. Robert Nzanzu, her father, was known for his exclusivity and greed; for him to welcome this young man into his home, he must have approved him as a future son-in-law.

Kayne dived deeper into the report accompanying the images and videos, and slowly he grasped the identity of this mysterious young man who had crossed their radar. His name was Bosco Masaba, a third-year medical student at the East Africa Medical University. He was the prospective future husband of Agnes Nzanzu, the heiress of AZ Mining Group. The report painted Bosco as an intelligent and reserved individual, a man without vices to exploit. His only perceived weakness was his lack of wealth, a flaw soon to be remedied through his impending marriage into wealth.

"F*ck, f*ck, f*ck!" He cursed out in anger at no one in particular. The bitch had fooled them completely by making them think she was lesbian and male suitors were not her type. They were looking around for a worthy female in their ranks to woo her, but the evidence before him told him that was no longer necessary. What puzzled him, was that all the former male suitors they had sent her way were more handsome and presentable compared to this young man. What did she see in Bosco? What did their agents lack for her to turn them down? These questions irritated him because he lacked a concrete answer. 

For a man in his position, not having ready answers to emerging problems meant he was slowly losing his grip. And he hated being in such a position.

Of all the mining industries on the African continent, AZ Mining Group had eluded their grasp due to Mr. Nzanzu's affiliation with a rival cartel in Belgium. Kayne had devised a plan to subjugate them under Jua Kali's influence using Agnes or her spouse. Yet, the images before him shattered his dreams.

Filled with rage, he banged the keyboard repeatedly, when this did not quell his anger; he threw it on the floor before stomping on it until it was in pieces. This was unacceptable, for the whole of Jua Kali cartel to be bested by a young man below thirty years and without any backing behind him.

With a cold gleam in his eyes and an ugly scowl on his wrinkled face, Kayne Sitoka reached a resolute decision.

He remembered a section in the report, it mentioned that Bosco was temporally posted in Mutukula Hospital for the duration of the asteriod strike. He was away from the university and its caring staff who lovingly watched over the medical students like precious gems.  This was an opportunity for him to exploit, and luckily for him; the Mutukula area was firmly under the control of his Lieutenants. 

Talking to no one in particular, he said, "I want him dead in 72 hours." 

Such was his rage, that he believed Bosco Masaba must not be allowed to live. He was determined to ensure the young man's demise, no matter the cost. The survival of the Jua Kali Cartel depended on it.

Seeing that he could not use the computer for now, since he had destroyed the keyboard. Kayne retrieved his official encrypted phone from the desk drawer. His fingers danced across the screen as he entered the lengthy passcode to unlock it. Without the authorization code, the phone was unusable. And if he entered the code thrice wrongly, the phone could self-destruct.  With the phone unlocked, he scrolled through the cartel's registry; looking for the best Lieutenants to handle this vital task.

It was not easy for Kayne to narrow down who was the best Lieutenant for this confidential and vital assignment. Even in his overwhelming rage, he had the common sense to know that it should appear as an accident. He was not sure whether the rival cartel backing Mr. Nzanzu had noticed Bosco Masaba or not. Either way, he was not willing to take any chances should they have noticed him, an accidental death could wipe all traces that may point to Jua Kali having a hand in the young man's death.

In the end, Kayne decided to make it an open mission to all Lieutenants in Mutukula. The most resourceful and efficient Lieutenant could execute it in 72 hours. To spice things up, he placed a bounty of 10,000 WCs on Bosco's head.

His fingers tapped speedily on the screen as he set it to record a broadcast message with a timer of eight hours. In eight hours, the message could auto-delete. He had learned the hard way to be cautious, never trust people and never rely on machines.

"This is the Governor… " he started his recording of the voice message.

"Authorization code CR00X11, TERMINATE Bosco Masaba with extreme prejudice. Bounty is ten thousand WCs; duration is 72 hours starting now." His recording carried his authoritative voice. 

Code CR denoted that it was a Crimson Code mission, and also showed that Bosco Masaba's survival was considered a HIGH DANGER to the cartel. While 00X11 was for assassination missions meant to look like an accident.

As the Governor, Kayne's words whether verbal or written, carried a lot of weight, and now that the command was accompanied by a substantially enticing reward. All Lieutenants in Mutukula could be racing to execute it.

Even to a Lieutenant in the cartel who was not money-minded or even one who was a saint, this is not to imply that there were Lieutenants who were saintly. The allure of ten thousand WCs was too much for one man or woman to resist. 

Do you know what one can accomplish or acquire with this amount of money? This bounty money was already more than the annual income of professionals such as lawyers or Doctors. If a civil lawyer worked diligently for eight hours a day, six days a week throughout the year; his or her annual salary could only amount to seven thousand six hundred and eighty WCs. As for the average civil servant, their annual salary in the Federation did not even come close to four thousand WCs.

With this bounty on Bosco Masaba's life. A scramble had been initiated on his life without his knowledge. The man in question was still reflecting on the harsh words or rather bitter facts that Mr. Nzanzu presented to him in Kisangani, at the same time debating on whether it was worth it to continue a relationship with Agnes knowing that the father did not approve of it. 


If only he knew that his life was in EXTREME DANGER.