
Rise Of The Supreme Sovereign

In the world ruled by strength, a young boy gains the approval of a mysterious scroll which sets up his path to the supreme peak. The scroll shows him the way, and an old spirit guide him through the journey. Where will he reach? What fortunes will he gain? What dangers will he face? Will he be alone or someone would hold his hands while he faces the storm? Let's follow Zhao Yun as he understands the responsibility that power gives him. What will he do when he reliases that simply reaching the peak of martial way is not enough. His choices and his growth let's follow him all the way to the true Peak.

mj98 · Eastern
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30 Chs

The Mortal World

The old voice was loud and filled with ancientness. Following the laughter, a white shadowy figure emerged from the source of the white light, which was surprisingly the same hole in which Zhao Yun's blood was flowing in. The only difference now would be that an ancient scroll with a domineering aura was floating above it. The Shadowy figure slowly materialised in the form of an old man. The old man was tall and lean. He had some wrinkles but didn't appear to be ugly; instead he had gentle eyes, warm features ad a kind smile. He looked amiable and warm just like a next door grandpa who gives candies to the kids. If someone observed him for a period of time, he would notice that the old man appeared to be ethereal, as if he didn't exist. He appeared to be in the form of soul and at the same time just a projection. He gave the feeling of something which exists between reality and illusion.

The old man laughed for a period of time. He was like a person who sees the sun after being locked in a dark room for years. Soon he calmed down and illusionary tears flowed out from his eyes. This rollercoaster display of emotions lasted for quite a sometime before he finally gained his composer. As he calmed down, he turned towards Zhao Yun. Seeing the young figure wrapped in the cocoon of light released by the ancient scroll, his eyes contained mixed emotions of relief, excitement and grief.

"So it chose you huh" he murmured, "I hope it's a decent choice though, and you will turn up deserving of its choice and the responsibility that it gave you."

"Sigh! I'll leave it for time to test you. For now let's check out where in the world am I" Just as these words were said, an invisible ripple spread through him. As he did so he frowned.

"Weak spatial and temporal laws, sparse spiritual energy, mortal cultivation. Sigh, it appears that the scroll chose a mortal realm child for its successor. Is it because he has no foundation, or something else?" The old man mumbled to himself and then he chuckled.

"Hahaha! If those old crooks in netherworld learn about this then I truly want to see their faces. Would they regret this? Well whatever, my fate is already sealed, I just hope that this child would give me the answers to those questions I sought for all my life."

While he was mumbling to himself he closed his eyes and recalled the energy he had sent out. But before the ripple subsided, his face changed.

"No, this isn't a mortal realm! It has a core. This this this…. A mortal world. Hahaha a mortal world. Hahaha my dear disciple and all you old crooks! Who would have thought that the scroll for which you had me perished, for the scroll you forgot all my kindness and resorted to all kinds of vicious schemes, the very same scroll didn't even deem the divine world worthy of its powers. Hahaha it even ignored the various mortal realms which you all created and brought me to the mortal world. Hahaha it chose a mortal world brat over you all. You all deserve it. Heavens have eyes." The old man almost seemed hysterical when he laughed loudly. His laughter had no joy, just grief and sorrow.

He had a reason for being mad. A group of divine world experts chased after him, his disciple betrayed him, his cultivation was lost and he was reduced to an entity which was bound to the very reason for all his grievances, the ancient scroll. What added the fuel to fire was the very scroll which had its own spirit chose to ignore the illustrious divine world and chose a mortal child from the mortal world. One has to know that based on its power level, the universe was divided into two worlds. The mortal world and the divine world. There supposed to be a third division which some experts chose to name as immortal world, supposedly after the legendary realm of immortal cultivation. Although there was no valid proof of its existence, but the appearance of the ancient scroll triggered that belief.

As the old man calmed down from his hysteria, he began to recall all the knowledge he had about the mortal world.

The world, in which they were currently in, was the lower plane of existence, the mortal world. It was a plane which was vast and huge. It contained many heavenly bodies, landmasses and planets. Various kinds of life forms can be found in this plane. The only thing common would be that they were all mortals. Here mortal was not the term for life forms with limited lifespan, but for existences that are still unable to use the divine powers, and mortal world, which in common term was known as the lower plane, has laws that prevented the existence of powers that could control divine. Once such existences appeared, they would be forced out of the lower planes and would be sent to the divine planes. No amount of power could rival these laws, and if someone tries to defy these laws, they would be erased from existence. Mortal world had weaker laws and power level compared to the divine world. Here the level of existence is far lower compared to the divine world, where one of the weakest creatures has the power to eradicate the entire world. If not for the invisible rules, the result would have been horrifying. The mortal world is different from the mortal realm in the divine world. The mortal realm is the space pockets created by supreme beings for their descendants who have not started cultivation. They are easily accessible and are connected to the divine world in more ways than one. The mortal world on the other hand can be counted as an isolated space, where the only way to leave it would be to break the constriction of the laws and achieve the divine. And it would be a one way journey, until now there has been no way for anyone to return or barge into the mortal world from the divine world. This on one hand stopped the development of the civilisation as compared to the divine world, but on the other hand gave birth to geniuses who forged their own paths and barged through the restriction to create their own legends. Even in the divine world anyone who comes from the mortal world and is younger than 100 years of age is considered a supreme genius and is fought for by the supreme forces. After all not everyone can achieve what they have with such low level of civilization.

The old man was also in awe of the fact that the scroll broke through the restrictions and has arrived at the mortal world when not even the supreme forces could do that. This in turn once again proved the existence and belief of the legendary immortal world. While the old man was lost in his own thoughts, he heard a low grunt and turned to see that the white cocoon was breaking apart.