
Rise of the supreme commander

A boy of unknown origin. A boy forced to join the army. A boy fighting against all odds. read and find out what our friend has in store for us. update once a week from now on. join my Patreon: RedAbyss61 for early access and join the abyss

TheRedAbyss61 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 18

The competition of the city lord's residence caused a great uproar in the city as the rewards consisted of 100 low-grade spirit stones, one core of a late-stage Crytal core beast, and the mid-grade spatial ring. Not only were the rewards very lucrative, but what the participants looked after was the honor and glory of becoming champion.

The competition will be held in the form of a martial competition, the first round the participant have to hold one of the fifty arena's for an entire hour to be qualified for the second round. The participant will decide the top ten in a battle royale in the second round. In the last round, the top ten will be revealed.

After getting himself ready Cyrus together with Will and a couple of his platoon members left for the inner area.

''Bustling crowd''

The area was packed with people excited to see the upcoming fights. The most likely candidate for the position of the champion is one of the three heirs of the biggest families in fire torch city. The three families consisted of Grey, Licht, and Sodlick.

The Grey family is a family of martial artists who has been living in this city for generations. The family head is said to be at the peak of the Crystal core realm same as the other great family heads.

The Licht family is a family of merchants who do business all over the Spark kingdom and are said to be a branch family and the main family is in the de Azar empire. The family owns the business district and a part of the red-light district.

The Sodlick family is a family of alchemists that provide most of the pills in the city and are part of the alchemists union. The family head is a four-star alchemist who can create pills for low-grade earth realm cultivators.

''Hahahaha, kid are you nervous I heard that the three heirs are strong''

''They are no match for our kiddo''

''He is personally trained by our captain, so nobody can defeat him''

The soldiers tried to cheer Cyrus up as they thought he would be nervous hearing about the strength of the three heirs. What they did not know is that Cyrus did not take the three heirs seriously as they were in the same stage and Cyrus had the confidence that he was unbeatable in the same cultivation stage.

''Now now, I am sure Cyrus can beat those snot-nosed brats of the great families so let's make sure that our little devil has all the information that he needs'' Said William as he put his elbow against Cyrus's shoulder. ''The heir of the Grey family is a simple boy that only focuses on martial arts and fighting, called Vincent he mainly uses his fists but don't be fooled I heard he knows how to use almost all the weapons there are, a kid to my own heart''

Everybody but Cyrus laughed at what William said. ''The heir of the Licht family is called Klaus a boy a couple of years older than you, he is a merchant who likes to do as if he is a martial artist for the fun of it, I heard he is an arrogant piece of shit.

''All those stupid fat merchants with their sweet talk, trying to weasel our money out of our pockets''


It seems like nobody has a positive image of merchants.

''And the last one is a little girl talented in both martial arts and alchemy, she uses a fan and has the power of the wind element. And I even heard that the different academies in the capital are interested in her.

''It seems like you have a couple of tough nuts to crack, hahaha'' Said William as he seemed amused by the situation.

Cyrus just blankly stared at William and said ''I am going to win''

''That's the spirit kid''

''Hahahaha, beat them all up into pig faces''

''Don't forget to get the girl'' Said one soldier with a 'you know what I mean face'

It seemed like the group of idiots was having the time o their lives as they were making fun of Cyrus.

''Leave the kid alone, he has not even grown any hair down there''

''Hahahaha. you are right''

''Make sure your pull-out game is good''


While continuing to make fun of Cyrus, the group walked to the avenue. Shortly after they arrived Cyrus saw a scene he never saw before, thousands of people together in one place awaiting the same thing to see the strongest in the younger generation of Fire Torch city.