Due to personal reasons, I'll not be updating this novel for a while, thanks for reading along with me for all this time
The librarian looked at Ezra, she couldn't understand how this kid had managed to get to such a level, how did this kid have such information, where did he get it from?
Ezra saw her reluctance and decided to get serious, he scanned the surrounding areas with shadow sense, he didn't see anyone, so it was safe.
He activated a portal to the shadow realm, and before she could react, a tendril threw her inside while he followed behind and the portal closed.
What he was doing now was a risk, because he would know if there was anyone in the library when he was coming out, but that was an issue for later.
The librarian got up from the floor of the throne room, she made to run, but more tendrils tied her down.
Ezra walked to her in slow steady steps, then bent low beside her. "Your son is somewhere in this castle, your answers will determine his survival, be careful while you make them," Ezra warned.