

In the dark veil of night, a hooded figure walked through the academy grounds, he walked for a good distance before stopping, he looked around and then pulled out what looked like a wand.

He tapped it on the ground twice, and a magical formation appeared underneath him and he disappeared.

The figure appeared inside a dimly lit room, where a man sat across the table in the room. He walked and sat down facing the man.

The man's face was hidden in the deepest shadow that was in the room, so the figure could not see his face.

"Master, Trez is out of the way, we can proceed." The figure said, his voice masculine.

"Trez is out of the way? Did you deal with him?" The master asked.

"Sadly no, it was a student named Ezra. He got into a fight with Trez and made Trez disappear.

I waited a while for Trez to return, but he never did, then I went to seek out Ezra, and I saw him seated normally in the arena watching the tournament.