

Ezra walked through the night. Though the sky was dark, the activities of the day had not yet ceased. He could hear the sounds of drunk men in bars and the occasional sound of a person getting beat up in a dark alley.

The only source of light was the mana lamps set at strategic locations around the city. They provided enough light for him to get to where he needed to go.

After minutes of walking, he arrived at the place he had asked the shadow girl to meet him, but she was not here.

"Guess she didn't come. I should not have let her go away. Sigh." He let out a dejected sigh and decided to wait a bit and see, but after close to thirty minutes of waiting, he didn't see her.

"I'd better get going." He took a step out of the place, but then his shadow sense picked up a presence behind him.

"You took your precious time," Ezra said as he turned to look at the shadow girl.