
Rise Of The Shadow Demon

Due to personal reasons, I'll not be updating this novel for a while, thanks for reading along with me for all this time

NTNova · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
246 Chs

Ability level up

"Ten hours here?" Ezra looked around the shadow realm. "This place is the creepy of creeps."

He soon noticed some figures lurking in the distance, he couldn't make them out, but he could tell that they were coming for him.

They sped up as they headed for him, their hostility oozing from them.

"So these are the shadows."

He spun his scythe and took a stance as he waited for the pitch black figures with red glowing eyes to reach him.

The figures looked like dogs made of shadows, they ran on all fours through the fog and attack him, some jumping while others attacking his lower parts.

"Not happening." He shouted, and swung his scythe in a clean semi circle, cutting through a bunch of the shadows, then he kicked back and put distance between them.

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

The energy he got from a single one was equal to what he had gotten from Richard, it was simply awesome.

His drive to kill them all and get their shadow energy increased.

He shot forward at full speed, he stretched out his hands and a drop of shadow fell to the ground, and then shadow tendrils shot up and began tearing the shadows apart.

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

[You have awakened a new shadow ability, shadow blade, fire an arc made of shadows to kill enemies]

When he got this notification, he felt his spirit run out of his body and come back in excitement, he spun the scythe in his hand and slashed out.

"Let's try this."

The scythe fired a shadow arc that travelled and cut down three shadows.

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

He felt even more and more happy as he kept reaping shadow energy, and getting stronger.

The numbers of the shadows were rapidly rising, surrounding Ezra completely. Ezra kept cutting down, and gaining more and more shadow energy.

Still the number got overwhelming, and he couldn't keep up.

"There is no way I can take the all down, I have to find a way out of this encirclement."

He got a plan in his head, and decided to go with it and make an opening for his escape from their encirclement.

He slashed out and fired and few shadow blades in a fast succession, they cut down a set of shadows.

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

With that he was able to make a small opening, the he ran for it at top speed, but the shadows noticed this and moved to cover the opening before he got through, but that was exactly what he wanted.

He hit the brakes and then turned around, and sprinted in the opposite direction. He then used shadow dive, and since this place was basically all shadows, it worked without problem.

He disappeared from their sight, when he came out he was already out of the encirclement, he looked towards the mass of shadows and called out to them.

"Hey you, all of you come this way." He decided that he would use this technique to survive the the time, just killing and escaping.

The shadows all ran at him once again, and he continued reaping shadow energy, expecting for the increase to give him a new shadow ability, but it wasn't so.

[You have gained 10 shadow energy]

[Shadow blade has leveled up]

"Level up? My shadow abilities can level up?"

He kept fight, and realized they effect of the shadow blade has truly leveled up, it was a bigger and more powerful. It also had a larger range as well.

Ezra soon started running out of stamina, he had been killing those things for hours now, and he was only human, yet their numbers didn't drop.

"How much time do I have left?" He asked.

[6hrs: 23mins: 12secs]

"Shit, I still have six hours to go, this isn't going as well as I planned." He said as he dodged more and more attacks of the shadows.

He was still easily cutting them down, using shadow tendrils to hold them down and then cut them. When he was encircled he would use shadow dive and escape.

He could tell that his shadow energy was fast depleting, and his recovery wasn't keeping up with the loss.

"If this keeps up, I am going to be in trouble"

Suddenly all the shadows stopped in their tracks, they seemed to be looking at something behind Ezra in fear.

Ezra turned around to see what caused this, and there stood a group of humanoid shadows, their red glowing eyes locked on Ezra.

"You have been kidding me." Ezra cried out. He only now realized why this was a survival.he also understory why they could use this as punishment.

He could tell from a mare glance that theses new shadows were most definitely stronger than the ones he had been fighting. It also showed as the dog like shadows slowly retreated when they saw these ones.

"Their presence fixed one issue and brought a bigger one to me."

The shadows moved, their speed like phantoms, they were so fast that his eyes could bit keep up at all.

"Shit, not good"

He kept turning around to try to locate them, but they were running so fast and in random patterns that he couldn't track.

Then out of no where, a punch slammed into his stomach and sent him flying, then shadow tendrils caught onto him and pulled him down, slamming him into the ground.

"Arghhh!" Ezra groaned in pain, he struggled to his feet, but immediately he got up he saw a shadow Infront of him coming with a punch.

He used his scythe to try and block the punch, but the shadow transitioned quickly from a punch to a sweep and swept him from the ground, then it punched him downwards sending him to the ground.