
Shadow realm

Ezra woke up the next day like any other day, he felt great and wasn't slightly disturbed by the occurrence last night.

"It is odd that I still feel nothing for those kids, infact when I think about it I get slightly enraged." He spoke to himself.

"Well, doesn't matter at all, I should just do what I need to, now that my shadow has activated."

He washed up and got seated on his bed to think. He had gotten the first part of his shadow, should he now tell his family that he was a darkness type mage?

He hadn't really awakened anything, but he couldn't use the shadow without a tangible explanation, and telling them that he had awoken would be a good excuse.

He was still thinking about it when a knock sounded on his door.

"Who is there?" He asked.

"It's me." His sister responded.

"Okay, come in." He gave her permission.

She opened the door and walked in, she held his breakfast.

"I didn't see you for breakfast so I thought I'd bring it up." Lisa said.

"Oh, thank you," He responded and took the food from her and wolfed it down in a few minutes.

"I got through the first stage of the entrance examination." Lisa said.

"Really? That is great." Ezra replied with a smile.

"Thanks, the next stage will be in three weeks time, after that I will know if I get admitted and can start at the magic academy." Lisa said.

"Hmm, you will do well." Ezra assured.

"You know, there is also a martial academy as part of the school, you could join that as well." Lisa said.

"Really? That would be nice if I can, I'll think about it." Ezra said.

Lisa smiled when she heard that her twin may come to the school she was going to. She had been tormented by the thought of leaving him, if he chose to come, then she would atleast still be close to him.

After that, her demeanor became serious, she looked at Ezra and spoke.

"Someone killed three kids last night." She said.

"Huh? Killed?" Ezra acted surprised.

"Yeah, one of them was Richard, the kid that beat you up once upon a time." Lisa said.

"When and where did the news come from?" He asked her.

"One of mum's friend that loves to gossip came over this morning and told her.

"What about the towns authorities, have they found anything?" Ezra asked, not breaking his act at all.

"Hmm, I don't know, she mentioned that there was no evidence of the scene, that's all I know. Mum didn't let me hear the rest since I am too young." Lisa said.

"I still find it hard to believe that they were murdered, but that's that. They may have come across the wrong persons." Ezra said.

"Hmm, maybe. So what about your training, aren't you going?" Lisa asked.

"No, not today, I took a few days of from training." Ezra explained.

"Okay, well I have to help mum clean up in the kitchen." She picked up the plate and left the room.

Ezra was about to lay down and think a bit, but a notification came in.

[In light of previous activities from the past day, you have been gifted one ticket to the shadow realm.]

[The ticket will expire in thirty minutes, if not used]

"What? I thought the shadow realm was supposed to be a punishment if I hadn't completed the mission.

Why would the system give me a ticket there? It doesn't make sense, unless, it also holds benefits as well."

He thought over it for a moment, but he didn't have time enough to waste. He had to find a safe place to use the ticket.

He couldn't do it here, he didn't know what would happy if he did it here, he decided it was best to be safe.

"Thirty minutes, I have less that thirty now."

He took his scythe and shot out of his room and ran down tbe stairs, he saw his mum and Lisa. He paused for a moment.

"Where are you running of to young man, Lisa told me that you weren't going out today." His mum said.

"I just remembered I have something important, I don't know when I'll be back so don't worry." Ezra said, he was about to move but his mum called him back.

"Don't stay out till night, it's no longer safe." She instructed.

"Don't worry mum, I'll be safe."

'I am the danger that you are all scared of.' He thought.

He dashed out of the house, running at tip speed. He could see that groups of people were gathered at every small distance, and hie was certain that the reason was the death of three boys.

"With what happened last night, there is no way I can leave the town unsupervised, I can't get to the forest, so I think an alley would be best." He said to himself and made turn into an alley.

He went deeper and deeper to he was certain that he was hidden from public eyes.

"System, use the ticket." He instructed.

A black ticket with golden designs on it appears, and the it self combusted, and burnt up.

Out of no where, a black portal appeared, writhing and pulsating in a disgusting manner.

"I have to go through this?" He took a deep breath and stepped forward, entering the portal. It felt like he was passing through a warm jelly like liquid.

When he walked out of the portal, he saw a vast land, a very vast land. The ground was covered in dark fog, so much that he could bit see his feet.

He looked around and all he could see was sole rocks above the fog. The sky was black as well, the only illumination was the purples glowing swirls on tbe sky, the vortexes were spread across the sky and where the only source of light.

[You have entered the shadow realm, the shadows are aware of your presence.]

[Survive ten hours]

[9: 59: 57]