
Rise of the rejected son in law

Charlie was an orphan and a pauper, He was told by his fnace that her father had set a contracted marriage between her and a billionaire CEO. So he prosposes to her and then the times come for her to introduce her fiancé, Charlie to her father but her father rejected him because he was poor. But Charlie wasn't poor, he was the son of a billionaire but he didn't know it... Wait till he finds out

Precious_Onyema_5894 · Urban
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5 Chs

Men in black

It was Friday, one week after Charlie had been with Henrietta.... Wasn't it Friday that Flavio was going to come with his lawyers to make things legal.

He was sitting on his bed. He climbed down from his bed and he walked to the sitting room to check the clock. It was 6:20 AM.

Was it possible that he could go to her house to check up on her.

Maybe after he was done with his work... Or maybe before he goes to work.

He sat in one of the seats and started to think about it.

"But Henrietta didn't promise to come back." The voice in his head said.

"But she didn't promise to leave me either, she can't leave me for Flavio." Charlie said to himself.

He stood up from the seat and he turned back to go to the bathroom. It's been one week.... One week and she didn't come to his house as usual.

He decided that he was going to go to her house that morning. He took his bath and he got dressed in his company uniform because he was going to his work after he went to give her a visit.

He was standing in front of Henrietta's gate.

There were security men walking around, one approached him.

"Good day." He told the man in a black suit.

" Good day. " The man said taking off his dark glasses, "How can we help you?." The security man said. His voice was deep and scary.

"I'm here to see Henrietta."

"Who are you?."

"I'm Charlie, I'm Henrietta's fiance."

"I don't know you." The security man said.

"I'm Henrietta's finance, I've been to this house before. " Charlie explained to the security man but he wasn't seeming as if he was going to listen to Charlie.

"I've never heard of you before." The security man said walking even more closer to Charlie.

" It's fine if you've never heard of me before, is Henrietta in?. " Charlie asked the man.

" I can't tell you that. "

" It's fine, can you tell her that, Charlie, her finance is waiting for her outside. "

" No, I can't tell her that. "

" Why?. "

" Because I don't know you. "

" Henrietta, she knows me. "

" I doubt that, you don't look like someone Henrietta would even converse with, now leave unless I'll make you beg to leave. " The man said.

" But I need to see my financee. "

" You're in the wrong house sir, go look for yur own Henrietta somewhere else. Now get out. " The man said with a frown on his face, a frown that could scare away a bear.

"It's fine, I'm leaving." Charlie said walking away.

After then he left for work and every night, he always hoped that Henrietta would be waiting for him in front of his gate... But she wasn't.

One week later and still, he hadn't heard from or seen Henrietta. He wondered if he was going to look for her in her house.

But first he would go to work and when he returns back in the evening, he would go and look for her. All the bad thought crossed his mind, he didn't know what to think or believe.

He wanted to believe so much that his Henrietta was still his and she was not married to Flavio already.

He was working in the mine but he could barely concentrate, he was lost In thoughts when he heard someone call his name.

"Charlie." He heard and he turned around see the mine supervisor holding his hands together like a small child.

"Yes sir." Charlie said walking up to the man and cleaning the dirt and sweat from his face with his sweaty and dirty handkerchief.

" A bunch of people are here to see you."

" A bunch of people, who are they?. " Charlie asked the supervisor.

" I don't know but they're pretty angry. "

Charlie felt his heart cut.

" Where are they?. " He asked his supervisor.

" They're in the boss's office. " The supervisor said.

" I'll be there. " Charlie told the supervisor.

"I'm sorry but the boss said that I should see you to the office."

" He said you should follow me to the office?." Charlie asked the supervisor.

" It's more like watch you to the office, make sure you come, something like that but you're coming with me. "

"No problem, I'm not running away from here or anything like that though. Please, let's go to the office. " Charlie said and the supervisor led the way.

The supervisor pushed the door open and the first face Charlie's eys landed on was that of Catherine, the boss's receptionist.

She was looking straight at him without blinking.

Charlie could only wander who was behind that door, the supervisor pushed the boss's heavy door open and stepped aside so that Charlie would pass through.

Charlie walked through the door, he could see his boss sitting at the corner of the room like a small child.

"That's him, that's Charlie." The boss shouted as soon as Charlie stepped into the room.

There were about five bulky men in the room, all of them were dressed in black suits.

" Are you Charlie Thompson?. " One of the men in black asked.

"Yes, I'm Charlie Thompson, who are you?." Charlie asked them.

"We'd like it, if you come with us." One of the men said and they all stood up in unison and they didn't reply Charlie's question.

"Come with you to where?." Charlie asked them.

"You'll see." They all said in unison.

"What's this, what's going on?." Charlie asked but nobody answered him.

"Everything would become very clear soon, but for now we would like it if you Cooperate with us, we're not going to hurt you, if you behave yourself, now come with us, I'm sure you know yhe way to the parking space, we don't have to push you there. "

" I don't know who you are and you expect me to go with you?. " Charlie asked one of the men.

"It's compulsory that you go with us, it's for your own good, okay?. " one of the men told Charlie.

Charlie turned around and he started to walk to the parking lot outside.

"We're getting there." One of the men in black said to Charlie.

He rested In his seat, his belly seemed frozen. He wasn't comfortable.

"Where exactly are we going." Charlie asked one of the men again.

"You'll see."

"That's what you guys have been saying for the last several minutes, what if you want to kill me."

"Don't worry, we don't want to kill you, we have no interest in you." One of the men said.

"We're here." The driver said.

Charlie looked outside the shut tinted window amd he was shocked when he saw Henrietta's house.

"What are we doing here?." He asked one of the men.

"You'll see."

They led him out of the car and into the building.

"Mr Charlie Thompson?." The security man that Charlie had talked to the last time he was at the house asked.

"Yes?." Charlie said

"This is the beginning of the end of you life." The man said to Charlie.

Charlie ignored the man.

Charlie followed the men into the house.

A few people were there but he didn't know any one of them.

"Good day." Charlie greeted but no one replied. They only stared at his dirty work clothes.

"Is that the Charlie?." Henrietta's father said waking into the living room where everybody was.

"Good day sir." Charlie said to Henrietta's dad.

Finally, after what seemed liked Forever, after three weeks, Charlie saw Henrietta.

She was wearing a baggy hoodie and baggy denim trousers.

"Henrietta." Charlie said with a big smile. Then Flavio walked out of the same door that Henrietta walked out from.

Charlie looked at Flavio.

He was tall, he had brown hair and he was handsome, really handsome.

"Is this Charlie?." Flavio asked Henrietta.

"Yes." Henrietta said with a small voice and a big smile on her face.

Flavio starting charging up to Charlie but he got stopped by Henrietta.

"What do you think you're doing?." Henrietta asked Flavio.

" Henrietta, where have you been, I've missed you. " Charlie said to Henrietta ignoring the noise from Henrietta's family members.

" I have news. " Henrietta said.

" What's wrong?. " He asked her trying to walk forward to her but he got stopped by one of the men in black.

" I'm pregnant for you, we're going to have a baby. "