
Rise of the rejected son in law

Charlie was an orphan and a pauper, He was told by his fnace that her father had set a contracted marriage between her and a billionaire CEO. So he prosposes to her and then the times come for her to introduce her fiancé, Charlie to her father but her father rejected him because he was poor. But Charlie wasn't poor, he was the son of a billionaire but he didn't know it... Wait till he finds out

Precious_Onyema_5894 · Urban
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5 Chs

A wicked idea

Once again, he could see Henrietta standing in front of the gate.

He walked up to her. She saw him coming but she didn't run to him.

"I have bad news." She said as soon as he got to where she was standing.

"What's wrong?." He asked her.

She looked down at her feet and then she looked back up and she sturned to him.

"Flavio and my dad had set a date. His lawyers are coming to make everything legal by Friday next week."

Charlie understood what she meant by make everything legal. She was going to be his wife by Friday of next week.

Charlie turned to the gate and he held the iron bars.

"You understand what I mean by make things legal right, we're going to get married, I and Flavio and I don't think divorce is an option in cases like that." She said to Charlie.

Charlie nodded his head.

"I understand." He told her.

"So what are you going to do?." She asked him.

"I don't know, what do you think I should do?." He asked her.

" We get married. That's something we can do. " She said resting both her hands on the iron bar beside Charlie. He could see his cheap ring on her finger.

"How wealthy is Flavio?." Charlie asked her.

"He's quite wealthy." She said.

Charlie looked down at his shoes, and then his clothes.

" Henrietta, if I could, I would tell Flavio that I'm not in the picture. "

" What do you mean by that. " She asked him with a frown.

" I mean that, he can take you, I can't have you, I don't deserve you, do you understand, look at me. You have eyes, I know you see me for who I am, quit seeing the potential or whatever you call it, see the real me... Go to Flavio, he'll give you diamonds, switch your ring, give you Iced out jeweleries."

"I don't want all those, at least I don't want them from him, I'll like it if it's from you." Henrietta said trying to push the gate open to enter into the building.

"Henrietta, go home. This should be the last time you're coming here. " Charlie told her and she stopped.

" I gave you time to think about it and still you want me to leave you. "

" Yes, I love you but I can't have you and I'm greedy but I want the best for you, so I want you to be with Flavio, who would make you happy, do you understand. "

" No. " She said with furrowed brows.

" Why are you so stubborn?. " Charlie asked her.

" I'm not stubborn, I love you."

"Leave me."

"I can't, I don't know how to." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Go to Flavio, it's easy for most girls to choose wealth over someone."

"I am not most girls." Henrietta said.

"Please, stop crying, I hate it when you cry." Charlie said to Henrietta.

" You're making me cry. " She told him.

"I hate myself when I make you cry, baby, I'm sorry."

She went towards him and she was buried in his arms.

" Why don't we go inside. " He told her.

He pushed the gate open and she left his chest and she started to walk Into the building.

He followed behind her.

"What's with the cooperate look?." She asked him when he was opening his door.

"Oh, this." He said glancing shortly at his clothes. Then the door came open. "I went for a job interview today and it turns out that they had a dress code and I failed." He said to her.

"You look good to me." She told him.

"Love has blinded your eyes." He told her and they both laughed shortly before she got serious.

"But I'm serious, you do look good. Your eyes, your beautiful lips, your fine jawline, your muscular body, you fine legs, your hands... You're literally the most handsome man I have ever layed my eyes on. "

" You're the most beautiful woman I have also layed my eyes on...." He said then his smile faded and he had to remember that she was going to get married to Flavio soon.

"What are you thinking about?." She asked him brushing his hair with her fingers.

He smiled and he went to the room to take off his clothes, he went Into the bathroom and he took his bath. When he was out of the bathroom, Henrietta was waiting for him on the bed.

"You didn't answer me." She told him.

"What did you ask me?." He asked her.

"I asked you what you were thinking, you were lost In thoughts." She told him.

"I thought of you and Flavio." He told her and then she frowned.

" What about him, I'm not with him, you shouldn't think of the both of us as a couple."

" I understand, you're lying on my bed now and not his. "

" I'm never going to lie on his bed. " she told him and he laughed.

He went to her and he gave her a light kiss. That was his intention, to give her a light kiss but he felt something, the urge to make the kiss deeper, maybe just a little bit deeper and then he deepened the kiss... He heard her moan and it threw him off balance, just a little moan had made something burn within him and he decided that it wasn't going to be just a kiss, it was going to be something more than that.

They made love then and after then they were quiet.

Charlie was listening to the sound of Henrietta's breath. He knew that he had better become rich sooner if not he would loose her to Flavio.

"What is going on in your head?." Henrietta asked him.

"I'm still thinking of the contracted marriage of you and Flavio, I can't let you go to him and I can't let go of the thought and it's chewing me up."

"The problem is money isn't it?." She asked him.

"Yes, the problem is money."

"I have an idea on how to get money." She told him and he saw an almost wicked look in her eyes.

I don't like the look in your eyes." Charlie to Henrietta.

"What's wrong with the look in my eyes?." She asked him with a small smile.

" I don't like them, that's the look you give when you have a wicked idea. "

"Of course I have an idea but I don't think I should call it wicked."

"Tell me." Charlie said.

"It's a plan." She said sitting up.

" Okay. " Charlie said nodding slowly.

" Just listen to it and tell me what you think, I think it's going to be of great help... It can solve our money problem. "

" I'm listening. " Charlie said to her.

" I know you're listening, I can see that but I don't know how to tell you. "

" You can always tell me anything. " Charlie told her.

" Every Saturday morning, there's this bouillon van that comes to our house and it distributes money to my dad from his Casinos, his restaurants and his hotels, and he pays his workers from the money, I'm thinking the van can carry about six million dollars. "

"Okay..." Charlie said urging her to continue her explanation.

"I can make a great plan, not with my dad's workers, those people are loyal but we can make a plan, and then we can take the money, it's just one van, I've watched those vans drive in and out of that mansion since I can remember, do you think one bullion van would hurt him. He'll forget about it in a week and then you can use the money for capital, you could start up a business, your own company and then in no time, you'll become a billionaire. "

She said.

He took her hand and gave it a small squeeze.

" That's a very wicked plan and bravo for coming up with something like that, I'm not going to judge that the plan is very very illegal but... It was a good plan. "

" So you're going to do it. " She said with a big smile that stretched across her fine face.

" No baby, I'm not going to do it, that's not the way I want to earn my money, I want to earn my money differently. "

"Differently." She said with a frown.

" Are you angry at me?. " Charlie asked her.

" No, I'm not, I'm just upset because of you. What do you mean by you want to earn your money differently... This is the easiest way to earn money. "

" Then I'd rather go the hard way. "

" Charlie, honey, I know you're a good guy but please, just do this for us, it's either now or next week I'm with Flavio and I'm married to him…in one week. "

It's not going to happen. " Charlie told her and he was trying to encourage himself and tell himself that it wouldn't happen.

" I don't want it to but it might since you're still hoping to earn your money the good way, you've been working all your life, give yourself a break. Give yourself a break your bones are hurting from so much work, I love you, I want you to be safe, we wouldn't even be involved in the stealing, I would hire men to do it for us, and they'll deliver. "

" Henrietta, I don't expect something like this to be coming from you. "

" Sometimes, we have to adjust. "

" We have to adjust to change, yes but we shouldn't turn bad because the world is hard."

" But the rest of the world is bad. "

" We're not the rest of the world, we're us, ourselves, do you understand?. "

" I do but... "

" Henrietta there will be not buts, I'm not doing it and it's final, do you understand?. "

" Yes."

"You didn't say it loud enough."

"Yes, I understand you."

"Now, we're going to forget that we ever discussed about stealing from your father, do you understand?."

"Yes, I understand."

"Now, come here." He said taking her hand towards him.

" When are you going home?." He asked her later when they had gone quiet again.

" I'm not going home, look outside the window silly, it's dark, what's the time. " She said standing up and picking her bra from the top of the bedside table and she took her underwear from the bed.

She walked to the sitting room to glance at the clock.

" It's almost midnight. " She said to him.

" You can't be serious. "

" But I am, it's almost midnight. Ten minutes till midnight. "

"Your dad...." Charlie started to say but the she cut him off.

"Forget about my dad baby, forget about him, he's not going to do anything." Henrietta said with a small smile.

"But he must be looking for you."

"It's his business, he could turn over all the mountains in search fr me for all I care. I'm here with you tonight, I'll go back home tomorrow."

Henrietta walked up to Charlie and she gave him a kiss and then she gave him another before finally sitting on his leg and straddling him and they got lost in their own passion.

"I'll miss you." He said placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I'll miss you." She said walking out of the gate.

" Are you sure you don't want me to come with you. "

" Come on, it's broad daylight, you overprotective finance... What's the worst thing that could happen to me. "

" Take care of yourself, I love you. "

" I love you. "she told him and finally he watched her leave.

He headed for his mine. He thought about her every passing minute. He was happy that finally they had gotten back together and he was determined that they stayed together.

When he was done with work, he started to head home hoping that he would see Henrietta waiting for him in front of the gate, he knew that it was kind of selfish of him to want her standing there because she had just left in the morning but he had started to miss her already. It felt like ages since he saw her.

He looked at the sky, it wasn't too dark.. it was somewhere after sunrise.

He looked at his gate and he didn't see Henrietta standing there. He went into his apartment and she wasn't there either.

He had his dinner, took his bath and then he went to sleep.