
Rise of the Queen of wolfs

Enemies had been destroyed,... Azroth was victorious, the war was finally over........... But the battle was yet to begin... Cassius, king of Azroth had Conquered Gortha and killed the king and his sons but he still wanted the princess of Gortha. He forces himself on her..... Feeling filthy and disgraceful, Dia princess of Gortha places a curse on Cassius to become a beast and never see the light of day again...... Now three hundred years have passed and Cassius has been released... He plans to take back what was rightfully his and become king of Azroth again... He goes to the witch Lydia to lift the curse. She asks for something in return,..that Cassius takes her with him to the palace, to which he agrees. But after helping Cassius and even giving herself to him, Cassius kills Lydia.. But he had made the mistake of piercing her with his claws right before he killed her.. In the dead of the night, Lydia reawakens a beast just like Cassius and vows to take her revenge.... Will she ever win against the devilish being Cassius who is now king once again?.. BTW... The world in this story is different from earth as we know it.... Don't expect to hear the names of familiar places.. The names of cities and towns in this story are mostly fiction.. Compiled pictures gotten from the internet to make the novel cover..

_Queen_A · Fantasy
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A good idea

"Liberating your people will not be that easy.., Cassius will not just release the one's that made him a beast, neither will he give me his head on a platter.., so we have to think of something good, something that we could use against Cassius, something strong enough to shake Cassius" Lydia said.

"first, I think we need a little help, if we are going to take down Cassius and free our people, I don't think just the five of us can do that. Although we have great strength now, Cazroth is still not a small place, even if we take down a hundred of soldiers, a thousand will still await us. So not only do we need a plan, we also need people" Kenan said, and he was right. Cazroth was no pie. It was a great city. Neighboring kingdoms feared them for a reason.

"then how about we find a kingdom that is against Cazroth and work with them" Eli said.. His idea was not bad., but...,"the problem is not finding a kingdom against Cazroth, I can say all Kingdoms are against them. The problem is finding the one that is willing to stand up against them" Lydia said...

"I don't think any kingdom in their right mind will rise up against Cazroth" Darius said.., he had a point. What king would be brave enough to stand against Cazroth..

"Ajalon... Lucius who had been quiet the whole time suddenly said... Ajalon. It is perfect.

" Ajalon.., the one Ceteus recently defeated?? Darius asked very puzzled, and so were the others... "yes.., I think if we really need to join forces with a kingdom, it should be Ajalon"

"but why., Ceteus defeated them, I don't even think they are any different from us and our people who are slaves.. They are also slaves but in their own lands" Darius pointed out.

"Exactly why they are the perfect kingdom... What king do you think will be happy to be a slave in his own kingdom. King Bezzal, is now more like a puppet. He does what he is told to, the taxes his people pay are basically going to Cassius, what king will love to live that way?? He is only following orders now because he has no choice, he values his own life. But if he sees a chance to destroy Cazroth, I don't think he would refuse it...

They all thought about it for awhile..... Lucius looked at them, hoping they would really understand his point,

"Lucius is right.... Lydia said which made Lucius smile with pride and satisfaction.... From what I have heard, Bezzal will be easy to convince and he also has a motive. He will be willing to help us...

" you're right, I remember the conditions that they were given.., they are very hard conditions..like giving their maidens and paying their taxes to Cazroth.., All those rules are not easy to abide by.., he will definitely do anything to release them from the clutches of Cazroth..... Eli said..,and he was right. Although Bezzal would not want to get on the wrong side of Cassius, he also would not want to abide by their initial agreement...

"well then it is settled.., tomorrow we shall ride for Ajalon.., we can't approach him when he is with people., so we have to get to him when he is alone.., Lydia said.., her voice had a sense of authority, that made a man listen...



That night, Cassius went down to the dungeon were the werewolves were kept, assuring them that he would definitely find a way to make them human again. Then he went down to the part were they had locked the soldiers he used for his experiment. When he got there, one of them had turned, while the other was just food for the one that turned.

"I guess you were right Ceteus.., the one whose head I ripped off died while the other turned.... So this is how it works. I just have to wound a person and he becomes a beast.., this is very interesting... Cassius said with a grin on his face.

" I must agree Sire it is quite interesting.., Ceteus replied.

Just as they were talking, the soldier who was a werewolf suddenly turned human, striking shock in their faces...," how is this possible, how are you able to turn back into human and those others can't?? Cassius looked more pleased than shocked...," if I may Sire..., "yes please Ceteus, you may speak"...., "I believe, this is because, those men were attacked when you were fully a beast and couldn't turn back to human, so the took your form then... But this man on the other hand was hurt 'after' the curse was suppressed so he took your form now. That's why he can turn back....

Everything Ceteus was saying made sense..., how on earth did this man become a general. He was supposed to be like the senior advisor of the king or something else that had to do with thinking. He was too smart for a fighter....

"This is really fascinating" Cassius said.., it was like he was having fun...

"Indeed it is".. A sweet lovely familiar voice said..., It was Queen Atara, walking towards them majestically radiating aura and beauty as usual. But what was she doing down here, she was not supposed to see this...

"Am afraid the dungeon is no place for a Queen, your highness".. Cassius says, gesturing a bow...

"neither is it a place for a king My Lord" she replied with a smirk.

"well then since neither of us should be here, I guess we both head back up, for there is nothing to see here, that would be appealing to the Queen... He takes her hands but she pauses him...

" My Lord, when I told you that you were better than Pallas, I meant that in every way... The fact that you are an extraordinary human is one thing, but the fact that you can make more is another..... She said with a devilish smile on her face...." What are you trying to say"..., Cassius asks

"I am saying My Lord that have you thought about having extraordinary soldiers??...., I heard of how you took down twenty men on your own, now imagine what will happen when you have hundreds of extraordinary soldiers at your beck and call, kingdoms and high cities would beg at your feet.., No.., no.., no, they would not even be able to beg for when they here of King Cassius of Cazroth they shall save themselves the terror of facing you and take their own life's... No kingdom shall be able to stand against you and live to tell the story. You shall conquer more kingdoms than any king before you.., and there will be non greater after you.

Her words were perfectly fine, not once did Cassius think of having an army of werewolves, but now that she said it, it was not wrong.., not wrong at all.. In fact, she made perfect and precise sense. If he had an army of werewolves, he will be the Supreme being, he would be a God on earth.. The thought sent a sweet shudder down his spine.

He would be invincible. He smiled at himself and then looked at her and held her by the shoulder and said...

" I knew that keeping you was the right thing to do.., not only are you a fine companion, but you are also a wise Queen. That is why I have decided to do as you say...,

Starting with you..... His fingers turned to sharp claws, digging deep into her skin on her shoulder, the same way he had done to Lydia.