

After the event humans had termed as the new beginning, people had received strange magical powers and beasts mutated, and the world changed in incomprehensible ways as the planet became bigger and monsters ran amok. Gideon is seen as a disappointment as he has a very weak poison affinity and is often mocked and bullied by his peers and was almost disowned by his parents on multiple occasions. But things change when he is about to die but then a strange green bead falls from a spatial crack and lands on his head granting his the poison system. The world will shake under his feet and the gods will tremble at his name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cover art is not mine

Bj_Omonobi_4986 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
429 Chs


Gideon slowly made his way down the spiral staircase with both of his daggers in hand high in alert.

It was very dark so Gideon input a small amount astral energy into his daggers causing them to illuminate the area around him.

After walking down the stairs for 5 minutes, Gideon finally reached the bottom of the staircase. The moment he reached the bottom, he suddenly heard the sound of torches lighting and in a few moments, the place where he was was illuminated allowing him to see better.

He was in a very large room that had a ceiling than was 10 meters tall and 50 meters long and wide.

In the room, there were dozens of 4 meter tall statues all holding all sorts of weapons scattered around the room. Gideon saw this and narrowed his eyes.

'This is sketchy as hell.' Gideon thought as he looked around the room suspiciously.

At the end of the room was a large door which Gideon assumed was the door to the next floor.

He then started walking towards the end of the room while keeping some distance between himself and the statues.

He hadn't even walked 5 meter before he felt danger and jumped backwards. The moment he did, a stone mace crashed into the ground causing stone to fly in different directions.

Gideon landed and immediately activated poison enhancement and poison Augmentation as he stared at his enemies.

The previously immobile statues suddenly came to life, though they didn't look much like statues anymore.

The stone on their bodies suddenly began to crumble, revealing skeletal Giants wearing rusted armor with weapons in their hands.

The statues then started rushing towards Gideon who noticed something almost immediately.

'They're slow.' He thought.

He was right, their movements were very stiff and slow which gave Gideon an immediate advantage.

There were a couple dozen of them and they were all rushing at him at the same time.

Gideon then smirked and then became a blur as he rushed toward the giant skeletons and reached them very quickly.

He then jumped into the face of one of the skeletons and used poison slash in it's face and killed it almost immediately.

[+70 exp]

Gideon kept on killing the skeletons and in less than 30 minutes, all of them were dead.

"Hm, no level up, well I guess it's normal." Gideon said as he walked towards the the doors at the end of the first floor.

"I wonder how many floors are in this dungeon." Gideon mumbled before pushing the doors open.

There was another set of stairs that once again led down and Gideon went down them.

After a couple minutes, he reached the bottom and then the same thing that happened with the first floor happened here, illuminating that place which allowed Gideon to see his next challenge.

This room was slightly larger than the previous one and there were even more statues and see zombies that were wearing rusted armour and had rusted swords.

Gideon wasted no the and immediately started attacking with poison slashes while activating his other skills which killed some of the monsters initially but then the rest immediately started to attack him.

Gideon also charged in and killed a multitude of monsters and dodged multiple of their attacks.

Gideon also used corrosive poison gas on the armored zombies causing them to melt and the weaker ones became puddles of melted flesh and iron.

Eventually, Gideon managed to beat this floor and managed to level up, increasing his stats even more and he added all his points into his endurance.

Then instead of going straight into the next floor, Gideon sat down and ate some food to gather his energy back before proceeding to enter into the next floor.

This time, the next floor was even larger that the previous one and there were now skeleton archers among the armoured zombies and the large skeletons.

Gideon used his usual tactic of dashing in headfirst and killed everything in his path. He did the same thing for the next floor and then entered the fifth floor after resting.

When Gideon descended to the fifth floor, he became extra cautious and this was for good reason.

In dungeons, every five floors would have a single monster, and these monsters were very dangerous as they were seen as boss monsters and we're much stronger than the minters on the previous floors.

Gideon finally descended to the fifth floor and saw what he was up against. In the middle of the room was a slightly elevated platform, and on it was a figure in heavy armour than seemed to be kneeling.

It was the same height as Gideon just by kneeling and had a great sword in it's hand that was planted into the floor.

it was a skeleton, but instead of the usual white bones one would expect to see, the bones were completely black like ink.

The moment Gideon stepped further into the room, the monster woke up and looked at Gideon, green flames burning in its hollow eye sockets fiercely.

Gideon quickly activated his skills and dashed towards the skeleton Whit great speed and crossed the distance between them in a few breaths.

He then got close and casted poison slashes with both of his daggers, and X slash on the skeleton. However, the skeleton raised the great sword in it's hand to block the attack, and when it did, the attacks hit, but only a full thud was heard and the poison slashes didn't even move the skeleton which surprised Gideon.

The skeleton then swung its great sword with surprising speed, and the wind howled as it slashed towards Gideon with blurring speeds and Gideon jumped backwards as the attack lightly grazed his vest but then a large rip appeared in it.

Gideon swiftly retreated backwards and sucked in a cold breath.

'Had I been a second slower, I would have been cut in half.' Gideon thought as sweat trickled down his forehead. But then he suddenly felt his blood boil as adrenaline suddenly kicked in and his lips curled into a ferocious smile.

"Well that makes it all the more interesting." He said before he dashed in once again.

He got close to the skeleton and lashed. both of his daggers at the same time and the skeleton once again raised its sword to block Gideon's attacks.

But then Gideon suddenly stopped his attacks and used the momentum he got to throw his body to the left, his face almost touching the edge of the great sword and appeared at the skeleton's side before releasing poison slashes in quick succession to the skeleton's side.

What he didn't expect however was that his attacks would only leave shallow marks in the skeleton's armour and not even injure it at all.

Gideon once again backed off and used corrosive poison gas and a green gas spread from his hand to the skeleton.

This time, there were actually signs of damage on the skeleton's body, but it was quite negligible.

Just as Gideon was wracking his brain on how to proceed, the skeleton suddenly moved.

With a burst of speed, it appeared in front on Gideon in a breath and his pupils constricted.

'So fast.' As he thought this, the skeleton swung its great sword with incredible force and the sound of something tearing through the air was heard.

Gideon leaned his body back and he barely dodged the attack as the wind the sword stirred up hit his face.

Gideon swiftly retreated but the skeleton kept chasing him and let out a barrage of attacks and Gideon barely dodged them.

Then, There was a sudden flaw in Gideon's movement and the skeleton saw this and swung its great sword once again.

'Sh*t I can't dodge that.' Gideon was barely able to raise his hand to block and then.


He felt as if he was hit by a truck as a huge amount of force caused him to fly like a cannon ball.

His back hit the wall very hard causing him to cough up blood and fall on the floor.

His chest felt tight and he found it difficult to breath.

'F*ck that hurt.' His vision was blurry and he heard the skeleton walking towards him as it dragged its great sword on the floor.

'No, I can't die here. There's still so much for me to do.' As the thought entered his mind, Gideon's eyes suddenly became sharp with concentration and he got up ignoring the pain in his body.

After the catastrophe that changed the world, the was a powerful person who came up with a theory as to why humans are very difficult to wipe out.

{Humans are intelligent creatures, but at the same time, when pushed into a corner, they would naturally fight back. But ours is different from animals, we don't fight back based on pure instinct. Instead, our brains would begin to go into an overdrive of sorts and come up with the best solution for victory while our bodies would surpass our limits, this is why we are superior.}

'Even though I fight using daggers, I'm not actually proficient at using them. I simply use my raw strength and swing.' Time seemed to slow down as Gideon entered a deep state of concentration.

'Daggers are built for speed and accuracy and don't do very well for defence. I need to be faster and sharper in my attacks, not just swinging wantonly.' When Gideon had this thought, his grip on his daggers increased tightly.

'Be sharp and fast like a dagger, don't let him hit you and only hit him.'

Gideon suddenly bursted from his position as poison Augmentation increased his speed.

He reached the skeleton and immediately went on the offensive. He narrowly avoided it's attacks and dealt hits of his own, but they were ineffective.

But as they continued, His attacks became more precise and sharper and they were beginning to leave slash marks on the skeleton's armour, but it still wasn't enough.

'When I did poison Augmentation, I simply just injected my body with poison.' As he thought about this, be began to improve his poison enhancement during the fight.

'The heart pumps blood through the veins which reaches all over the body and strengthens it. The more blood it pumps, the stronger the body.' Then, inside Gideon's body, A green light covered his heart and it started beating very fast and blood rushed into his veins.

'The veins are the paths that let the blood reach all the parts of the body. When the vein is overworked, it will tear causing the blood to leak and can lead to serious injury' Then, a green light suddenly enveloped all the veins in his body making them very tough and the blood flowed without without a hitch.

'The nerves are the part of the body that allows signals from the brain to be carried out properly. If the nerves are strong enough, they can send signals almost instantly increasing reaction time.' Then, green light covered the nerves in his body and the signals his brain sent made his body respond almost instantly.

'The muscles, the skin, the bones, tendons.' Gideon kept on improving his poison Augmentation until.

[Ding, Host has upgraded poison Augmentation into poison surge.: Poison surge enhances all the users body parts giving them unbelievable strength (costs 70 AP.)] The system announced and Gideon suddenly turned into a green blur as his speed had been increased by several folds and he actually began to stand toe to toe with the skeleton, his eyes filled with absolute focus.

As they fought, the daggers in his hands became more deadly as they hit unpredictable areas in the skeleton's armour and the damage was becoming more prominent.

As the fight continued, Gideon started to feel something resonate with him and his daggers.

'Faster, sharper, more precise." At this point, him and the skeleton had turned into blurs as they moved all over the place very quickly.

Gideon felt that as the fight continued, the feeling between him and his daggers became stronger.

Soon, there was a faint buzz coming from the dagger that reached all the way to his bones.

'I am my daggers, my daggers are me. We are one.' Gideon unconsciously thought as the daggers seemed to have become extensions of him as the way they moved felt more natural that using his hands at that moment.

The buzzing became stronger and stronger and Gideon had the feeling of intimacy towards the two weapons.

Gideon was now beginning to injure the skeleton knight and he forced it Togo on the defensive. Finally, the buzzing had reached its peak.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly cut himself using the daggers and his blood dripped on them.

They sucked up the blood like a sponge and suddenly, the buzzing stopped and Gideon felt as if two things had entered his consciousness.

#$Master.$# Two different voices suddenly entered his head and they sounded different from the monotone voice of the system.

'Huh, who's there.' Gideon thought in surprise.

#$Master it's us.$# When he heard that, he instinctively looked down on his daggers which seemed to have a faint heartbeat.

$Master I'm so glad you created us.$ His mithril dagger glowed as the voice entered his head. The voice sounded playful.

#Likewise# Another voice which seemed more deep and reserved also said and his bone dagger glowed.

'I created you?' Gideon asked in shock.

#Yes, when master was fighting, his connection with us had formed our consciousness.# The voice from the bone dagger explained.

'I see.' Gideon understood now.

Gideon jumped over the skeleton's great sword and unleashed a barrage of poison slashes which pushed it back.

'How about we kill this bastard first then.' Gideon communicated with his daggers and they hummed in agreement.


Extra long chapter for not posting for a while