
Rise Of The New Devil : Vampire System

Dive into a post-apocalyptic world where the laws of nature have been upheaved by a mysterious cataclysm. Follow the journey of Aiden, an ordinary young man who is unwillingly thrust into an extraordinary quest for survival and redemption. When an unknown energy, Mana, spreads across Earth, transforming animals into monsters and endowing certain humans with incredible powers, Aiden finds himself caught in a spiral of violence and chaos. Left for dead after defending a stranger, life slowly leaves him. Aiden grits his teeth, a mad desire for vengeance shining in his eyes, tinged with a hint of helplessness. That was until... "Congratulations." "The host has become a vampire." Guided by this strange System that seems to orchestrate his evolution, Aiden must learn to master his new powers while fighting against the bloodlust consuming him. His path will cross with other evolved beings, like Ethan, a gravity manipulator with a troubled past who becomes a valuable ally. Through trials and revelations, Aiden will face heart-wrenching choices. How far is he willing to go to protect those dear to him? Can he embrace his vampire nature without losing his soul along the way?

Anthocs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

First expedition

The sun had just risen when Aiden and Ethan joined the rest of the scouting team at the entrance of the shelter. The air was crisp and a slight mist still hung in the deserted streets. It was the ideal time for an expedition: most of the monsters were still slumbering in their lairs.

Max greeted them with an approving nod, clearly satisfied with their punctuality. Sarah and Liam were already there, checking their equipment with fluid, practiced movements.

"Here we all are," Max began, his deep voice resonating in the morning calm. "Our quest for today? Exploration and gathering. But keep your minds sharp. Appearances are deceiving, and these streets hold more dangers than meet the eye."

He turned to Sarah.

"You, take the lead. Use your gift to spot any potential dangers or caches."

Sarah nodded, her eyes already half-closed as she focused on her camouflage power.

"Liam, you bring up the rear," Max continued. "Stay alert to vibrations. If you sense something approaching, raise the alarm immediately."

The colossus nodded, his face determined.

"Aiden, Ethan, you stay in the center with me. Your firepower will be precious in case of a bad encounter."

The two friends exchanged a knowing glance, ready for action.

Then Max turned to two other team members, a man and a woman in their forties with athletic builds.

"John, Maggie, you cover our flanks. Keep your eyes open and don't hesitate to intervene if necessary."

The two nodded, their hands on their makeshift weapons.

"Good," Max concluded. "Let's move out, and stay vigilant."

The group set off, cautiously making their way into the ruined streets. Sarah led the way, her silhouette becoming blurry and almost transparent as she blended into the surroundings. Aiden couldn't help but be impressed by the mastery she had over her gift.

For nearly an hour, they progressed without incident, searching abandoned buildings for anything that might be useful. They found a few cans of food, blankets, even some miracle drugs. It was meager, but in this world, every find counted.

Suddenly, Sarah reappeared in front of them, her face tense.

"Movement, two o'clock," she whispered. "A group of ghouls, about 200 meters."

Immediately, the group got into combat position. Liam closed his eyes, focusing on the vibrations of the ground.

"She's right," he confirmed after a moment. "I'd say half a dozen, moving in our direction."

Max turned to Aiden and Ethan.

"Your turn, guys. Show us what you can do."

Aiden felt adrenaline surge through his veins, his body coiling like a spring. Beside him, Ethan sported a fierce grin, his hands already in combat position.

At the same time, a notification appeared:

"Eliminate the ghouls in less than 15 minutes. Reward: 50 exp."

Looking at Ethan, Aiden declared:

"I think this time we should finish it quickly and conserve our energy. You never know what we'll run into next."

Without giving Ethan time to respond, Aiden clenched his fists, his body vibrating with barely contained energy. Then he leapt forward, Ethan hot on his heels not to be left behind.

It was a brief but intense fight. The ghouls were fast and vicious, but they were no match for the combined power of the two evolved ones. Although unlike the other monsters, their speed matched Aiden's, they were very fragile and had no intelligence. Aiden struck the ghouls, one after another, reducing the monsters to pulp. Meanwhile, Ethan sent gravity fields to stun them before Aiden finished the job. Ethan had realized that simply projecting gravity fields consumed less energy than compressing each creature with that force. This was because to compress and crush a creature, he had to send several gravity fields in different directions, which consumed much more of his energy.

In a few minutes, it was over. The ghouls lay on the ground, their misshapen bodies already dissolving into a blackish, nauseating substance.

"Objective achieved," the system announced. "50 experience points gained."

Aiden noticed that he had also gained a little experience for each ghoul he had killed.

"Great," he thought, "I'll be able to increase my abilities while helping this group!"

Aiden and Ethan turned to the rest of the group, breathless but triumphant. To their great surprise, they were greeted with impressed looks and approving nods.

"Not bad, for newbies," John quipped with a smirk. "But don't rest on your laurels. There's always room for improvement."

Maggie nodded thoughtfully.

"Your powers are strong, but raw," she analyzed. "With a little work on your technique and coordination, you could become much more effective."

Max nodded, a satisfied smile on his lips. He knew that by showing the strength of these youngsters to the current group, he would help them integrate more easily.

"We'll work on that at the shelter," Max promised. "John and Maggie are right. You have enormous potential, but you need to cultivate it."

Aiden and Ethan exchanged a glance, both proud and aware of the road that lay ahead of them.

The rest of the expedition went off without major incident. They found a few more useful resources, and Aiden even gained some additional experience points by eliminating isolated monsters. Little by little, he felt he was starting to enjoy combat. This mainly came from the fact that he received experience from the system with each victory, and he was starting to develop a taste for it.

When they finally returned to the shelter, tired but satisfied, the sun was already high in the sky. They were welcomed as heroes, everyone congratulating them on their success and contribution to the group's survival.

Aiden and Ethan found themselves at the center of attention, regaling their new friends with tales of their adventures and aspirations. 

Sarah in particular had moved closer to Aiden to talk with him during the meal, before the festive mood subsided and everyone went off to sleep.


The first expedition went well. Aiden was even able to improve his strength. But will it be enough for what's to come?

Ps : The following chapters will be quieter, but that's to prepare for the storm that's coming, so be patient and enjoy!

Thanks to Sora122_4 and Kushalboss for the power stones! It really makes my day!

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