
Rise of the Mana Prodigy

Hey there! my name is Zane. I have no elemental affinity or aptitude. My body cannot generate and or retain mana. The god of the human universe hates me..oh yeah and I am blind. Watch me as I take over the multiverse.

Wevara · Fantasy
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121 Chs

Chapter 8 -- Magic lesson 2

"Teacher William why is it impossible for non supreme mages to use manipulation magic" Zane asked.

"Because manipulation magic like gravity manipulation uses pure mana and pure mana is too dangerous for the bodies of those below the supreme magus realm. If we use myself as an example, the mana in my body right now is in fire state, we can say I only have fire mana right now. Even though I can change this fire mana into a weaker version of any other elemental mana, I can't change it into pure non elemental mana.

Even if we say by some miracle I manage to get pure mana in my body. I would explode immediately, pure mana is that dangerous" William explained.

"Teacher is it possible for someone to see mana ?" Zane inquired curiously. He still remembered what happened last year when he could see the mana pill the physician had come with to heal mother. 

"I suppose you mean pure mana, then no, pure mana doesn't have color and is invisible. Elemental mana however cannot be seen." William explained.

Zane remembered the physician saying the pill was made of healing mana.

"How about healing mana? " he asked.

"It's the same as pure mana, it can't be seen" William answered.

Now Zane was confused because he was sure he saw the healing mana inside the pill that time. He decided to test his theory.

"Teacher, can you perform a small magical spell for me please ?"

William thought that was a strange request since the boy was blind but he was getting paid anyway so why not ?, and he had to admit he was having some fun teaching Zane.

[Flame magic : fire ball] Zane heard William whisper. All of a sudden, just like the last time, he saw a white ball floating in front of his eyes. This time it was brighter than the pill and Zane could see the outline of William's whole hand. It was like the fire ball was a light bulb and William's hand was being illuminated by it. 

William noticed how Zane was always facing one direction the entire time but suddenly looked at his hand when the spell was cast. 'He probably heard the spell activate and the crackling of fire' he thought.

"Teacher what color is your fire mana ?" Zane asked, his eyes still glued to the flame.

"It's red" William answered before abruptly closing his hand, dispersing the fire ball and denying Zane of the only light he could see.

"I'm afraid we have run out of time young Zane. I wanted to teach you about the Existence realms and how to cultivate your power through them but the day is over" William stood up and began stretching his stiff legs.

"No wait !!, before you go can you please tell me how you cast a spell ! even if I can't cast yet I just want to know the process please." Zane kneeled and clutched one of William's legs.

William was annoyed because the money Zane's parents had paid him was only for one day and the sun was gone, meaning the day was over !. However he felt bad for Zane and decided to make an exception just this once. Also he didn't want Zane crying all over his expensive shoes.

William started explaining "When your body has mana it will be stored inside am organ called the mana core. It is also the organ responsible for regenerating the magical energy or mana. You will feel it just above your intestines and in order to cast a spell you just imagine the energy in your mana core moving towards your hand.

When you have successfully moved the mana you then imagine what you want the spell to do in relation to your element. You might have heard me say some words when I cast that spell some time ago but those words are completely irrelevant, Mages just use them to sound cool"

'Well... that's incredibly stupid' Zane thought. ' In a fight why would you tell your opponent the spell you are using anyway ?'

'Wait if those words are irrelevant and don't effect the spell in anyway. Can't someone just say 'flame magic' but then just cast a water spell instead? that would be useful in confusing your opponent.' he thought.

"So that's it? all you do to cast a spell is to move the energy to your hand and then imagine what you want the spell to do ?" Zane asked for confirmation.

"That's correct" William confirmed.

"But wouldn't that mean there are an unlimited number of spells since a mage can just think of a new one anytime ?" Zane asked.

"Yes there are an unlimited number of elemental spells. However it is easier to make new spells on the spot if they are of your element" William explained before throwing his hands in the air.

Flames suddenly appeared between his outstretched hands and formed letters to make the word 'Zane' appear in the air. Once again Zane was mesmerized to see the 'white' flames in the air. This time they where so bright Zane could see the outline of William's whole body as well as the pillow he was sited on. These flames however disappeared faster than the earlier fireball.

"I know you couldn't see it but I just wrote your name with fire in the air, which could have been way harder to do with the water element" William explained before standing. 

"I have to leave now young Zane. Maybe one day we will do this again. Preferably when your body can generate mana" 

Zane stood up and bowed "Thank you for the lesson teacher I learnt a lot"

"I am glad" William smiled. 

The family of three saw William off, after Olivia practicaly forced him to take home some of her famous home made bread. 

"How was the lesson Zane ?" Owen asked as they all say at the table eating their dinner. 

"It was amazing father. Thank you again I learnt a lot even though we didn't finish." Zane smiled. 

"Oh I'm sorry you didn't finish it but unfortunately we don't have enough money for another lesson. We where actually saving this gold ever since you where born, it was supposed to be for hunting school but unfortunately you couldn't go because of----" Owen didn't need to finish his sentence. 

"But father how long does hunting school last for?" 

"It's a week long. The money we paid William was enough for seven days of hunting school. Since we summoned him to our house we had to pay much more." Owen revealed. 

"What do they teach in hunting school father ?" Zane asked. 

"They teach everything from magic to magical equipment. Then if you pass their exam at the end of the week, you get your hunter certificate which you use to get missions from the hunters guild." Owen explained. 

Zane wanted to ask how his father knew so much about this hunting school but decided to just let it be. However he now knew that to gain and grow in power he had to go to hunting school. 

"How much are the seven days of hunting school father ?" Zane inquired

Owen sighed "50 gold coins for the lessons and 25 more gold coins to take the test."

Zane was shocked. He knew the value of gold coins. If he had to hazard a guess he would say one gold coin was equal to 50 United States dollars from his previous world. 

With one hundred gold coins his parents could bought more land and farm more crops, but instead they saved it for him. It just goes to show that they truly cared about their only son. 

'Mother, Father I promise I will pay you back all your money and also go to hunting school even if it means I have to go around stealing. I also have a celestial to pay back after all' Zane thought. 

A million light-years away, a certain god felt a chill run down her back.