
Rise of the Mana Prodigy

Hey there! my name is Zane. I have no elemental affinity or aptitude. My body cannot generate and or retain mana. The god of the human universe hates me..oh yeah and I am blind. Watch me as I take over the multiverse.

Wevara · Fantasy
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121 Chs

Chapter 7 -- Magic lesson 


It's been one year since Zane's mother started working at the library and Zane was now Six. He had been content with his life so far but ever since the physician came, he had been restless.

Mr Carter had left Zane with plenty of unanswered questions. He had asked his parents those questions, however it seemed they never had any intention of becoming images, so they knew nothing 

Zane even thought of pretending to be sick so that his parents could call Mr Carter again. However he decided against it, he didn't want to worry his parents. It also didn't help that his father never went anywhere.

 Zane once asked to go play in the nearby woods but his father immediately denied. He said something about dangerous mana beasts, coupled with the fact that Zane was blind.

Zane also tried going with his mother to work. She worked in a library and Zane needed information, there wasn't a better place. However again he was denied with the reason being that he might mistakenly break something.

Because of all this Zane grew depressed. He would spend the whole day just staring into the sky, or rather facing the direction of the sky. 

<Name : Zane>

<Exst realm : None>

<Mana 50 :>

This was actually what he was looking at and it was beginning to really annoy him. It didn't help that it seemed to be permanently in his 'view'. Zane's parents had been working overtime trying to cheer him up. They hadn't seen him smile for six months and where really getting worried. He had even resorted to only talking when absolutely necessary.

It was his seventh birthday and his parents had hired the local teacher to give Zane a lesson on magic. Zane was so happy that he smiled for the first time in months. Right now the two of them where sitted in the living room.

"So young Zane what would you like to learn first ?" The teacher, William asked.

"Before we begin may i please ask if you are a mage?" Zane inquired. He was curious about his teacher because what was the use of having a magic teacher who can't do magic?. 

William laughed a little "Yes Zane I am a mage. A very powerful one if I may add" Zane quickly nodded with a smile. 

"Please teach me everything about magic from the beginning teacher" Zane respectfully said.

"As you may already know the energy we use is called----"

"Mana" Zane interrupted. William raised an eyebrow in disapproval. 

"Sorry" Zane lowered his head. 

"Mana is also what is called magic. I'm sure when you think of magic you think of someone making water appear out of thin air. That is not magic, that is a magical spell. Magic is mana, mana is magic and magic is energy. You will even hear people saying 'magical energy' they would be referring to mana" William taught. Zane had never paid this much attention before in his life. The only time was in his previous life when he was in coding school.

"Mana, or magic as I will be calling it from now on can be divided into many parts. There is elemental magic, gravity magic, space magic, time magic and many more. Mages even make their own magic when they reach the Supreme Mage realm."

"Although there are a lot of different types of magic the most common one is elemental magic. In order to become a mage it is mandatory to have what we call elemental aptitude or affinity. Aptitude is what element your body is more in tune with and if you cast spells of your aptitude, they will be more powerful and use less magical energy. 

"Before I continue I want to know if you understood everything. What is the difference between mana and magic?" William quizzed

"There is no difference mana is magic" Zane didn't hesitate to answer and William nodded in satisfaction. 

"What is a magical spell ?" 

Zane was not sure about this one and spent two seconds thinking, he didn't want to disappoint his teacher. 

"A magical spell is any feat you perform using magic. It is mostly elemental." he answered with uncertainity. 

"You are mostly correct young Zane. However magical spells are always elemental. If someone uses gravity manipulation magic to lift a house, that is not a magical spell that is just gravity magic." William corrected and Zane gratefully nodded. 

"When you turn 10 years old you will naturally discover your elemental aptitude so you can't really do any magical spells until then" Zane's face sunk at those words. He was really looking forward to helping father in the fields using magic, and to do other stuff. 

William laughed when he noticed Zane's face "Worry not young one it's only three years away, you will be casting spells in no time. Besides your body can't generate magic at your age anyway. The time you get your elemental aptitude is the day your body will start generating mana / magic / magical energy. 

<Name : Zane>

<Exst realm : None>

<Mana 50 :>

Zane squinted his non-seeing eyes at William's words. 

'He says my body doesn't have any mana, but the system says I have fifty whole points of it' Zane thought as he was deciding who to believe. The system he was given by the crafty celestial or his teacher. 

He then thought of his mana gathering skill. He was almost certain that he was the only one to have that skill. 'Maybe I wasn't supposed to have any mana yet but got some anyway because of this skill' he wondered. 

"Teacher William what would happen if someone's body manages to generate mana before awakening it's element. Would they still have their mana but unable to perform magical spells ?" Zane inquired. 

"William combed his fingers through his beard "It's impossible for a body to have mana without having an elemental aptitude because even though one mage can cast spells of almost all the elements. The mana in his body is naturally of the person's aptitude. 

For example my aptitude is fire, however I can also cast water magical spells. The mana in my body is naturally in tune with fire, in order to change it to water mana it loses over 50% of it's power. That's why the spell would come out weaker. Pure non elemental mana can only be used by people in the supreme mage realm.

Pure non-elemental mana is very dangerous, that's why only the supreme mages can use it. It is mostly used to make magic outside of the elements. Like gravity magic manipulation. Like I said magical spells are always elemental."

Zane could feel a headache coming on. This stuff was more complicated than programming. He decided to do a little recap in his mind as to not forget 

'So mana is also called magic. Which is always in elemental form and used to cast magical spells. Only Supreme mages can use pure mana to cast spells outside of the elements like for example gravity manipulation magic.' Zane thought. 

"However" William continued "even if somehow a person who is not in the supreme magus realm manages to generate pure mana, they will not be able to use manipulation magic, it's simply impossible. The only possibility is healing mana but that's useless"