
Rise of the Mana Prodigy

Hey there! my name is Zane. I have no elemental affinity or aptitude. My body cannot generate and or retain mana. The god of the human universe hates me..oh yeah and I am blind. Watch me as I take over the multiverse.

Wevara · Fantasy
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121 Chs

Chapter 114 -- Going home, part 2

Two horses were seen trotting through Willow City, on top of one of them sat a young woman with long black hair.

She wore the Willow family uniform which seemed to have been molded onto her body, her curves drawing the attention of all the male citizens.

On the other horse was a man dressed in all white clothing. His white hair blew in the wind, away from his strikingly handsome face.

He sat on the horse valiantly with his back straight while clutching the reigns with one hand. Every young woman in the vicinity saw him as a handsome knight who they wished he could just sweep them off into the sunset.

The men however saw him as what he really was, a poor man who is about to get thrown off the horse.

"Haven't you ever done this before?" the woman asked her companion.

"No, I'm used to carriages" the man answered as he tried his best to stabilize himself.

"Hey isn't that Zane?" One of the spectators said.

"Hey now that you mention it, he really does look like Zane. But that's a noble, Zane is a commoner just like us" another said.

The first spectator slapped his friend over the head "Almost all nobles start as commoners you fool" he said.

On the other side of the street, a woman was watching the two nobles ride down the road. After they were out of sight she made her way to her destination.

Opening the door she saw that she was almost late for a meeting.

"You're late" their leader said, not amused.

"Sorry David, but i saw something that might interest you" Candy said as she sat down next to Adam.

"What is it?" Adam asked.

"Zane" Candy said, as if that name answered everything, and it did since David's eyes opened in surprise.

"He's still alive!?" he exclaimed.

David didn't think that Zane would escape Charles. With how bad Charles was searching for him, David thought that he wanted to kill him.

Even if he didn't want to kill him, he thought at least he would be condemned to work for the rest of his life!.

"That's not all, he was wearing the Willer family crest" Candy added. David couldn't help but sigh dejectedly. He didn't want to admit it, but Zane was now out of his hands.

Angering the Willer family was suicide, that's why he thought Zane's fate was sealed when he was being hunted by them.

Chris was especially angry that Zane was still alive and well. Even becoming a noble and potentially living a better life than he ever could.

"Let's all forget about Zane and focus on the mission at hand" David said as he pointed at a large map on the wall.

"This village here has reported that a herd of wild pigs has been eating their crops----"

"Wild pigs?, they do know that we are Mage hunters right. Next time we will be called to hunt chickens" Adam joked and the group chuckled.

"I get you Adam but when their numbers reach one hundred, it becomes a Mage problem" David explained.

"A hundred pigs can't work together, there has to be a mana beast acting as leader among them" Clara said.

"Exactly, and this village is at the edge of the safe zone so expect anything" David said.

"What's that village next to it?" Chris asked, looking at the name of the neighboring village, it's name seemed familiar to him.

"This one?" David pointed at the village "It's a small sized village named Nok. Why do you ask?"

Chris hid his evil smile "It's nothing, but i think we should postpone the mission for a day or two" he said.





Just outside Willow city, Zane and the young woman were riding towards Zane's village.

"I never got the time to properly introduce myself. My name is Cora" the woman put out her hand for a handshake.

Zane shook her hand, albeit with difficulty since staying on the horse was hard enough "I'm Zane, yes that Zane and no I didn't steal anything from David" Zane introduced himself.

Cora couldn't help but chuckle "You're quite famous Zane"

Zane was surprised "You heard of me!?, honestly i just said all those things as a joke. I didn't think you actually knew me" he said.

"I didn't, i only asked around after i heard that a certain Zane joined my family" Cora explained.

"Ohh, and which lies did you hear?" Zane inquired.

"Most of them are useless to me, I'm only interested in your element, are you really a lightning user?" she asked with stars in her eyes.

'Ohh shit, i completely forgot about that' Zane thought. When he lied about his element he didn't think he would join a family. A family which would definitely want to know the truth.

'Alex, any ideas?'

<<...... >>

'Ohh right'

Zane didn't have a choice anymore, he would have to tell the family the truth. However he would tell Charles first just in case he would like to keep it a secret from the rest of the family.

Zane hadn't forgotten what Old man had made him discover. The fact that he was element-less might actually be a blessing and he was excited to see what would happen.

Zane planned on breaking through in the safety of his home. He really missed his true family, especially after the dream he had.

As for the other stuff like being able to see and manipulate pure mana, he would hold off on telling anyone, those secrets were too dangerous.

Zane snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Cora "It's complicated, I'll tell you everything after I discuss it with Charles" he said.

Cora was visibly disappointed but she just let it go. She was excited to see a lightning elementalist in action but she could wait. Zane was now family after all.

A few hours later, and the duo caught sight of the village in the distance. Instead of going through the forest to appear directly in their farm, Zane decided to ride through the village first.

Unknown to the two of them, the village scouts had already spotted the two nobles and ran to inform the higher ups of the village.