
Rise of the Mages

Zack always play games in his room he usually never come out of it and just play all day, one day Zack fell asleep while playing his new game, he woke up and find himself all tied up and many goblins are around him. He is in a new world, a world where magic exists. And let's just say his luck is 0 percent in any quest he takes there seems to be many monsters lurking in the area. There are different races like elves,orcs,goblins,demons, and many more. Come and join me in this journey.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Ivar keeps fighting the girl, they're exchanging blows after blows, Ivar has the upper hand but blood starts to drip out of his mouth.

The girl smiles at Ivar and says, "Getting tired already." Ivar smiles back at him and says, "No, just having a warm up."

The girl dashes at Ivar and hits him with a hard blow, Ivar flies in the air and counter attack using his sword, the girl blocks it with his dagger.

After using his sword, Ivar spits blood out his mouth, he loses control of his air magic and falls to the ground.

On the other hand, Zack, Vala, Akari, and Leslie are still running back towards the direction of Ivar.

"It's strange there's no monster in this area." Vala said, she looks around while running.

"Maybe someone cleared them up." Zack said.

"That's impossible, remember the 'Mighty Wolves' we come across when I escort to the village? they live here too." Vala said.

Zack looks around while running and sees a glimpse of a man wearing a torn cloak, "Wait that's the man!" Zack shouts, Vala and the others look at him with a confused look on their face, they ask Zack where it is because they didn't see anyone.

"I swear his standing right here!" He insists.

"Well we didn't see anyone, and we need to keep going, are we close?" Vala said, they keep running.

Three hooded figures stop them, "Hunters? what are you doing here?" Vala said, they stop and ready their weapons.

"We have no business with you, but that man and the two girls, they need to die." One of the hunters said, they ready their weapons too.

"What did we do? we just came inside that shady building and asked something." Zack said.

"That's the problem, no one can enter that building if you have no business with us." One of the hunters said.

They also said that if they don't kill someone who goes inside their guild, the master will kill them. Vala attacked one of the hunters and knocked it down.

"We have no time for you guys." Vala said, Akari and Leslie attacked the remaining two hunters and knocked it down. Vala signals Zack to keep going and deal with the hunters problem later.

They keep going. Ivar on the other hand is fighting not one assassin but five assassins now, Ivar is outnumbered but he still has the upper hand. Many trees have been cut down and on fire.

They finally made it to Ivar's location, they're shocked that in a short amount of time, the forest is looking like this. Vala jumps on the tree hoping to get a better view, and sees Ivar fighting five assassins. She signals Zack and the two girls to keep heading straight. They keep going and Zack asks Akari to use water magic to put out the fire.

Akari nods and stops running, she then starts casting magic and a large ball of water appears on her hands, she starts putting out the fire.

Ivar jumps in the air and throws his sword at the assassins, a magic circle appears in front of the sword, one of the assassins dodge the sword, the sword hits the ground and explodes.

One of the assassins teleports in the back of Ivar and kicks him, Ivar flies downwards and one of the assassins teleports in front of him and punches him sending Ivar flying in the air.

The assassin girl kicks him on the back sending Ivar to the ground. Ivar stands up and says that the coat is holding him back. He removes it and closes his eyes, one of the assassins dashes towards his location, Ivar dodges it like it was nothing, Ivar then stomps the assassin on the ground, the ground starts to shake, the four assassins who are standing on the tree loses balance and falls down to the ground.

Vala notices it and stops running, she uses air magic and starts running in the air. Leslie then starts using it too and runs in the air.

"Eh? Hey! wait for me! I don't know how to use air magic!" Zack shouts, the two girls didn't hear him and just kept running.

"Fool!" Someone shouts at Zack, he looks around and doesn't see anyone, suddenly he remembers someone talking to him in his mind when he brought Akari in the infirmary.

"Why are you in my mind? who are you truly?" Zack asked in his mind, the voice laughed and said that it's still not the right time to know him.

"You're not ready, for now think of me as you." The voice said, Zack asked again but no one answered.

He shakes his head and keeps running, He finally makes it to Ivar's location, he sees Vala and Leslie fighting cloaked figures in the distance and sees Ivar standing. One of the assassins launches towards Ivar.

Zack casts light magic towards the assassins, it hits the assassin and sends it flying, Zack rushes to Ivar and asks him if everything is okay. Ivar didn't answer, Zack looked in front of Ivar and saw that Ivar's eyes were close and blood was dripping out of his mouth.

He shakes Ivar's body but Ivar still doesn't wake up, he checks if Ivar's heart is still beating, it's still beating, he just passed out standing.

Zack casts a barrier around Ivar to protect him and head to the direction of Leslie since he knows that Vala is strong and Vala will get angry if he helps her. He casts a fireball towards the assassin that Leslie is fighting, the assassin notices it and casts a water ball magic to counter it.

The assassin turns its attention to Zack. Leslie then kicks the head of the assassin knocking it down, more assassins come out of hiding and start attacking Zack. He dodged one of the assassins and Leslie attacks the other assassins with dark magic. Akari arrives and attacks the other assassins.