
Rise Of The Forgotten: Yautja Ascension

A diehard Marvel fan who wakes up to find himself reincarnated as a Yautja, one of the legendary hunters from the Predator movies. Big surprise he is in marvel. 'Mother@#$_&!!'

Vekay_Legend · Movies
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13 Chs

Chapter 3

Victor shown everything that happened and seeing all the visions provided by them, was now silent contemplating on what he has seen. 'This is a lot different than what I know, unlike some other transmigrators I will not so foolishly think I know everything. Me just being here as well as seeing that the yautja exist here a lot of things will likely change.'

Crossing his arms unknowingly his mandibles clicking as he was in his thought process, one of the Goddesses looked at his physique seemingly in silent approval was purring causing Vak'tor to look at her as he clicked in exasperation ~Xon'nar klyr'ta nuk lok'har va'ur vok? Ya'nutan va'deh jha n'xen'kai va'hra n'za'la'ki n'li'ya? ~

Zar'grim looked back at him with annoyance ~Xen'xen n'khra'var vah'keth? Khre'kai'la, vun'drah'kai, kla'raat zan'raat nuk kor'kai. Ata'nat klyr'ta nuk lok'har va'ur va'kai zan'raat t'eith'har vun'shra.~

Vak'tor just shrugged his shoulders as he replied to her ~ Ata'nat nuk kla'raat nuk gha'nai va'kor, jha n'vun'shra nuk.~

Looking at Vak'tor in disbelief she responded ~Kor'kai'la x'chala'kai nuk va'kor'la'kai va'xen'za.~

Vak'tor only chuckled to that barb ~Xen'chala'kai kai'kai'la jha n'xen'za va'ur kla'raat.~

All the back and forth words where heard by the other Gods and Goddesses causing some of them them to burst out laughing silently at the sibling rivalry, Xal'thun annoyed flared his mandibles as he ordered ~LEK'TA!!! Khar vah'keth vah'ish'na'keth, nuk jha'uk s'ha'kra!~

Caught in the commotion Viktor looked bewildered by everyone's reaction, "So let's say that I agree, how would I become this avatar of yours?" He asked.

Kor'shak ignoring the foolishness answered " Well child, you would have to go through our trails. Each of us have a trail for you and for each and every success we will grant upon you upon you our blessings, but of course we will start with the Goddesses first."

Zar'grim staring silently approached victor, "We shall not name you yet, for the first trail is the trail of hunt. Survive this and you will receive my blessings."

"Alright" Said Victor steeling his nerve "when do I start?"

"Now." Xal'thun says as Victor got sucked inside of a portal with him screaming in fright of suddenly falling through the hole created under him. Zar'grim turned to Xal'thun with a pissed look asking

"Really? At least you could have let him walk through it."

He shrugged and told her "Why waste time? At least he gets there faster."

Hish'ta'keth could only raise his hand to his forehead in annoyance of his family's antics.

(God knows where)

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed victor as he was falling through the wormhole with no idea of direction he was heading, that is until he landed face first on his face on a rough surface causing him to grunt.

"That shit faced, crab face, get to da Choppa looking ass motherfucker!!! The fuck was that!!!" Victor did not stop for at least five minutes, cursing so hard that if the sailors heated half of what he said they would blush from embarrassment and ask for his autograph.

Getting the adrenaline and anger out of his system, took a deep breath clearing the last of everything from his system before taking time to asses where he was. It seemed like he was in what looked like a mix of jungle and swamp, with his merger with the yautjan body he had all of his knowledge and experience so using that he jumped up on a tree and effortlessly climbed up to get to the vantage point to see around himself.

Looking around he saw that there was three moons were in the sky, with the sky so clear with no cloud in sight he could even see the stars. Smiling at them he sat down and was lucky about the yautjan he merged with because it was an inventor as well as a hunter, so as long as he had an idea and materials he could create it. He was even sure he could recreate Stark's Arc Reactor easily with the knowledge he possessed, but first things first he has to hunt to prove himself. But he could not just hunt any simple creature it has to be a formidable challenge to himself, before he could plan any further "ROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!"

Looking towards the direction that the sound originated from he smirked "Ask and you shall receive, if that was not convenient I would not know what is."

Victor started tree hopping toward it's direction, as he got closer he saw what looked like a battle between a bipedal humanoid and a massive aggressive creature easily the size of an adult elephant.

Victor using his skin patterns to blend in and silently observe, the creature screeches as it lunges with speeds defying it's size sweeping it's claws at the humanoid as it dodges it barely. Seemingly looking for something upon following it's line of sight Victor sees a spear stabbed in a tree not so far from it, using the creature's distracted state to it's advantage it dashed towards the spear. The creature upon noticing something afoot used it's fifth leg to kick it, the hit landing sent the humanoid into a tree thirty meters from himself. The humanoid clutching it's chest looked towards the creature without fear but defiance, the creature not liking it's prey not fearing it roared once more but the humanoid only hissed at it instead. Limping back to it's feet as the humanoid did not lose its eye contact, all the while clenching it's hand on it's chest as it would see that the creature charged towards the humanoid until a blow to the side of it's head sent the it further into the clearing. Victor seemingly appearing out of nowhere with no technology, only clad in fishnet and fabric clothing his groin region.

Upon looking back towards the humanoid he saw that it was a feline humanoid, a female at that. It was at least a foot shorter than himself wearing leather skirt and what looked like a bronze breastplate, blue fur covered it from head to toes with white stripes here and there. She had raven coloured hair on her head, with deep amber colored eyes.

She looked at Victor warily, as he was not only taller and more muscular than the males in her tribe. Looking behind him she saw something that caused her to want to warn Victor on time until Victor turned back suddenly and caught the horns trying to stab him causing Victor to slide along with the beast because of the built up momentum, that is until Victor using his quick thinking shoved the horns off of himself before jumping upwards to deliver an uppercut to the beast causing it to back away in pain. Shaking it's head the beast released it's roar of frustration "ROOOOOOAAAAAARRRR!!!"

Victor on smirked at it before drawing his breath before he responded "ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR!!!!!!" Charged at the beast with it also running towards himself, raising it's arms to slam it on Victor he instead slid underneath the creature finding purchase on the creature's hind leg with his own claws causing purple blood to appear with the number pf injures it attained in this fight. Climbing up the beast as it was thrashing about trying to toss Victor off it's back to no avail as Victor was determined to end it, as soon as he reached on it's back he broke one of it's spine bones causing it to roar in pain.

Using the fifteen inch sharp spiked bone he started to stab it on its head but it was proven to not being effective, until he heard the call from the feline from before, she was indicating below her jaw indicating a weakness that it may possess by pointing at the creature and her shown place. Using the distraction caused by Victor she skulked around and picked up her spear before seeing something unbelievable, Victor using her advice from before "Maximum Effort!"

Jumped from the still trashing giant before he slid underneath it stabbing it below it's jawline causing it to freeze before moving even more aggressively but with a roar Victor stabbed it on it jawline again and again nonstop until it's movements ceased. Victor was panting after the ordeal, clicking as well as growling as he approached the fallen beast before raising a foot and stomped on it's chest before throw his head back "ROOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRR!!!!!" His beastial roar echoing proclaiming his victory for all to know.