

The Fallen ones, Cursed race, The ones who fell, rejected by the world, What names haven't they been given? . In the past, they reigned throughout the world being leaders of the very world that shunned them. The power they had was unexplainable by normal means, their thoughts were inexplicable that no other person could think like that, and they were all around the world. But when they were at their peak, the top leaders mysteriously disappeared causing the fall of their descendants. a war sparked off and their decendants lost making them the slaves of the world. due to their ever-growing strength, the leaders got scared and sent them to a danger zone, the mysterious continent planning to kill them off. Will their choices backfire on them, or would it bring forth a new era for them?

Spandex_Playz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


Days quickly passed as the coming-of-age ceremony neared, out of the eighteen children from the academy only five focused on training in their respective fields.

Daniel who was still training his new technique realized another flaw, he could deal with long-ranged weapons, since he wasn't fighting with weapons just his bare fist, he needed his skin to be so tough the weapons couldn't penetrate or be fast enough to avoid them.

He had been testing his speed recently and found out he was quite fast he just had a slow reaction speed, so he asked Micheal for his help on this.

Micheal also needed help with good posture and body balance and correct forms of exercising, they both helped each other until a single day remained for the ceremony.

On the last day, Daniel decided to take a rest and walk around the city, due to his constant training for the last two months there were many places he hadn't visited.

He carried his identity card with him since he didn't have money, the school usually pays for their expenses each month but they have a limit they'll pay for a student each month after that limit had been crossed the students would have to pay for their expenses after.

He hadn't touched that money for two months now so it had increased, he decided to walk around the city both inner and outer city to search for stuff he might like.

He put on his academy uniform, which was a dark coat with some gold designs and patterns on it, every student needed to wear it each time they went to the outer city to avoid problems.

In just two minutes he got to the outer city, as he walked to the market different smells assaulted him, the smell of defecation filled the surroundings the smell was nauseating, as the market was in sight the smell of rotten meats and fish smelled everywhere, the smell was bad but somehow he was oddly comfortable.

The odd smell let him recall memories he had locked deep into his mind.

He walked around the market looking for a bookstore first, as he walked past shops they all greeted him with no one blocking him showing him respect.

Books were something he had liked reading since he was small, not all kinds of books but fantasy, action, and history books those with mythical creatures.

It had been a hobby for him since he knew how to read, so he wanted to buy some new books to read back at the academy.

He picked three books, Dusks, protectors of Mankind, and Risen from the Abyss, these were some new and finished works he hadn't read before.

He paid for the book and left the store, the shop owner was confused and happy, why would an academy student buy a novel from his store? And if this news were to be spread out he would have so many customers his store wouldn't be able to fit them.

He quickly left his store to tell his neighbors about what just happened.

Daniel didn't know what kind of wave he just started but even if he knew he wouldn't care, he recognized the shopkeeper he was the one who usually gave him books to read for free, but the shopkeeper didn't recognize him because he had changed drastically these two months.

He continued walking searching for other things that might catch his attention, after waking for about two hours and it was almost afternoon he had bought a hand full of items and kept it in his bag, just as he was about to leave the outer city he saw a shop at the edges.

It was a shop that sold jewelry, and as that thought came to his mind he remembered those bullies had broken the one his mother had given to him during that fight so he decided to buy a new one.

He entered the shop, and although it was a little shabby it was enough for him, if he were to purchase something like this in the inner city even those two months' money that he saved up would be able to buy jewelry there.

The store was mostly clean and smelled nice, the disturbing smell outside the store didn't affect indoor areas.

He saw some earrings, bangles, beads, and some chains as he looked around, some of the earrings were plaited with gold and diamond, it looked like it was made for royalty.

Since he was looking for chains he went to the section where he saw chains, some were too big or too small.

There were medium-sized neckchains there but he just didn't like their decorations so he left them and went to the section where beads were kept.

There was a design he liked and he wanted to ask the owner if they could customize one for him to wear on his neck.

He asked the owner and was told he could come three days later to collect it. After that, he immediately went to the inner city the result of walking all through the morning had left him hungry.

A new restaurant opened recently so he decided to go there and have his lunch, he carried his bag made of the basket as he walked there, although it looked odd One around said nothing as they were used to people dressing more crazier than that.

He wanted to enter a carriage but just decided to walk so he'd save money for later.

Ten minutes later…..

The smell of freshly cooked food filled the surroundings as the smell of nicely sauced meat, vegetables permeated his nose.

The restaurant had some space in the front door for customers to park their carriages.

As Daniel entered the restaurant he realized the rumors were true, even though it was just opening, customers always filled the place making it hard to even find reservations, and their food was delicious.

That second part was absolutely true, he hadn't even eaten yet his mouth was already watery with just the smell of the food.

He immediately promised himself to come and eat at this place anytime he was free.