
Rise Of The Eternal Monarch

Zayn's life was pretty much planned out. He thought that with enough time, he could do anything he set out to do. But destiny threw a wrench in his plans as he finds out that he has been bound to an Ethereal Seed, one part of one of the greatest sources of power in the universe. And now he must fight to save himself, while discovering the mysteries that lay within him. ______ Cover art isn't mine. If you like this novel, check out my other one: "Heavens' Grimoire: Avatar of Chaos."

GrandSky · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Quantum Dissonance

Chapter 23: Quantum Dissonance

"What's going on? What the hell is happening to him?" Kai asked with obvious worry on his face as he looked at the Head of Skylark Academy.

Peering closer at Zayn's unconscious body, the man nodded with observation.

"Hmm. This is quite strange. Come on, you two. And take your friend with you." He ordered.

"Where are we going?" Kai inquired.

"To a hospital." The man replied without looking back as he opened a portal in the air.

The four of them quickly went in, with Kai carrying the unconscious figure of Zayn on his back.


"Where...am I? What is this place?" Zayn asked himself as he opened his eyes.

His eyes were open, yet he could see nothing. His eyes searched the endless scape of darkness reflected back at him, trying to find a source of light.