
Rise Of The Eternal Monarch

Zayn's life was pretty much planned out. He thought that with enough time, he could do anything he set out to do. But destiny threw a wrench in his plans as he finds out that he has been bound to an Ethereal Seed, one part of one of the greatest sources of power in the universe. And now he must fight to save himself, while discovering the mysteries that lay within him. ______ Cover art isn't mine. If you like this novel, check out my other one: "Heavens' Grimoire: Avatar of Chaos."

GrandSky · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Chapter 9: Beatdown

"But why are you telling me this?" Lea asked Kai timidly.

"Don't worry about it. Pretty much everyone in our class knows, or... those that have been with Zayn at least." Kai smiled.

'They don't know everything though. Think of it as doing you a favor.' Kai thought wryly.

"Oh. Ok then." She said somewhat disappointedly.

The students were in an uproar. They looked at the bright spear which floated in the air and landed on Ronaldo's hand in shock.

"Oh my God! Did he just release his genetic energy and imbue it into his weapon? Yeah, he may be a Beta, but isn't that like...too soon? What Energy Training Technique does he practice anyway?"

"I dunno. But that move was freaking cool! The machine had no time to react before the spear just busted its head up!"

Similar discussions could be heard amongst the students as they excitedly discussed the fight.

"But I think he made that other guy very angry." A voice said as everyone turned to look at Zayn, who was clad in a black as night battle suit with faint purple lines crisscrossing all over it. There were small spike like attachments at the knuckles of the suit that shone with a cold light. The suit looked beautiful and fitted Zayn like a glove.

"Have you finally gotten serious? Finally! It's about time! I hope that you can be at least a bit of a challenge!" Ronaldo roared.

"I think that it should be I...who should be telling you that." Zayn's voice was dark, scary dark. It sent chills down Lea's spine. It was hard to imagine that this was the cool looking senior who always had a lazy smirk on his face.

Dark clouds began to take shape above the Arena as thick bolts of lightning began to fiercely dance in the air.

"Uhh. What's happening? What's going on? I thought the forecast was sunny today! What's up with this strange lightning?" A third year student wearing an orange coloured uniform said as he looked at the sky.

"I think...it's that guy that's causing it." The voice from before said, causing all eyes to turn towards Zayn's figure.

Thin bolts of purple and blue coloured sparks of lightning gathered on his silhouette, giving him a wicked appearance.

Ronaldo's eyes fixed stably on his figure. I thought they said this guy was weak! What's with this power up all of a sudden? He thought.

"Get ready. You might die." Zayn's voice drifted towards Ronaldo's ears as his figure abruptly disappeared.

And this time, Ronaldo could not see it coming.


A hard blow landed on his chest as his figure flew into the air. Before he could stabilize himself, a bunch of attacks landed on his body like a barrage of bullets.

A kick landed on his face as his figure dropped down with a hard crash.


He spat out a mouthful of blood.

After a few seconds, he stood up on his feet, only to see a black clad figure staring at him indifferently.

"Hahaha! Is that all you've got? You're never going to be able to cause any significant damage on this scales of mine! This is mere child's play!" Ronaldo laughed.

"Is that so? How about I target a place where your scales do not reach?" Zayn's eyes shone with a purple light.

"Huh?" Before Ronaldo could process Zayn's voice and register it into his brain, he suddenly felt like his body was no longer part of his control as his body flew in Zayn's direction.

"Get—over—here!" Zayn stretched his hand at Ronaldo's figure.

The people watching the fight were shocked. How can he use Telekinesis? Is it another genetic ability?

"How can he use Telekinesis? I thought his power was lightning?" Lea asked Kai. Maybe he might know something. She thought.

"Even I don't really know the extent of Zayn's powers. To be honest, if Zayn told me one day that he could time travel and warp reality, I'd totally believe him without a second thought. With all the power that he has shown the two of us, it might be safe to say that he is a combination of Superman, Flash, Magneto, Starfire and Xavier combined." Kai said.

Lea was lost. Who were those guys again? Were they some kind of secluded Omegas?

Kai looked at her face and laughed. " Sorry. In simple terms, he's very, very strong. At least his power is."

"So how does he keep his power in check?" Lea was confused. If he was really that strong, shouldn't it be hard to control his power?

"You see, his Asura Mode targets his mind. So that is his strongest suit. He always trains it, hoping that his Murderous Impulse State's hold on his mind would loosen. When it didn't work, he resorted to other methods. He created limiters and fixed them in various parts of his body. They restrain his power, preventing him from ever going all out to prevent the MIS from happening."

"What happens when it does?" Lea asked.

"Every minutes after his Murderous Impulse State begins to take over him, these limiters secrete a bio-toxin that targets his cells and weakens them, preventing the Asura Mode from erupting with a power too much for him to control." Kai said.

"Oh my! Did he make the bio-toxin? Doesn't it cause him pain?" Lea covered her lips.

"Look at you so worried. I don't know about the basics, but yes, he did create the bio-toxin. It specifically targets the cells in his body that are actively involved in the process of the MIS. It doesn't cause him much pain though. It's sorta like forcefully taking a nap." Kai peered at Zayn.

As Ronaldo's body forcefully levitated towards Zayn, a mere distance of a meter between them, Zayn's foot suddenly shot out with a vicious kick to the back of his knee.

Ronaldo's body jolted as thin sparks of electricity wreaked havoc in his body. He let out a painful scream.

Zayn didn't give him anymore time to rest as his hands connected blows on various parts of his chest. The scales began to slowly revert back to his body, bit by bit.

'It's been over 4 minutes and 15 seconds. Time to end this quickly.' Zayn thought.

Zayn suddenly distanced himself away from Ronaldo's beaten up body as he leapt into the air.

"Shit. He's about to go full dark! Get ready! We have to restrain him in case he goes out of control again!" Kai and Lynn panicked.

The dark clouds in the air became even more prominent as a few bolts of lightning descended towards Zayn's figure.

"Come!" Zayn's voice sounded in everyone's ears as the windbreaker levitated into the air in front of their shocked eyes. The windbreaker suddenly separated into various parts and attached itself to Zayn's back, forming an elegant set of black wings that flapped in the air.

The bolts of lightning struck Zayn as a huge crackle of thunder followed. But instead of Zayn's body being burnt by the lightning like most of them had expected, it was suddenly absorbed by him, entering his body through the skin tight battlesuit.

[Ethereal Seed Assimilation...]

«Progress Level: 3%»

Two huge bolts of lightning hit Zayn's figure once again, this time entering the huge wings on his back. They continued to release faint sparks of electricity as they spread out on Zayn's back.

[Ethereal Seed Assimilation...]

«Progress Level: 5%»

Zayn looked at Ronaldo, whose frightened and shocked eyes stared back at him.

"You've lost. Weakling." An evil and indifferent voice reverberated in everyone's ears as Zayn pointed a finger at his opponent.

The black wings flapped as a huge beam of electricity traveled through his finger and blasted through Ronaldo's body, sending him flying with a shriek. The scales of his body receded as the boy fell unconscious.

Zayn's body floated gently and landed on the ground. His wings gradually transformed back into a windbreaker, which draped over his shoulder. Standing in front of his opponent, he grabbed the air and Ronaldo's body flew towards him.

Grasping him by the neck, Zayn's eyes radiated an ominous aura.

The students burst into an uproar.

"Shit! He won? So that's the Asura of Team Black! So strong!"

"But isn't killing kinda prohibited? Don't tell me he's really going to..."

Eyes looked at Zayn's direction, wondering what his next move might be.

Three beautiful girls looked at Zayn from a distance.

A girl with blonde hair made into pigtails and a slightly petite figure said lightly. "He won huh? I wonder what his power is...I mean, he just showed Telekinesis and Lightning Control..."

"Hmm...and we know that he can manipulate metals. Does he have some kind of electromagnetic power? What do you think Levy?" A tan skinned girl wearing a set of glasses said as she looked at another girl with red hair and auburn eyes who had a thoughtful expression on her face.

"You're not wrong. There is a 75% chance that he possesses an electromagnetic power and a 25% chance that he has a mimic-type ability. But I wonder, how did he train his powers to be as strong as they are now..." The girl who was known as Levy said thoughtfully.

"What's his next move gonna be? Do you guys think he'll kill Ronaldo?" The tan girl looked at the other two.

"Unlikely. There is a less than 2% chance that might happen." Levy shook her head.

"It doesn't look like it." The pigtailed girl said as she pointed at Zayn, whose hand had begun to clasp tightly on his opponent's neck.

"Just watch." Levy peered at Zayn with an interested glint in her eye.

Hope you guys enjoyed the fight! Although I didn't think it was action-packed as I wanted it to. <Smiles wryly>

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