
Rise of the Disgraced Heir

They lost everything, their money, their fame, their influence, but this will not be the end. Ian Lim was born the heir to one of the nation’s richest and most powerful families, but that title was now long gone. After betrayal, illness, and sheer bad luck plagued his family, Ian lost everything. When one misfortune after another hit the Lim family the golden prince became the fallen prince, from servants attending to his every need he was now a servant himself. As the true colors of the people around him came to the surface, Ian swore revenge. One day, like a phoenix, he would have the Lim family rise back up again. And everyone that ever looked down at him, would get their just deserts. ____________________________________________________________________________ “Why are you doing this?” The imposing man in front of him asked. Ian could feel the power and authority radiating from him, he was clearly someone important. “You didn’t have to save her, and you are clearly drinking for a reason, so why help?” “Does it matter?” Ian hissed, he wasn’t in the mood to bow down to some rich man. He had enough on his plate today to care. He was surprised when the man suddenly laughed. Ian was expecting this man to have him thrown out, not to be amused by what he had just said. “I like you.” The intimidating figure finally spoke. Ian couldn’t help but look up at him in curiosity, most powerful men didn’t like being talked back to. “Marco, get his details. I see a future for this one.” For some reason Ian knew at that moment that his life would change, that he would no longer need to settle for rich kid’s scraps. Something about this man’s words seemed like a promise to help. ____________________________________________________________________________ In a world where the poor just get poorer, and the rich get richer, can Ian go against the tide and rise again? Can he fight the disgrace and shame his family faced when they were thrown out and shunned? Can the disgraced heir rise again and take back what was taken from him?

wounded_warrior · Realistic
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204 Chs

Chapter 30

As they entered the office, Ian and Camilla were greeted by the familiar intimidating figure of the CEO of the Reyes Group.

"Sit down guys." Marco told the pair as he pointed towards the couches at the center of the room.

Ian and Camilla silently obayed as Marco sat across them and the CEO sat at the head of the table.

The single couch where Emilio Reyes III sat looked more like a throne than a couch as he sat tall, barely leaning back.

"You can both relax." Emilio Reyes III told Camilla and Ian with a slight smile.

Ian observed the CEO, despite his best efforts to look kind and less intimidating, Ian still felt inadequate sitting around the same table as the man.

"I'm assuming Marco has already briefed you on what will happen next?" Emilio Reyes asked Camilla and Ian.

They both wordlessly nodded to his question.

"And they didn't complain?" Emilio Reyes asked Marco.

"Nope, they said they were fine with it sir." Marco relayed as he told the CEO about their earlier discussion. "As a matter of fact they told me that they understood the reason behind why we needed them to go through this."

"Really?" Emilio Reyes said in a surprised tone as he threw Camilla and Ian a questioning look.

"Yes, sir." Ian quickly replied with a nod. "Plus we did say we would do whatever it took to get us ready for our real job."

Emilio Reyes silently nodded as he was seemingly deep in thought.

"They will make a good match for my son." Emilio Reyes finally said as he looked at Marco.

"The young master isn't as impulsive as you think, sir." Marco said with a laugh. "You need to give your son some credit, he isn't exactly taking the easy path."

"No, he isn't." Emilio Reyes said with a frown as he shook his head.

Emilio Reyes frowned and sighed before turning to face Camilla and Ian again.

"As you both know you are training to help my son and heir in the future." Emilio Reyes began to explain. "The thing is, you're not the only ones undergoing some sort of training. My son, the Reyes Heir, is learning as well."

Ian and Camilla looked at each other, both clueless at what to say.

"I know most people expect me to simply hand over the reins to my son, but that's not how my family works." Emilio Reyes continued to speak. "There is a reason why we have been able to stay afloat for so long. I can't tell you yet, but when the time comes we will tell you what it is."

The two young assistants could do nothing but nod at the CEO. What could a person say when someone as intimidating as him spoke?

"You two don't need to be so stiff and tense around me." Emilio Reyes said with a laugh as he noticed how silent the pair had been since they entered his office.

"I guess I'm just nervous to mess up." Camilla said with a laugh. "Sir." She added as she realized that she didn't address him correctly.

"We will be spending a lot of time together, so you being awkward and tense won't help with the job we need to get done." Emilio Reyes told them.

"We'll try, sir." Ian said with a nod.

"Alright, now I wanted to discuss with you your placement throughout your stay at the Reyes Group and during your training." Emilio Reyes announces as he noticed both assistants visibly slowly relaxing.

Ian and Camilla nodded as they listened to the CEO.

"You will start with the most obvious company, Krisanta Land." Emilio Reyes told them. "It's the largest and oldest company under the Reyes Group. I want you to start with the sales department then make your way around. This won't take too long since you need to get through all of the companies and most of the departments."

"There will be a lot of office politics." Marco added as his boss took a pause. "It won't be easy, but these are things you will need to learn."

"We can take it." Camilla said with a determined look on her face.

"Yeah, it's not like we're some weak willed fresh graduates." Ian added with an awkward laugh.

"You aren't, why else would we have hired you if we didn't think you were tough enough to survive in the Reyes Group." Emilio Reyes told Ian and Camila with a smile.

"Your final destination will be Mor Co." Emilio Reyes explained.

"Mor Co.?" Ian asked with a confused look. "I'm not familiar."

"It's not a publicly listed company under the Reyes Group, it's a tech company that we have newly acquired, even the employees don't know that they are working for the Reyes Group." Emilio Reyes explained. "This company will be the first one that my son will take charge of."

"It will also be the company you need to learn the most about." Marco added.

"You will be placed there for a year, under the CEO's office." Emilio Reyes told them. "People will think we fired you. But you will continue to receive the same perks."

"I don't mind." Ian said with a shrug,

"Me either, as long as my bosses know I'm doing my job, that's all that matters." Camilla added with a grin.

"Good. You both start at Krisanta Land tomorrow." Emilio Reyes informed them. "Today you will learn everything there is to know about the Reyes Group from Marco. Good luck."

With that the assistants were all dismissed and they left the CEO's office, excited and worried about the challenges ahead.