
Rise Of The Broken Sun

“Dada, the sun is rising again,” “Uh? Oh, it always rises,” “Won’t it get weak and broken?” “I don’t think so,” “I wonder what happens if it gets broken?” “Well, I think it’s going to rise,” “What?” … Hiro wakes up on a battlefield with no memory of anything. He manages to survive but ends up extremely wounded. Adopted by the Lu family’s patriarch, Hiro gets to have a family. A father, a mother, a sister and a grandfather. When he meets Seraphina, a phoenix that takes him as her parent, he becomes a father. Her growth surpassed that of any phoenix. “Wasn’t she just a four year old? When did she…?” He became friends with Tanji, who unknown to him was living his second life after dying years into the future. Shin, a talented boy in the way of the sword and Mia, a member of Tanji’s household. Somehow she has a relation to Hiro’s past and it is by no means in a simple way. “Long time no see, hus…” His origin beckons him and with that comes a threat to his life and that of his new family and friends. As time goes on Hiro’s memories slowly returns and he realizes his origin isn’t as simple as he thinks. Was it possible to be born twice? It wasn’t, right? “It means none of these were placed in here by someone else. These two set of memories belonged to the owner of this soul space, you.” Several great evils seek his life for reasons unknown to him. “Find Me, Before They Find You!” When, faced with both old and new threats to his life, Hiro is determined not to let them prevent him from achieving his goals. He seeks immortality, total strength and honor to his family. He was going to get them no matter what, those were his goals. Well, it was easier said than done.

_King_Ace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

19. A Night Of Screams.

After eating, the family of four returned to the Lu manor. The sun had completed its journey and the moon had began its own.

"Elta, could you take me to old Sai?" Hiro asks as soon as he was out of the carriage.

"Hmm, okay but I can't stay. I had planned on cultivating tonight,"


"Goodnight mom, goodnight dad," Elta yelled.

"Goodnight father, goodnight mother," Hiro said.

"Goodnight," Enji and Ming Lu chorused as Elta led Hiro away.

It didn't take too long for the duo to arrive in front of old Sai's gate. Elta turned to Hiro and said.

"See ya, if I go I won't leave any time soon and I probably won't cultivate tonight if that happens,"

"Alright, goodnight,"


Elta pats his head before leaving. Hiro knocks the gate and walks in a few seconds after.

"Welcome sir," Izuhi's voice greeted him.

"Oh, you are here,"

"Old Sai asked me to stay and help him out,"

"Oh, you've finally arrived. How was your day?" old Sai's voice sounded as he steps out of a room.

"Junior greets senior. It was good, I wish to have many more of it. I kind of understand now,"

"Hmm, good for you. Yawn, let's get started, come in,"

Old Sai went in and both Hiro and Izuhi followed after him. They came into the bathroom. A wooden bath greeted the three of them. The bath contained a milky substance and emitted a wonderful fragrance.

"Take your garment off and get in," Old Sai ordered as he poured a substance into it. "Izuhi, this is the last and most important ingredient when preparing the cleansing bath,"

"Yes sir,"

"Huh?" Hiro looked at Izuhi and then at old Sai.

"I taught him how to prepare it. I can't have you disturbing me every time,"


"I hope you survive this. Here," Old Sai handed him a small orb.

"What's this?"

"Just eat it. It may not do much but it should help a bit,"

"Will this affect the process?"

"A bit,"

"Then there's no need for it,"

"Okay, toss it to Izuhi and get in,"

"Okay," Hiro did as he was told and stepped in. "Hmm? It hurts but not as bad as you said,"

"One, two, three, four, five, six…"

"AHH!!!" Hiro screamed.

"Hmm, you lasted to six. Much more than I expected,"

"AHH!!! AH! AHH! AHH!!!"

"Let's go Izuhi, turn on the array formation when we leave,"

"Huh?" Izuhi turned to old Sai who looks away.

"See you in the morning boy," Old Sai said and pulled Izuhi out of the room.


Hiro screamed his heart out. It felt like a million needles piercing his skin and his bones. At the same time, it felt like his skin was on fire, burning every bit of his flesh.


He roars with every vein in his body bulging out. His right eye starts to secrete, but it wasn't tears, it was blood. He felt his veins could burst at any moment and he felt the same for his eyes. At this rate his entire body was going to burst and turn into a pool of blood.

In the bath, Hiro forced himself to a meditation pose. He tries to clear his mind and cultivate, but it was way easier said than done.

"Hmm! Hm! Mmm! Mm!"

Taking deep breaths, he continues to try but he couldn't concentrate. His bones were crying in silent agony, his skin pleading quietly for this torture to end.


How long had it been? Five minutes? Ten? Or was it lesser? Hiro couldn't tell, but he knew the night was young, and there was more installed for me.

"Live!" A voice rang and an unclear scene flashed.

"Promise me, you… will live!"

The voice came again and Hiro could swear he heard music when another scene flashed by.

"Let him go… run!"

"AH!!!" Hiro screamed.

"Hey, are you alright?" Ming Lu's voice sounds in his ear. "Are you alright? You seemed uneasy just now,"


He spat out blood and bit his lower lips. A scene flashed by. This time it wasn't blurry but it was definitely much more confusing. There was a bright light in front of him and he could vow it felt like the light was looking at him. No, it was more than that. The light was breathing, and it was frowning at him. This wasn't just a scene of the past or a forgotten memory, this was happening now, it was the present.

He didn't know when the pain disappeared but all his attention was on the light. Someone was in the light and that someone was furious at him for reasons he didn't know about.

"You are?" Hiro asks with the little courage he had.



The light ordered and took in a deep breath as he opened his eyes. What greeted him…


Was the unimaginable pain that had disappeared before. He shook his head to the left and to the right vigorously and bit his lower lip even harder. His eyes bled and so did his lower lip.


"Hey, promise me you will live!"


"Hey, are you alright?"

"Hey, promise me you will live!"

"Are you alright? You seemed uneasy just now,"


"Ah! Ack! Kuhum, Kuhum!"

Hiro coughed and spat blood. Various voices rang in his head repeatedly.



"I'm older,"

"Are you alright?"


"Elder brother!"

"I hate you!"



"Are you alright?"



"Blood for blood!"

"Buhaha, the last fighting…"


"Will of a dying man is amazing…"


"I hate you!"

"Son of Enji,"

"You humans are so intriguing,"

"Wife for wife… son for son…!"

"Are you alright?"

"Daughter for…"


"Something simple… Haha, Hiro means abundant,"

"Hey, are you alright?"

Hiro took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Several familiar and unfamiliar voices rang in his head. His consciousness was fading away slowly. He places his hands on his knee and concentrates his fading consciousness on one thing. With his eyes closed, his consciousness faded away.

~Location Unknown~

"Oh, you came back. Hehe, I thought you were going to flee,"

"I told you ma, if you let me bury my mother, I'll go through fire for you," Ami said.

"Nonsensical words,"

"If it wasn't for this thing on my neck, I wouldn't be here," Ami thought.

"Bao Ren, you'll be in charge of teaching her how to fight. You have one month to do so. I want her ready by then, to join the plan,"

"Yes ma," Bao Ren said.

"During this time, you are free to use her as you please on petty operations,"

"This servant understands,"

"You two may leave,"

"Yes ma," Bao Ren turns to Ami. "Come with me,"


