
Rise Of The Broken Sun

“Dada, the sun is rising again,” “Uh? Oh, it always rises,” “Won’t it get weak and broken?” “I don’t think so,” “I wonder what happens if it gets broken?” “Well, I think it’s going to rise,” “What?” … Hiro wakes up on a battlefield with no memory of anything. He manages to survive but ends up extremely wounded. Adopted by the Lu family’s patriarch, Hiro gets to have a family. A father, a mother, a sister and a grandfather. When he meets Seraphina, a phoenix that takes him as her parent, he becomes a father. Her growth surpassed that of any phoenix. “Wasn’t she just a four year old? When did she…?” He became friends with Tanji, who unknown to him was living his second life after dying years into the future. Shin, a talented boy in the way of the sword and Mia, a member of Tanji’s household. Somehow she has a relation to Hiro’s past and it is by no means in a simple way. “Long time no see, hus…” His origin beckons him and with that comes a threat to his life and that of his new family and friends. As time goes on Hiro’s memories slowly returns and he realizes his origin isn’t as simple as he thinks. Was it possible to be born twice? It wasn’t, right? “It means none of these were placed in here by someone else. These two set of memories belonged to the owner of this soul space, you.” Several great evils seek his life for reasons unknown to him. “Find Me, Before They Find You!” When, faced with both old and new threats to his life, Hiro is determined not to let them prevent him from achieving his goals. He seeks immortality, total strength and honor to his family. He was going to get them no matter what, those were his goals. Well, it was easier said than done.

_King_Ace · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

18. Gift


Hiro exclaimed at the site in front of him. After departing from the Silver Moon's building in a carriage, the family of four had arrived here. Well, here was a huge completely fenced compound, that had a magnificent seven floor pagoda building. Beautifully decorated by lanterns, and ribbons, the pagoda stood majestically at the center of the compound.

To the left and to the right of the building were huge bird-like wings made of stones. And at the top; the seventh floor, was the huge head of a bird. And to the other side, directly behind the head, down below were seven tail feathers that extended from the building as pathways. Each of which seemed to be on fire.

The round fence seemed to be a huge snake chasing its own tail. Each of the seven tails reached a point on the snake and spreads its fire onto the it. Everyone of those point was a gate into the compound.

If one had an eagle's eye view, they would see a strange huge bird encircled by a burning snake. It seemed the bird's tails had caught on fire after coming into contact with the burning snake.

"This place is amazing," Hiro said with a big smile on his face.

He just came down from the carriage and was standing in front of the building's entrance. Behind him, Elta stepped out, followed by Ming Lu and Enji. There were two ladies before the carriage who had stepped out to greet them, even before the carriage had arrived at the entrance.

"We welcome the esteemed guests," they both greeted. "Right this way,"

The family followed the ladies, who led the way into the building. Just above the entrance Hiro sees a board with boldly written characters.


They followed the ladies into the building, and the ladies led them up the stairs that was by the entrance. They didn't stop until they reached the seventh floor. All the while Hiro stared at the well designed walls that had drawings of a serpent and a bird dancing.

The seventh floor had three doors and the ladies led them into one of them. It was a large room that had a round table with six chairs.

Enji took his sit, Elta followed quickly pulling Hiro after her and Ming Lu sat last beside Hiro.

"We'll be having the usual," Enji said.

"Yes esteemed guests," the ladies bowed and stepped out.

Enji turns to Hiro and asks. "So Hiro, what would you like to have as your birthday gift?"

"Huh?" Hiro tilts his head at him and frowned a bit. "Oh, anything is fine,"

"Okay, and what about you Elta?"

"I don't feel the need of attaching me to that party. We've already done my coming of age party so there's no need for a sixteen year birthday party," Elta folds her hands. "I know you guys are trying not to make me feel Hiro is more special, but you don't have to worry, he is my little brother, he deserves to be special. After all his elder sister is special,"

"Hmph, you aren't older,"

"Until you are strong enough, I am and that settles it," Elta rubs his head.

"So you don't want a birthday party?"

"No dad, let's allow Hiro enjoy his day as the star. But you are free to get me gifts, I'll gladly accept them, hehe,"

"Okay, you want something specific or we should surprise you?" Ming Lu asks.

"Surprise me!"


"By the way, when are we going to teach Hiro proper etiquette for the party?" Elta asks.

"Your father and I decided there's no need for that. Hiro isn't representing the Lu family with his actions so he is free to do as he pleases,"

"Besides, a lot of people will look down on him because of his realm, so I'm happy he pisses off some of them," Enji cuts in.

"But I am representing father, am I not?" Hiro asks.

"How you behave is up to you, don't get worked up over it," Ming Lu says. "Your father over…"

"Don't say it," Enji interrupts.

"Haha, why not? He should know too. Your father over here wasn't like this before he became a patriarch. The way he dressed, the way he acted and behaved before becoming a patriarch caused lots of issues between him and his father and the elders of that time,"

"Hmph, they were the ones who weren't understanding,"

"Haha, when he became patriarch, he changed over night. Even I, his wife was dumbfounded. When we were alone he was still the same but when he stepped out as the patriarch he was completely different. Well, over the years I got used to it though,"

"A man should know when to grow up. If he is handed a responsibility, he should handle it properly,"

A knock sounds on the door and a while later the door opens. The two ladies from before steps in, leading three other ladies behind them. The five ladies each had a large tray in their hands.

One after the other, they placed the dishes contained in the tray on the table and stepped out.

With eyes wide open, Hiro was the first to begin eating. Ming Lu smiled at him as he continued.

"I just realized the only thing I ate today before this, were the fruits," Hiro announces as he ate. "I'm quite famished right now,"

"Haha, and you just realized?" Elta asks.


"You are crazy, haha,"

"Alright, let's eat," Enji said and took a bite.

~Location Unknown~

"We've brought her, madam. The little thief,"

A man said as soon as he stepped into the hall. Behind was another man carrying a little girl. Ami, the little girl, had traces of tears on her face. Her lips were moving but her mouth spoke no word. She had cried all the way and lost her voice.

The man carrying her drops her before a lady, who laid on a huge three seater chair at the end of the hall. Beside her was a young man with a huge fan and a lady with a bowl, feeding her grapes at intervals.

She squirted her eyes at Ami, who looked back at her with dull lifeless eyes. She felt Ami wasn't even looking at her, but was rather lost in thoughts.

"You want me to believe this child stole the medicine?" she frowned at the man.

"I do not lie. This is the medicine, proof that she did it," the man who spoke before replied.

"Little girl tell me the truth or else I'll kill you. Did you steal it or are these men threatening you?"

Ami blinks at her and sniffles. A tear drop runs down her cheek as she bows her head. Her effort had been futile, and the lady in front of her just reminded her of it. Why didn't she just stay by her mother's side? Why had she so stubbornly believed she could save her? She should have held her mother's hand and be there while she was passing on. She should have said goodbye… why didn't she?


A loud sound and a strong gust of wind drew her back to reality. Inches before her, was an arc in the ground. It was so deep that she felt a chill deep in her bones. If it was even an inch closer, what would have happened? She was sure it would have been a fatal wound at the least.

"I wasn't talking to myself, was I?" the lady on the chair asks.

"No ma," Ami replies immediately.

Her chest heaving as she remembers the last words of her late mother.

"Promise me you will live. I don't care what you do. I don't care, just make sure you live, for you and for me,"

Back then she had brushed it off and promised her mother she would get the medicine. But right now it sounded so different. She wasn't sure if it was because it was her mother's words or because of the fear she felt, but she knew she didn't want to die.

"I stole it ma, for my mom,"

"Do tell me little girl, how were you able to pass through unnoticed?" The lady asks. "If I'm correct you are at the sixth stage of the core formation realm, right?"

"Yes ma'am,"

"I have two experts at the first stage nascent soul realm and several others above the sixth stage of the core formation realm. How did you get through my building without being noticed?"

"This… this little one has a gift ma'am, and it was with that gift I did that fist," Ami replies.

"And what gift is that?"

"I am able to blend into the shadows and when I do my aura and presence completely disappear,"

The lady squirted her eyes at Ami. "You can evade divine sense with that?"

"Not fully. If a nascent soul expert thoroughly searches, he or she can find me almost immediately,"

"Haha, interesting. You are going to work little one. If you refuse I will kill you instantly,"

"If madam will let me bury my mother, I will not bat an eye even if I have to go through fire,"

"I believe words are useless. You will definitely escape if you have the chance,"

"I won't ma'am, I…"

"Hush! Bao Ren, hook her up,"

"Yes ma'am,"

The man with the fan bowed and walked up to her. She didn't know when a dog collar made of iron appeared in his hand. It had strange runes written all over it. The man wore it around her neck and stepped back.

"Ah! Ack!"

She bent to the ground and spat out blood. The instant the collar was worn, she felt a connection to the lady seated.

"Go bury your mother, be back before mid night. You know your way back, right?"

"Yea ma. Thank you very much ma,"