
Rise of the Author: Bringing Books to Reality.

Adam Harris, a young writer, is searching for new sources of inspiration when his creative fire begins to go out. One day, in a moment of despair, he discovers a forgotten book called Co-Creator's Quill. This enigmatic pen gives him the incredible power to make his stories come to life. Each new story he creates enlivens the world around him and he finds himself at the center of his own stories.

Reveraner · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

First book

New lines appeared one by one as the world around Adam froze as if someone had stopped time.

[After a prayer, the gods gave Kobayashi the strength of a hero, and together with Vera they set out on a journey, straight to Elfheim.]

Adam blinked and was already in the woods. Next to him walked an attractive, mature woman dressed as a nun, holding a golden scepter in her hand.

Adam remembered everything that was described in the book as if he had experienced it. So he acted naturally.

He turned and looked around at Vera. She had silky black hair, and her eyes were unusual: golden in color. The great hills stood out, making unprepared men prone to sinful fantasies.

- Vera, how are we supposed to get through these woods? I can't figure out where to go, - Adam said puzzled.

- Mr. Kobayashi, please get the letter from the king, - Vera explained softly and patiently.

Following Vera's words, Adam took the letter out of the ring, which was a magical object.

And as if gaining life, the letter rose into the air and soared into the sky, disappearing behind a dense forest.

Five minutes later there was a rustling of leaves and a slight rumbling sound. Adam saw the trees move, creating a straight path.

- My God... - Adam was shocked by the sight.

- The Elf Queen has agreed to receive us. Come on, let's go, Kobayashi-san,"- Vera said with a smile.

Adam took a step forward and then froze in place. Time stopped again.

Feeling a burning sensation in his hand, Adam saw the book again. Out of habit, he took it out and looked at the first page.

[Kobayashi and the High Priestess Vera traveled to Elfheim, planning to inform the Elf Queen, Anastasia, of the impending threat in the form of the demon king.]

[Anastasia, after listening to them, decided to join them, wanting to help fight evil. Their next target is the Kingdom of the Fairies, which lies to the east of Elfheim.]

[It took a whole year to get to the fairies. During the journey, a favorable relationship developed between Kobayashi and the two ladies, especially with Vera. And one night...].

Adam adopted a strange expression on his face as he finished the new paragraphs, and then found himself lying in the tent while Faith moved on top of him.

The pleasurable sensation was transmitted to his body, making him shudder with pleasure.

Vera's large breasts rippled, captivating Adam. And her moans to his ears were like the best symphony.

However, time stood still again, as did Adam's face.

"They throw me into the abyss of pleasure, or interrupt me like the last of the creeps...," Adam complained and felt a familiar burning sensation.

Still, under Faith, he pulled out the book and habitually flipped through the page. There he saw new words.

[That night Kobayashi and Vera became closer, becoming lovers. Anastasia noticed the change, too, which caused her to avoid their gaze as much as she could.]

[Two months later they reached Fairyland, where countless little fairies swirled around them, bantering and giggling sweetly. In this cheerful atmosphere they met the Queen of the Fairies, an unusual person].

[She was cheerful and looked very young (although her age was in the triple digits). Her name was Emilia and she agreed to go with Kobayashi and the others].

[The road to the Kingdom of Iron was even longer. For two years Kobayashi and three lovely ladies headed there, growing stronger along the way. A relationship developed between them, and Kobayashi got three women into his harem].

- What the hell? I'll be criticized for my harem..." muttered Adam in a daze.

The scene changed and Adam was standing next to the anvil. In front of him was a little girl who was holding a hammer and looking at them questioningly.

- Are you saying that the ancient creature has been reborn? - Martha, the dwarf queen, asked.

- Yes, Mistress, - Adam nodded, - I have three races with me, and that must mean something.

- Hmm, - she mumbled sweetly, and suddenly she turned into a first-rate beauty.

Adam could see her abs, and her large breasts almost hit his face. But he remained calm and waited for her answer.

- Well, - she said suddenly, putting down her hammer, - I, too, recently received a message from our oracle about the awakening of darkness and the arrival of light.

- Very good-

Before Adam could finish his sentence, time stood still again. He felt annoyed and sighed.

When he opened the book, he saw new words.

[However, their onward journey was arduous. Upon entering a demonic territory, Kobayashi and his companions felt intense pressure. Every day they fought, killing demons and cleansing the lands of demonic forces].

[Having killed four celestial demons, they reached the domain of the demon king, who was waiting for them.]

Adam's eyes sparkled and he looked forward to being able to control events, but even after five minutes, nothing happened.

Adam looked at the book and saw the following lines:

[Due to the low rank of the book, the real-time narration has been stopped. To be safe, the author will be brought back to reality].

- What?! Well, no, the best part!

The truth was that no one heard him complain. Adam could only watch as his body glowed white and his consciousness shut down.


Adam opened his eyes and saw his room. He had a strange expression on his face.

- Was it a dream? - he muttered in a reluctant voice.

But a familiar burning sensation made him stand up abruptly and see a book in his hand. He opened the first page and saw the text:

[Title: "The summoned Hero: The Battle with the demon king]

[Genre: Isekai, Fantasy, Adventure, Romance]

[Plot: The protagonist, Kobayashi Yukio, a loser from our world, is accidentally summoned to a magical world where he has to fight a demon king. Although he has no special powers or great skills, he finds the strength and motivation to take up the battle against the forces of evil. In addition to the unusual battle, the protagonist finds himself embroiled in a complicated romantic relationship with several girls who see potential in him and support him through difficult moments. But his doubts and lack of skills create tension and cause internal conflicts.]

[Score: 6/10]

[Readers' emotions throughout the story: Slight interest, hope, emotional storylines, pleasure, lust.]

[Displeasure: Underdeveloped characters, superficial world, predictable plot.]

[Suggestions from readers: "Dig deeper into the characters and their motivations," "More epic battles and unexpected twists".]

[Reward from the system: +5 Experience Books, popularity +5]

[This story offers a combination of isekai and fantasy elements, where an unlucky hero finds himself in another world to fight a demon king. Readers may feel some interest in the plot and romantic storylines, although the book's score remains low. The Book's experience is reduced to a 5, reflecting limited attention and growth in readership].

Adam ran to his laptop and opened the website where he posted the books. There he saw a new book, the very one!

After passing approval from the editors, the book was monetized. Adam ended up earning $150!

The views were 570,987 and more than 40,645 people were added to the library. There were 99,541 likes.

Most of the reviews were average, and the book was not rated badly. Adam began to read all 350 chapters and found that it was of higher quality than he had ever written.

The text was written very intelligently, beautifully, and it was easy to imagine what was going on. The only downside was that some of the characters were poorly revealed and some were given too much attention.

But there were no particularly big problems. Readers were mostly satisfied with the story.

- How interesting... the parts where I directly participated were rated the best, and there are all the details, - Adam thought, - So the more I participate, the better the text?