
Rise of the anomaly

A boy deemed to be mediocre sets on a different path paved by his own efforts to face the doom and save the world .

black_sun · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Chapter 1- A peek into the past

chapter 1

Title: A peek into the past

Inside a dim lit cosy bed room an old woman was sitting in a chair next to the fire place reading a book, near her a boy around 7 years old was running around jumping and playing around her. The old women had a smile on her face watching her grand son jumping and play happily .

" Time to sleep Ray. " said the old lady. "But its only 10 Gran-Gran, can i stay up for a little longer ." spoke the little boy innocently.

"That won't do Rayan ,you have to sleep early if you want to be a Rakshak when you grow up " says the old lady . The boy when he heard her unwillingly went to bed "Then can you tell me a story gran-gran." the old lady took a minute then said "ok then i will tell you a story about an time where there used to be dragons and magic around us ."

"what's a dragon gran-gran." asks the boy excited. "Dragons are divine creatures capable of doing incredible things . Now don't interrupt me now ...."


Long long time ago before the beginning of the universe there used to be nothing around a totally dark void .Then one day out of nowhere a bright light shines throughout the void, from that light came out a giant magnificent creature made of pure light . He named himself Garhara The first DRAGON ,Garhara after his manifestation looked around and saw nothing around ,he felt gloomy at the sight before himself.

He felt extremely bored and suddenly came up with an idea he used his pure light from is body to create seven similar figures to himself . The figures were similar to one another yet when looked closely there were differences between them . One thing that stand out among them were they were not pure light like Garhara himself they had different colours as Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red.

Garhara named the race as dragons and gave the seven the title "the seven elder dragons" he named them as

Violet : Gehenna

Indigo : Pluvia

Blue : Fulgur

Green : Terra

Yellow : Solis

Orange : Venus

Red : Ignis

He then tasked seven of them to create life and went onto split his own body to create the remaining universe his heart left behind to act as our sun we now have.

The seven then went on to create life as we have now around us, they then created there own Minions(dragons) and tasked them to create more diverse life to inhabit earth.

Time passed as humans were created and civilization started to form .Humans started to dominate over the earth with their empires and kingdoms other life forms now became their live stock and cattle's. But they worshipped the dragons, legends were passed around about them ,stories were created ,song about them were sang all around the world.

Time flew civilization progressed humans somehow found a way to use magic. Humans kept progressing and so did their greed ,they wanted more and from there negative emotion gave birth to the darkness. The dragons acted quickly and sealed the darkness into a different plain an named it the dark dimension . The dragons warned the humans not to look into the dark dimension but the humans mistook the warning as trying to keep the "thing" to themselves without sharing and so they secretly started to look into the sealed dimension with their own magic an unleashed hell upon the world as we know, endless dark creatures named demons swelled up the world the dark energy from the dark dimension corrupted the creatures all around the world and turned them mad . The remaining sane humans were plundered by the demons and the corrupted creatures.

The humans pleaded the dragons for help and forgiveness ,the dragons being the benevolent creatures forgave the humans and tried to help them once more but it was to late there were to many of them the demons slaughtered the dragons and grew stronger.

Seeing all these the seven elder dragon granted two humans warrior's who were pure of hear their blessing and taught them their ancient magic to lead the humans civilization to the war against the demons.

The two warriors sweat and blead and stood their grounds against the demons but one of the warrior got corrupted and turned evil and killed one of the elder dragons and absorbed its power, the remaining elder dragons and the hero knew that it was now impossible to win this war so the sacrificed themselves to seal all the demons, the corrupted hero and the magic in the world to prevent this calamity from happening again but during the ritual of self sacrifice the elder dragons told the leaders of the humans that the calamity will take place once again in the future and a hero with four companions will emerge an slay all the demons and the corrupted hero and end all this once and fore all ,the dragons ordered the leaders of the humans to pass down this legend to the future generation to come and to be prepared for the calamity.


"And since then this story has been passed down and told in every corners of the world" says the old lady. "Gran-gran i will be the hero when i grow up." said the boy sleepy. "Gran-gran believes Ray will surely be one day, but for now sleep my child."

[AUTHOR : As English is my third language so if there is any grammar mistake or any silly mistake please help me correct them by pointing them out. And i appreciate positive criticism, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed. BTW this is my first story that i have written.]