
Chapter 2: Second Altar

Wakazk couldn't wait to try cleave. He took one of the taurens axe and went to the nearby forest.

He took the axe, thought about the skill cleave and how he would do heavy ranged damaged. Then he hit the trees with all his strength. The enormous strength of the hit was so great that almost all the trees before him broke and fell down, and the trees behind also got damaged, but not enough to break. They had just some scratches.

"Awesome, this skill is just too good. I can't imagine who can stop me with this skill in my hands."

He continued to train this skill until it was night. He had now almost a complete understanding of this skill and had also slain so many trees that he could build almost a whole village with it.

At the same time the system echoed in my mind "The barracks are build, you can now purchase more warriors."

When I came back, I saw about ten barracks build. Each barrack could contain about two or three taurens. So, I can summon 23 warriors more.

"Summon 23 warriors"

After 23 minutes all warriors were summoned. Wakazk told them to go to the south where the forest was and take back the wood he cut.

The warriors were really fast and in an hour they brought back everything and then got to the barracks to sleep.

Next morning Wakazk told them: "Go to the north and bring back as much stones as you can, then when you're back build so many barracks you can with the wood and stones we have at disposition."

Then he talked to Bain blood hoof that he was going in the forest to hunt. He then walked away still in possession of the axe of one of his warriors.

He went a dozens of miles in the depths of the forest. Wakzak looked forward in the direction of a bear. It was huge, about 100 meters away from him and was as twice as big as on earth. It was dangerous. But wakzak only grinned.

"Time to practice" Said Wakzak, it was his first encounter with a bear as big as this, he already slayed wolfpacks and other little bears in the forest just before but this one was different. It could kill him if he wasn't paying attention.

Wakazk's sword hit the bear's body and left only a little scar. The bear's thick skin was its best defense, and very tenacious. But he was too slow, Wakazk could easily evade the bears attack and so after ten minutes of slashes and hits the bear lost. Wakazk got hit two times but as he had thick fur and skin even thicker than that of the bear he got just little bruises.

A wailing howl echoed in the forest and then the bear's body fell to the ground. Its body was covered in wounds.

As it was really heavy and also because Wakazk wanted to bring his other preys back to have a food reserve. He decided to go back earlier, even if it still was sunny and had plenty of time.

Back at the barracks wakazk had now brought enough food to eat for two months, it wasn't two months' worth of food for him but two months' worth of food for 200 taurens. He definitely brought back a lot of food. Also, the taurens were working fast. They had built an additional 80 barracks (now 90 barracks; 80+10) ; they had a stone base and the upper part of the barracks were made of the strong thick wood from the forest. The wood was special, as it grew in the north it was cold resistant and also isolate.

"Summon 240 warriors, wait, no summon 140 warriors" Said Wakazk

"Build Altar and great hall of the pandaren"

"Cost 200 wood and 300 stone, you ave enough start building?" said the scary voice in his mind

"Yes" said Wakazk, thinking that if he was on earth he would definitely be considered crazy. Yes, he had a strong body, but he had yet to get used to it.

"Ready in 24 hours"

Sorry shorter chapter, I wrote it at night and are very tired

Daoist672097creators' thoughts