
Chapter 1: Summoning

"Yes, begin the construction." Wakazk's voice was trembling of excitement.


A loud sound echoed. A majestic and huge black great hall appeared in front of him. It was impressive and a little frightening to look at. It was awe inspiring.

"Hahahahaha….My dream is coming true, my time is coming, my boring life is becoming great."

Wakazk restrained his excitement and ordered: "Construct the Taurus Altar"

A loud noise echoed again and a big five-meter-high altar made of black stones appeared next to the great hall. Both great hall and altar were for free as it was impossible for him to build them alone.

"You can summon one hero and five warriors for free"

"Summon hero" Shouted Wakazk, trembling in excitement.

"Altar can summon Taurus Chieftain, Taurus Warrior, Taurus Runemaster, Taurus Scout"

"Summon the Taurus Chieftain" Said Wakazk, as he found it was the greatest class of them. And probably the one with the most strength.

"The summoning started, it will take an hour" The standard for hero's to be summoned takes one hour and for normal warriors and troops it takes about 1 minute.

Wakazk was quite bored to wait so he began to look around him and imagine how his future nation would look like. He imagined that at the north where the mountain range laid, he would build a great fortress in the mountain itself and how he would build more towns and reinforce his nation.

The time flew very fast but not fast enough, wakazk was now searching for another divertissement.

"Summon the five free warriors" said Wakazk

Not long after five warriors were kneeling in front of him and presenting their respect for Wakazk. Tauren warriors are calm and self-sufficient, not given to boredom and despair like many low-ranking soldiers and are wise enough not to lose their head in the heat of battle. In large skirmishes, Taurus warriors serve as shock troopers and front-line fighters; in small warbands, they might serve as leaders or scouts as well. This is the reason why Taurus warriors are better than any other race, they were extremely resistant, big, strong and polyvalent.

Wakazk ordered them to to build barracks so that they could sleep and store food, also they could withstand the harsh freezing cold of the night easier.

A magic flash bursted out of the altar and a roar echoed as a tall figure walked out.

What I saw stunned me. It was not a Taurus, it was a tauren from world of warcraft. Now I understand what my system is.

"You are Baine Blood hoof. Said the stunned Wakazk.

Baine kneeled down and said calmly "Bain Blood hoof greets my Lord"

"Okay, okay stand up. I have a request; I want you to be in charge of building barracks for taurens and to search food in the morning. I will go hunt with you in the morning and then go in the south to hunt more so that I can accumulate points to summon more taurens"

"Yes, lord" said the calm chieftain.

"You can learn the skills from your heroes, you have 1 gratis skill point left" said the frightening voice in his mind.

Wakazk made an order to the voice. "Learn Bain's skill".

"You can learn: Cleave, Uppercut, War stomp"

"Learn Cleave" said Wakazk, cleave is an ability that inflicts heavy weapon damage to an enemy. It also inflicts a range damage to the nearest enemy.

In fact cleave is really good because it inflicts range damage. Using it could easily kill more than five people per strike.

*Tauren are large, muscular humanoids and bovine in appearance, complete with hooves and horns. Tauren stand anywhere from nine to twelve feet tall and weigh anywhere from 650 to 1000 lbs . Their immense bodies are covered with fine, short fur that ranges in color from black, gray, white, red, brown and tan and any mottled combinations or variations.

Taurus change to Tauren. And tell me if I should change something or if there are too many mistakes.

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