
Rise of Pokemon in Beast world

Reborn in the world of beasts with " Poke System" Let's unveil the adventure of our mc and unearth the secret of his reincarnation. ------------------------------------------- Ps: this is just a fanfic of pokemon, i just own the characters. Every character used in novel is a fictional character so resemblance to any dead or alive is just a pure coincidence. Cover doesn't belong to me, if original creator has any issues they can inform me ------------------------------------------------ I am novice writer , writing for first time that's why there might be many mistakes English is not my mother tongue, that's why there are bound to be many grammar mistakes. My aim to write this novel is to hone my skills. Please bear with my weak vocabulary. ______________________________________

Loogy_3425 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter Two : Poke System.

<p>"Poke system??" Exclaimed Rai.<br/>{Yes host, your soul is unique compared to other people living in this world. That's why System chose you}<br/><br/>"unique, may be because i am not from this world". but Rai didn't think much about it, cause he is more excited to see system. it's like a ray shining on his dark world.<br/><br/>" So system how can you help me?" <br/>{Host, system will install all the instructions in your mind }<br/><br/>Suddenly Rai got a tingling sensation in his brain. After a few seconds it subsided and Rai got all the information about Poke System. <br/><br/>System generally release Tasks which rewards various kinds of Pokemon Crystals, apart from this there is Mall too where you can buy all props related to Pokemon, even Pokemon crystals too. But it requires alot of points to buy it.<br/><br/>"System, can you show me my status "<br/>Suddenly a blue transparent screen of rectangular shape appeared in front of his eye.<br/><br/>He saw his avatar on the screen and clicked it. Suddenly a new image appeared featuring his avatar with details below it.<br/><br/>[ Host : Rai Izanagi. ] <br/>[ Age : 20 ] <br/>[ Number of Pokemons: Zero. ]<br/>[ Talent: None. ]<br/>[ Props : None. ]<br/>[ Remarks : A puny mortal who is even <br/> Weaker than a stray dog ]<br/><br/>His status looked quite ordinary , he can understand after all he is nothing but just an ordinary human human. Despite that the last remarks still made his eyes twitch.<br/><br/>" Hehehe , system don't ya think this is quite a ruthless blow to your host"<br/>{I just showed truth } replied System.<br/><br/>Rai tried to open his mouth but he got speechless. No matter what it's true that he is way too weak currently.<br/><br/>"Let's calm down first"<br/>Exhaling a cool air he calmed himself down. Rai knew that he got atleast a chance to change his destiny.<br/><br/>He is not kind of guy who will succumb to fate and stay being a useless carp. He will leap over the dragon gate and transform into a true dragon.<br/><br/>Suddenly he remembered something<br/>"System don't you give any novice package?"<br/><br/>{Ofcourse you have a novice package}<br/>Rai felt like beating system , if it was any entity Rai would have surely started fighting.<br/><br/>"System, then why didn't ya tell me ?"<br/>{Because host never asked}<br/>Rai's eyes widened.<br/><br/>"You mean if i had not asked you, you would have never told me about it"<br/>{Exactly} mocked system.<br/><br/>Being mocked by his own system, how can Rai bear it.<br/>" System you *************"<br/><br/>{Host please don't lose your integrity, otherwise System will have to take some ruthless measures} System coldly stated.<br/>Rai suddenly got chills down to his spine. He knew if he said anything more than this, surely the end would be disastrous.<br/><br/>"Fine , just open the package" helplessly Rai surrendered here.<br/><br/>[Ding...Congratulations to Host for obtaining a chance to get a random talent]<br/>[Ding.....Congratulations to Host for obtaining a chance to get random Pokemon]<br/>[Ding.....Congratulations to Host for obtaining 1000 Poke points]<br/><br/>"Phew" it doesn't look bad. Atleast he will soon have his own contracted beast no, it should be called Pokemon.<br/> <br/>Rai finally got excited to know what ability and pokemon he will get from system.<br/><br/>As he looked on the ability option he saw a roulette and numerous abilities that are known to him on the roulette i.e Aura, psychic, Veridian force, dragon force etc. <br/><br/>He clicked on the spinning option and roulette suddenly started spinning at full speed . All now depends on his luck.<br/><br/>"I have never been that much lucky, i hope it's a good talent" Rai's muttered.<br/><br/>Suddenly the roulette slowed down and spindle finally stopped at Aura force.<br/>Rai's jaw dropped, he can't believe that he can be so lucky enough to win Aura force.<br/><br/>The Aura, an invisible force that emanating from powerful source of a living being. Every being has aura and every thing has different aura. People having this power can easily distinguish between evil and good. Not only that it also enables user to use very powerful skills.<br/><br/>Rai suddenly felt a powerful force emerging inside him like gushing river nourishing his all body. <br/><br/>He couldn't help but moan in pleasure. Although his expression were quite indecent at this moment but he was unaware of it cause the pleasure has already made him forget everything. <br/><br/>Finally it stopped and Rai exhaled a turbulent breath. He can feel that he has become quite powerful, now he can defeat 10 normal people easily.<br/><br/>Finally his eyes fell on pokemon section, closing his eyes for moment and opened his eyes with firm attitude. He resolutely touched the spinning option.<br/><br/>He was quite nervous since it would be his future partner who will climb all the mountains of hardships with him. slowly roulette stopped and a pokemon showed up. But Rai stopped there being prettified.<br/><br/>"Did i get blessings after crossing?"<br/>Not that he can be blamed since the the pokemon showing on the screen has already gave him a unimaginable shock<br/>Because the pokemon was...</p>