
Dancing Under the Stars

Winter had descended upon Hogwarts, turning it into a winter wonderland. Large christmas trees filled the castle and the Great Hall covered in beautiful ornaments.

In the Great Hall, Artland made his way over to the Ravenclaw table and tapped Gabrielle on the shoulder.

"Art!?" She turned, her cute face stuffed with food. She swallowed hard and looked up at him strangely. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me?" he asked, giving her a dazzling smile.

Gabrielle looked at Fleur who laughed and nodded her head.

Gabrielle looked at him mischievously and asked, "Will you get me a present?"

Dark lines appeared on Artland's forehead as he glared at the young girl. "Fine." he said through gritted teeth.

"Okay!" she said cheerfully, diving back into her food.

Art grumbled and placed a kiss on Fleur's forehead before walking back to his table. Fleur got up and walked over to the Gryffindor table a moment later, approaching Fred.

"Would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me, Mr. Weasley?" she asked, giving Artland a sweet smile.

"Why him!? Why not me!?" George yelled.

Fleur was stunned and let out a nervous laugh. "I don't even know which one of you I asked."

George grumbled and glared at Fred.

Fred on the other hand got up from his seat and took a knee in front of Fleur.

Grabbing her hand he said, "It would be an honour my lady. I will show you what a true gentleman is."

"Alright enough!" Artland said, kicking Fred over and making him fall on his face.

The hall erupted in laughter as Fred picked himself up, his eyes spitting fire at Artland.

Fleur giggled and walked back to her table, her high ponytail bouncing as she walked away.

"I have a date with your girlfriend." Fred said with a smug face.

"First and last one probably. A date, I mean." Artland rebuked, stealing some food from Fred's plate.

The two of them exchanged jabs the rest of the day while George was now looking for a date. Harry and Ron were also slightly panicking about finding a date for the Yule Ball.

"Go ask Ginny." Art told Harry in the Common Room. "Or Hermoine. You better hurry or someone else will ask them."

Ginny and Hermoine!?" Harry wheeled back in surprise.

Artland slapped the back of his head and scolded, "Though you probably don't see it, both of them are very pretty."

"Pretty?" Harry asked, surprised and looking over to Hermoine and Ginny who were whispering to each other. "Err.. I guess."

Artland rolled his eyes at this dense kid and focused back to his work. He was studying the ways to combine his magic with the word magic he learned from Professor Chip.

Art noticed that Krum flashed Hermione a smile which she blushed at.

"Looks like you are too late, Harry." Art smirked.


Today was the Yule Ball and everybody was buzzing in the castle. Girls were fretting over dresses and guys were trying to impress their dates.

Artland stood in front of the mirror, smoothing out his dress robes. They were satin black with gold trim around the collar and cuffs. The Cason coat of arms was on his left breast. His dress shirt was black as well while his tie was dark silver. Artland's hair was combed and styled, even he had to admit that he looked handsome.

Artland saw Fred and George fretting with their dress robes, second hand of course, and walked over to help them.

"Blasted second hand rubbish." Fred cursed under his breath as Artland adjusted his tie.

"Second hand, yes. But the man wearing them makes them brand new." Artland said as he waved his wand.

The robes started to change and became a dark orange.

"That looks better." Artland said and adjusted George's as well.

"Thank you Art." they said as they looked at each other in the mirror.

"Now let's go get our dates." Artland said with a laugh as he walked out of the room.

Fred and Artland made their way towards the Beauxbatons carriage to pick up their dates. They met many students with their dates, dressed in their best robes. Gabrielle and Fleur were standing outside waiting for them.

"Are we late?" Artland asked, a little worried.

"Not at all. Sister was just a little excited and we were early." Gabrielle said with a smirk on her face.

Fleur rolled her eyes and gave Art a kiss.

"You look very handsome." she said with a smile.

"And you look absolutely stunning." Art complimented her, his eyes roaming her body.

Gabrielle kicked Art in the shin and crossed her arms, waiting for him to compliment her.

"Yes yes my little princess. You look beautiful." Artland rolled his eyes and took something out from his robes. "A princess isn't complete without her tiara now is she?"

Gabrielle's eyes shone brightly as she gently took the tiaria and placed it on her head. She was giddy as she kept checking her appearance and adjusting the tiara constantly.

Fleur smiled at Fred and told him that he looked very handsome. Fred chuckled and rubbed his head in embarrassment. The four of them soon left and headed towards the Great Hall.

When they entered, McGonagall took them to a seperate room with the other champions and their partners. Art was stunned to see Hermoine there with Krum but gave her a knowing smirk that she blushed at.

"The first dance is for the Champions and their partners. Mr. Krum will go first with Miss Delacour following, then Cason and Potter." she said strictly before walking away.

Art heard the music start and Krum left with Hermoine and the others followed. Art squeezed the nervous hand of Gabrielle who was looking down at her shoes.

"Relax, chin up. You have nothing to be nervous about. You look beautiful and you have the hottest date here." Art whispered to her.

Gabrielle rolled her eyes but she listened to him and lifted her head.

Soon they stood in the middle of the dance floor and Art placed his hand on Gabrielle's waist. He shot a look at Fred and said, "Watch your hands Weasley."

Fred and Fleur laughed and they started to dance. Art spun Gabrielle round and round, causing her to laugh melodiously.

Soon the dance was over and everyone flooded the dance floor to start dancing. Art found Fleur soon and asked her to dance, holding his hand out and bowing slightly.

She giggled and took his hand. He guided her to the dance floor and danced with her for what seemed like hours. Soon they were out of breath and sat down at an empty table. Art waved his wand and a pair of glasses with liquor appeared.

"Wine? I didn't know you knew your wine." Fleur said surprised after taking a sip.

"I don't but the lady assured me that this was good stuff." Art said with a smirk, taking a sip.

Though he didn't like wine that much and preferred Butterbeer or Fire Whiskey, he knew that Fleur loved her wine like a typical french girl. He bought the bottle before the Yule Ball.

Fleur smiled at his sweetly and slowly sipped her wine. Art downed it in one gulp causing Fleur to scowl at him and mutter to herself.

Artland and Fleur watched Cedric and Cho slow dance together. Cedric saw them looking at him and secretly flipped them off while spinning Cho.

"Hahaha!" Art and Fleur laughed.

"Whatcha laughin bout?" Fred asked, slurring his words.

"Your breath." Art said, pushing his face away from his own.

"Having fun Fred?" Fleur asked with a smile.

"Of course mademoiselle. The girls have been lining up to dance with me, I will have you know." Fred said with a smirk.

"Get lost you git!" Art said to him. Fred smiled and left them alone.

Art then grabbed Fleur's hand and led her away from the dance and towards the Room of Requirement. Opening the door, Fleur gasped and saw the ceiling was covered in thousands of floating lights that sparkled like stars. A blanket and bottle of wine were on the floor.

Art and Fleur slowly danced for a bit under the lights until they laid down onto the blanket.

Laying down, they watched as the ceiling changed into beautiful images, like a movie theatre that Art visited with his parents.

The night slowly melted away as the two lovers fell into each other's arms.